Raphael Schlehahn

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Personal photo Raphael SchlehahnImage: Yvonne Sophie Thöne

Research assistant in the PRONET2 subproject 35 "Theological interdisciplinarity and interreligious education in the training of teachers of religion"


Henschelstraße 2, Room 1138 A
+49 561 804 3491


Office hours: by appointment

  • 2012-2015 Studies of Business Education (B) at the University of Kassel. Bachelor thesis: Didactical challenges of ethnic-cultural diversity in business education. Degree: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
  • 2015-2018 Student assistant, tutor in the department of Biblical Theology / Old Testament.
  • 2015-2018 Studied business education (M) at the University of Kassel. Master's thesis: "Religion goes through the stomach" - The food commandments as a Judean identity marker in the exilic-post-exilic period. Degree: Master of Education (M.Ed.).  
  • January 2018-March 2018 Research assistant in the department of Biblical Theology / Old Testament.
  • April 2018-January 2019 Research Assistant (50%) in the Department of Biblical Theology / Old Testament, Institute of Catholic Theology, University of Kassel [parental leave replacement].
  • April 2018-February 2019 Research assistant (50%) in PRONET (Professionalization through Networking)-subproject 34 "Representation of Sexualized Violence in Bible and Religious Education" within the framework of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education of the German Federal and State Governments, Departments of Biblical Theology / Old Testament and Religious Education, Institute of Catholic Theology, University of Kassel [parental leave substitute].
  • Since February 2019 Research assistant (50%) in the PRONET subproject 35 "Theological interdisciplinarity and interreligious education in the training of teachers of religion" within the framework of the quality offensive teacher training of the federal and state governments, subject areas Biblical Theology / Old Testament, Religious Education and Systematic Theology, Institute of Catholic Theology, University of Kassel
  • Since 01.08.2020 Research Assistant (50 %) in the Department of Biblical Theology / Old Testament, Institute of Catholic Theology, University of Kassel [parental leave replacement].

Summer Semester 2021:

Introduction to the Methods of Biblical Studies

Winter semester 2020/2021:

Introduction to the Methods of Biblical Studies

Summer Semester 2018:

The Babylonian Exile - Trigger of a new religious and cultural identity?!

Schlehahn, R. (2019). Endangering gazes. Sexualized violence in Old Testament narratives (Bathsheba and Tamar). In: Y. S. Thöne (Ed.), Beautiful! Biblical aspects of beauty (pp. 61-70). Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk (FBA 40).

Schlehahn, R. (2019). Bible study on: Dangerous gazes. Sexualized violence in Old Testament narratives. In: Y. S. Thöne (Ed.), Beautiful! Biblical aspects of beauty (pp. 110-114). Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk (FBA 40).

"You are what you eat!" - Food as a sign of religious and cultural identity in the three monotheistic religions. Lecture at the 3rd Theological Study Day for Pupils and Students "Du bist/isst/ leben/liebst/stirbst/feierst wie du glaubst! Interreligious diversity as an opportunity and challenge", University of Kassel, 27.11.2019

"Religion goes through the stomach" - Old Testament food commandments as identity markers in the context of the first temple destruction. Lecture at the Graduate Workshop "Eating Cultures of Communion", Kurhaus Trifels, 11-13.9.2019. Organized by the BMBF-funded project "Esskulturen. Objects - Practices - Semantics".

Teacher training (micro training): Digital Mindmapping in Religious Education via MURAL

Together with Sarah Caroline Jäger: #MeToo: What does sexualized violence have to do with the Bible? Workshop on 28.11.2018 in the context of the 2nd Theological Study Day for Pupils on the topic "Love, Friendship, Sexuality", University of Kassel.