Welcome to the Institute of Catholic Theology!

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Current events

Save the Date - Religious Pedagogical-Theological Study Day

As part of the Diversity Week of the FB 02, the next Religious Education Theological Study Day of the IKTh will take place on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, from 3 p.m. to approx. 8 p.m. on the topic "Heavenly harmony?! Theological paths to gender justice" will take place.
Further information will be announced in good time.

Please make a note of this date now!

Address & Contact

University ofKassel
Faculty 02
Humanities and Cultural Studies
Institute for Catholic Theology

Henschelstr. 2
D-34127 Kassel

Institute Director
Prof. Dr. Mirja Kutzer
+49 561 804-3486 (phone)

Institute Secretariat
Dagmar Knauf
+49 561 804-3485 (phone)

!!! Vacation from 19.08. - 06.09.2024 !!!

Study Workshop "Bible in Conversation

The study workshop "Bibel im Gespäch" of the Institute of Catholic Theology can be found in room 1127 in Henschelstraße 2.

Opening hours: Friday, 10.00-12.00 (except May 3, 2024)
Inquiries to Katharina Barth

Contact persons:

Study Workshop "Bible in Conversation: More Infos
Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne
