Johannes Thüne
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Research assistant
Short vita
Since January 2020 | Research associate at the Chair of Systematic Theology at the University of Kassel |
2019 | Graduation with the First State Examination for the teaching profession at grammar schools in the subjects Catholic Religious Education and German. Exam thesis: "History as Construction. On the self-understanding of the history of theology and church history." |
2018 - 2019 | Student representative of Catholic theology and member of the student council in the department 02 of the University of Kassel. |
2013 - 2019 | Activities as student assistant (mainly at the chairs of Early Modern History and Systematic Theology) |
2012-2019 | Studies for the Gymnasiumlehramt with the subject combination Catholic Theology, German Studies and History at the University of Kassel.
Past courses
- VO/SE Taking responsibility for faith. Introduction to Systematic Theology I
- SE Ecclesiology - with a focus on synodality
- SE Introduction to the methods of systematic theology.
- SE "Mystical" theology - love of God, neighbor and self belong together
- SE The Liberation Theologian Leonardo Boff (Reading Seminar)
- SE Introduction to the Methods of Systematic Theology
- SE "Cast Your Net". Theology on the Internet
- SE History of Theology