Multi-professional Teams in all-day Schools (MuTiG)

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" (Professionalization through Networking - Continuation and Potentiation PRONET2).

Project title:Multi-Professional Teams in All-Day Schools (MuTiG)
Management:Prof. Dr. Natalie Fischer and Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Kuhn
Scientific collaboration:Johanna Valentin, Lea Stahl
Stud. Collaboration:Sebastian Heitmann, Nike Scheitz
Funding:Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Duration:Since 1'2015 (PRONET), currently PRONET2 from 1'2019 to 12'2023.
Project description:

The project aims to provide students of the teaching profession with competencies to design processes of social inclusion as well as precursor skills to cooperate in a multi-professional team. A prejudice-conscious attitude, also in relation to other professions, is necessary to be able to use heterogeneity productively for educational processes. To reduce prejudices and to change subjective theories, both the perception of discrimination structures and the knowledge of different (professional and non-professional) positionings, evaluations and (un)conscious attitudes prove to be promising.

The implementation and relevance of cooperation with other professions is learned in the project through practical testing. The students reflect on different points of view and their own prejudices using elements from anti-bias training. These elements are then implemented in a service-learning project lasting several weeks in an all-day school, which is intended to address and reduce group-related misanthropy among the students. Tandems, each consisting of a prospective teacher and a social work student, carry out a measure in the all-day school.

The evaluation of the project is based on a mixed-methods design with two comparison groups and a control group. It focuses on the ability to reflect, tendencies towards prejudice, attitudes towards cooperation with other professions, and pedagogical competence and performance (such as perspective-taking, value pluralism, active listening).

This text is the result of a machine translation and serves only as a working aid. No responsibility is accepted for any inaccuracies or translation errors. The German version is in any case legally binding.