Theory and Methodology of Counseling

Teaching Content

We offer regular courses for the degree programs Psychology (B.Sc.), Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (M.Sc.) and Business, Psychology and Management (M.Sc.). The focus is on teaching with a practical orientation.

Examples of our regularly offered courses:

  • Psychology (B.Sc.): Areas of applied psychology, and alternating seminars on the topics of health psychology, prevention and rehabilitation psychology
  • Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (M.Sc.): Empirical project seminar, accompanying seminar of practical activity
  • Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc.): Business coaching, human resources development, psychological disorders in the world of work, career counseling, conception and evaluation of training measures

Research Focus

We mainly conduct research on the impact factors of work-related counseling.

Among other things, we investigate here

  • Effectiveness of psychotherapy and counseling (especially supervision and coaching)
  • Development of counselor and psychotherapist personality
  • Didactics of psychotherapy and counseling training
  • Quality assurance in organizational and personal services
  • Sustainable organizational development
  • Support of organizations on the way to agility
  • Diversity in organizations (age, gender, interculturality)
  • Leadership development in an international context


This text is the result of a machine translation and serves only as a working aid. No responsibility is accepted for any inaccuracies or translation errors.