Project Title:Interaction in mathematics education with a focus on gender(IMaGe).
Abstracts:The IMaGe project investigates how teachers and students communicate with each other in mathematics classrooms. The focus is on whether teachers communicate differently with boys and girls and to what extent this has an impact on boys' and girls' self-concept and achievement development. Classroom videos from the PERLE project 's mathematics video study will be used as a sample and will be video-based analyzed under different aspects of teacher-student interaction.
Project Management:Prof. Dr. Friederike Heinzel, heinzel[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Prof. Dr. Frank Lipowsky, lipowsky[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Collaborator:Dr. Ann-Katrin Denn
Project duration:Completed
Funding Institution:Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts Research focus "Dimensions of the category gender - women's and gender studies in Hesse".
 Own funds
Publications:Denn, A.-K. (2021). Teachers' interactions with girls and boys in elementary school mathematics classrooms. Gender differences and correlations with girls' and boys' self-concept development. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
 Denn, A.-K., Lotz, M., Heinzel, F. & Lipowsky, F. (2016). Interaction in mathematics teaching with a focus on gender (IMaGe) - A video-based study in second-year mathematics classes. In K. Liebers, B. Landwehr, S. Reinhold, S. Riegler & R. Schmidt (Eds.), Facets of elementary school pedagogical and didactical research. (Jahrbuch Grundschulforschung Vol. 20) (pp.207-212). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
 Denn, A.-K., Heinzel, F. & Lipowsky, F. (2016). "And Marie, now you dare" - Combining quantitative and qualitative research in analyzing teachers' interactional behavior with girls and boys in mathematics classrooms. Jahrbuch Grundschulforschung Vol. 21.
 Denn, A.-K., Lotz, M., Theurer, C. & Lipowsky, F. (2015). "Prima Lisa. Right" and "Psst, Max. Stop interrupting!". A quantitative study of differences in teachers' feedback behaviors toward girls and boys in second-year mathematics classrooms. GENDER, 1, 29-47.