Office hours

Meetings can take place - after email request - via ZOOM.


Martina Kolckhorst
Phone: +49 561 804-1932
Fax: +49 561 804-3586

Summer semester 2024

Psychooncology (B. Sc. Psychology)

winter semester 2023/24

Sexual Counseling (B. Sc. Psychology)

Summer semester 2023

Psychooncology (B.Sc. Psychology)

Winter semester 2022/23

Discrimination-sensitive counseling (B.Sc. Psychology)

Summer semester 2022

Sexual Counseling (B.Sc. Psychology)

Winter semester 2021/22

Empirical project seminar (M. Sc. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy)

Communication Psychology (B. Sc. Psychology)

Crisis Intervention (B. A. Social Work)

Summer semester 2021

Psycho-oncology (B.Sc. Psychology and B.A. Social Work)

Sexual Counseling (B.Sc. Psychology)

WS 19/20

Clinical project seminar (B.Sc. Psychology)


10/2016 - 12/2019: Master of Science, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Kassel

Topic of the Master's thesis: Crying in psychotherapy: Forms of emotional crying and therapist styles in dealing with them

09/2018 - 01/2019: Semester abroad, Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, Rome (Italy)

10/2013 - 08/2016: Bachelor of Science, Psychology, University of Kassel

Topic of the Bachelor's thesis: Therapist styles in dealing with crying in anxiety-ridden psychotherapy patients

Professional career:

Since 04/2022: Research assistant at the Chair of Theory and Methodology of Counseling, Institute of Psychology, University of Kassel

07/2024 - 01/2025: Psychotherapist in training (PiA) and reference therapist in withdrawal treatment for people with dependency disorders, Fachklinik F42 (ADV Rehabilitation und Integration gGmbH), Berlin

04/2022 - 01/2023: Course coordination and counseling in the Master's program in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Kassel

04/2021 - 03/2022: Lecturer for special tasks (LfbA) at the Chair of Theory and Methodology of Counseling, Institute of Psychology, University of Kassel

03/2020 - 03/2021: Work as a clinical psychologist in oncology, Urological Competence Center for Rehabilitation, Kliniken Hartenstein Bad Wildungen

10/2019 - 03/2020: Teaching assignment (clinical project seminar) at the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Institute of Psychology, University of Kassel

02/2019 - 05/2019: Internship at the Institute for Sexology and Sexual Medicine, Charité Berlin

05/2016 - 12/2019: Student assistant at the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and in the University Outpatient Clinic, Institute of Psychology, University of Kassel

02/2016 - 04/2016: Internship at the addiction ward of the Ludwig-Noll-Hospital, Kassel

07/2015 - 09/2015: Internship at the psychiatric day clinic Nauen, Havelland Kliniken

09/2012 - 08/2013: Voluntary social year at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Nürtingen (teaching hospital of Tübingen University Hospital)

Further training:

Since 09/2022: Training as a psychological psychotherapist at the Berlin Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis e.V. (BIPP): Psychoanalysis and depth psychology-based psychotherapy (DPG & DGPT)

02/2024: Advanced training "Racism-sensitive psychotherapy: How does it work?" under the direction of Uli Heidemann (DPtV German Psychotherapists Association, Berlin)

04/2023: Introduction to the Personality-System Interactions (PSI) model; led by Uli Gehring (GQ Quest Academy, Heidelberg School)

11/2022: Motivational Interviewing in groups; under the direction of Uli Gehring (GQ Quest Academy, Heidelberg School)

03/2022 - 03/2023: University didactic training LLUKAS (teaching-learning skills), University of Kassel

11/2021: Introduction to Motivational Interviewing; under the direction of Uli Gehring (GQ Quest Academy, Heidelberg School)

06/2021: Advanced training "Arriving in the right gender? - Psychosocial counseling with trans*people and their relatives" under the direction of Mari Günther at EZI Berlin

Scientific fields of interest:

Dissertation project: The Phenomenon of Crying in Psychotherapy: A Mixed-Methods-Approach

Psychotherapy and psychotherapy process research; emotions in psychotherapy, especially crying in psychotherapy; sexuality and sexology

Journal article

Gutjahr, F. & Hennemann, L. (2025) Between theory and practice: How can discrimination-sensitive counseling succeed? Organizational Consulting, Supervision, Coaching, 32(1).

Gutjahr, F., & Möller, H. (2024). "Is anyone here?", and "Here", Echo had replied: Portrayals of narcissistic personality disorder in movies. PTT Personality Disorders: Theory and Therapy, 28(4), 470-487. DOI 10.21706/ptt-28-4-470

Gutjahr, F., & Benecke, C. (2024). Crying in psychotherapy: an exploratory mixed-methods study on forms of emotional crying and associated therapeutic interventions. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 27(1).

Gutjahr, F. & Möller, H. (2024). Together through the valley of tears: Dealing with crying in coaching and counseling. Training Aktuell, 5, 30-34.

Gutjahr, F. & Möller, H. (2022). Crying in coaching - or: Does the tissue dispenser belong in every coaching practice? Organizational consulting, supervision, coaching.

Congress contributions

Gutjahr, F. & Benecke, C. (2024). Forms of emotional crying in psychotherapy and their implications within the psychotherapeutic process. Research Talk on the 55th Annual Meeting of the SPR, Ottawa (CA).

Gutjahr, F., & Benecke, C. (2024). Crying in a Group: Functions and Effects of Emotional Tears Within Group Dynamics. Research Talk on the EASP Meeting on Emotional Crying in Social Context, Łódź (PL).

Gutjahr, F. & Watolla, T. (2023). Talking tears: a qualitative linguistic approach to the essence of emotional crying in psychotherapy and beyond. Research Talk on the19th General Meeting of the EASP, Kraków (PL).

Gutjahr, F. & Benecke, C. (2023). Forms of emotional crying in psychotherapy and their significance for the psychotherapeutic process. Presentation at the 2nd German Psychotherapy Congress (DPK), Berlin.

Gutjahr, F. & Benecke, C. (2022). How therapists deal with crying in psychotherapy and why we should urgently address it. Research Talk at the 52nd DGPs Congress, Hildesheim.

Book reviews

Gutjahr, F. (2024). Book review: Heltzel, R. (2021). Psychodynamic counselling in organizations. Integrative concepts and moving encounters. Group Psychotherapy and Group Dynamics, 2, 165-168.