Johannes Thüne

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Research assistant

Person photo ThüneImage: Paavo Blafield


Henschelstraße 2
Room 1139A
+49 561 804 3495

Office hours
by appointment

Short vita

Since January 2020Research associate at the Chair of Systematic Theology at the University of Kassel
2019Graduation with the First State Examination for the teaching profession at grammar schools in the subjects Catholic Religious Education and German. Exam thesis: "History as Construction. On the self-understanding of the history of theology and church history."
2018 - 2019Student representative of Catholic theology and member of the student council in the department 02 of the University of Kassel.
2013 - 2019Activities as student assistant (mainly at the chairs of Early Modern History and Systematic Theology)

Studies for the Gymnasiumlehramt with the subject combination Catholic Theology, German Studies and History at the University of Kassel.

  • Parallel to the studies: Completion of the first phase of the education of the teaching subject "Theater/Darstellendes Spiel" as well as completion of the Italicum.


Current course

- SE with excursion "Poverty as locus theologicus the footsteps of Francesco and Chiara dʼAssisi"

Current course: More Infos

Past courses

  • VO/SE Taking responsibility for faith. Introduction to Systematic Theology I
  • SE Ecclesiology - with a focus on synodality
  • SE Introduction to the methods of systematic theology.
  • SE "Mystical" theology - love of God, neighbor and self belong together
  • SE The Liberation Theologian Leonardo Boff (Reading Seminar)
  • SE Introduction to the Methods of Systematic Theology
  • SE "Cast Your Net". Theology on the Internet
  • SE History of Theology