Implementation of phonetic reading tandems to promote reading fluency as part of a teacher training program (TAFF)

The TAFF project is being carried out in cooperation with the project office "Individuelle Förderung Nordhessen" (Individual Support North Hesse), the study seminar in Fritzlar and the University of Kassel. The project examines the effectiveness of an advanced training program for the promotion of reading fluency that is closely based on the concept of phonetic reading tandems developed by Cornelia Rosebrock’s Frankfurt working group. In essence, the TAFF examines the question of how those third and fourth graders develop in their reading competence and in affective-motivational aspects of reading who are supported by teachers who participate in the advanced training of the Fritzlar study seminar. For this purpose, these students are compared in their development with students whose teachers do not initially participate in the training.