Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jürgens
Professor, Section: Microsociology and Faculty Speaker of Sociology
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-3133
- juergens[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
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- Microsociology
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- Nora-Platiel-Straße 5
34127 Kassel
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- Nora-Platiel 5, Raum 3113
For the consultation hours, please register via mail. Send a short message with your request, an indication of the study program as well as your phone number. Questions regarding grades/entries in HISPOS should be directed to the secretary's office.
Professional career
- After studying sociology, political science, Romance languages and literature, and education at the Philipps University of Marburg (1990-1992), transferred to the University of Hanover.
- 1995 state examination.
- 1996-2000 worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Sociology and Social Psychology at the University of Hanover; there, in addition to teaching, among other things, implementation of the "VW Project" ("Zwischen Volks- und Kinderwagen", Edition Sigma 1998), member of the departmental council and council, senate commission for the promotion of young academics, pilot study on the topic of "Times of the City". 1999 doctorate (Dr. phil.) on the topic of "Familiale Lebensführung".
- 2000-2006 research assistant. Active in various university committees; board member. Cooperation project with the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and ISO Saarbrücken on new demands on the "balance of work and life" ("Prekäre Balancen", Edition Sigma 2004). Various stays abroad; scholarship from DAAD and MSH / France; research collaborations in Paris and Toulouse. 2006 Habilitation (Venia Legendi for "Sociology") on the topic "Arbeit- und Lebenskraft. Reproduction as Stubborn Boundary Drawing" (Verlag Sozialwissenschaften 2006, 2nd edition 2009).
- 2006-2008 substitute professor at Leibniz University Hannover. Committee activities, conception of new courses of study and focus coordinator. Various expert reports on the topic of "work and life", e.g. for the Seventh Family Report of the German Federal Government.
- Since 2008 professor at the University of Kassel and head of the department of micro-sociology. Current research projects focus on the study of digital change, the analysis of animal-human relationships, and people's ideas about the future and time.
Offices and functions - external (selection)
- Advisory board of digitalRat.Niedersachsen (-2023)
- Advisory Council of the Board of Trustees of the Hans Böckler Foundation
- Advisory Council of the Board of Trustees of the Sociological Research Institute Göttingen (SOFI)
- Advisory Board of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Hans Böckler Foundation (HBS, since 2016)
- Advisory board of the WSI-Mitteilungen
- Reviewer for various foundations and journals
- Advisory board of various scientific project advisory boards
- Advisory board of the future commission "Niedersachsen 2030" (2019-2021)
- Head of the expert commission "Work of the Future" of the Hans Böckler Foundation (2015-2017)
- Advisory board of the expert commission "Arbeit 4.0" of the BMAS (2015-2017)
- Advisory board of the Journal for Social Reform (ZSR), (2015-2018).
- Spokesperson of the Section for Sociology of Work and Industry of the German Sociological Association (2010-2015)
- Board member of the Section of Sociology of Work and Industry of the German Sociological Association (2011-2015)
- Co-editor of the online journal "AIS-Studien" (2010-2015)(
Offices and functions - internal (selection)
- Erasmus representative for France (Paris, EHESS) (from 4/2022)
- Speaker of the Sociology Section (since 4/2021)
- Advisory Board of the Central Ethics Committee of the University of Kassel (since 2019)
- Advisory Board of the Directorate of the Center for Teacher Education (ZLB) (since 2017)
- Advisory Board of the Departmental Council of Social Sciences
- Program coordinator
- General Assembly of the Center for Teacher Education (ZLB) (since 2008)
- Advisory board of the cooperation center university-unions
- Speaker of the Sociology Department (2008-2012, 4-11/2019)
- Studienfachberatung (2016-2019)
- BAföG recognition (2016-2019)
- Associate Dean of the Department of Social Sciences (2012-2015)
- German Sociological Association (DGS)
- Section of Sociology of Work and Industry in the German Sociological Association (DGS)
- DGS Section Family Sociology
- German Association of Universities (DHV)
- Trade Union Education & Science (GEW)
- "Co-determination in the digital transformation". Presentation at the IG Metall conference "Mehr Mitbestimmung wagen!", February 2022.
"Companions for the Lockdown? Animal-human relationships between liveliness and instrumentalization" Presentation by Kerstin Jürgens, Markus Kurth & Sarah Mönkeberg at the Joint Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS) and the Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS), August 2021.
- Interview with, Vermittlungsgesellschaft für Verbraucherverträge GmbH (02.09.2020) on the topic of "Home office - not a no-brainer: what remains to be clarified even after Corona".To the interview
- Audio podcast on the topic "Future of Work" in the forum "Hessen schafft Wissen" (April 2020) To the interview
- Kerstin Jürgens on the topic of "With a child in the home office" in an interview with CERTO - Magazine for Occupational Safety and Health (April 22, 2020). To the interview
- In an interview with BR Podcast (March 24, 2020, 7 min.) on the topic of "Home office instead of office work". To the interview
- Guest on "Scobel" on the topic of "Welcome to the world of work 4.0" (NeuroForum of the Hertie Foundation. Broadcast: 3sat, November 7, 2019) To the broadcast.
- Kerstin Jürgens in an interview with GEO Wissen (issue no. 66) on the topic of the working world, "How to achieve the right work-life balance" (November 2019) To the interview and article
- Lecture at Haydauer Forum "Leadership in rapidly changing times" (Oct. 24, 2019).
- Interviewed by the German Center for Research and Innovation (New York) (September 2019).
- Symposium "Eigensinn und beispielisches Denken" on the occasion of the 85th birthday of Prof. Oskar Negt: Life and Work Panel (Sept. 11, 2019).
- In an interview with GEO kompakt on the topic of "Work and Happiness" (2019)
- Kerstin Jürgens in conversation with Juan S. Guse at the Literaturhaus Hannover on "Visions of the Future" (27.05.2019)
- 100 years of women's suffrage. Kerstin Jürgens in interview: "We have to rethink productivity!" (Hans Böckler Foundation)
- Science Year 2018 (BMBF): "It wouldn't have happened to a robot! How artificial intelligence and digitalization are changing our working world". Panel discussion (20.11.2018).
- Interview in the magazine "publik" of the University of Kassel.
- "Everything new in the world of work?" Introductory lecture Pro NordHessen e.V. (14.11.2018).
- Panel "Future of Work" at the Congress of the German Sociological Association in Göttingen (28.09.2018).
- Panel at the conference "Digital Capitalism" of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Deutscher Gewerschaftsbund in Hannover (21.09.2018).
- Munich Re Foundation Dialogue Forums 2018: Working world 4.0 - of robots and humans (16.05.2018).
- Kerstin Jürgens at "re:publica" in conversation with Secretary of State Björn Böhning (BMAS) and John-Dylan Haynes on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms and the Work of Tomorrow" (03.05.2018).
- Symposium "Is man doing away with man? The Future of Work in the Digital Age" of the Bucerius Lab of the ZEIT Foundation (13.04.2018).
- Lecture at the Political Club at the Protestant Academy Tutzing on the topic "Arbeit 4.0 - Digitale Ökonomie und Sozialstaat" (03/17/2018).
- Wiener Stadtgespräch, Kerstin Jürgens in conversation with Peter Humer (15.03.2018).
- Prof. Jürgens in interview at WILA Arbeitsmarkt, Infodienst für Berufe in Bildung, Kultur und Sozialwesen Heft 2/2018.
- Prof. Jürgens in the documentary "Kollege Roboter" by ZDF (7.12.2017).
- Kerstin Jürgens in the forum "Industrie 4.0" of the NDR (4.12.2017).
2022 |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Kurth, Markus/ Mönkeberg, Sarah (2022): Convivial life with pets? An empirical search for traces. In: Tierstudien (issue 11), forthcoming. |
2021 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2021): With sociology into the profession. A handout. Bielefeld: transcript (utb) (awarded the Réné König textbook prize: |
Commission Niedersachsen 2030 (ed.) (2021): Lower Saxony - potentials and perspectives. Expert opinion of the commission. Hanover: State Chancellery of Lower Saxony. |
Mertens, Julia/ Jürgens, Kerstin (2021): Lehramtsstudium digital - Zwischenergebnisse einer qualitativen Prä-Post-Befragung. Working paper in the project network PRONET-D. University of Kassel. |
2020 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2020): Work. In: Schinkel, Sebastian/ Hösel, Fanny/ Köhler, Sina-Mareen/ König, Alexandra/ Schilling, Elisabeth/ Schreiber, Julia/ Soremski, Regina/ Zschach, Maren (Eds.): Zeit im Lebensverlauf. A Glossary. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 37-42. |
2019 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2019): Education for the digital world of work. In: Continuing Education (4), pp. 28-31. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2019): The "smart" life. A promise of digitalization put to the test. In: Kohlrausch, Bettina/ Schildmann, Christina/ Voss, Dorothea (eds.): Neue Arbeit - neue Ungleichheiten? Consequences of digitalization. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 53-68. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2019): Science and practice - a strategic alliance in the digitalized world of work. In: Wernecke, Frank/ Behle, Christine/ Kocsis, Andrea (eds.): Convinced, authentic, combative. VSA-Verlag. S. 188-196. |
2018 |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Hoffmann, Reiner/ Schildmann, Christina (2018): Transforming work! Food for thought from the commission "Arbeit der Zukunft". Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB), Vol. 10244. Bonn. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2018): Work and life. In: Böhle, Fritz/ Voß, G. Günter/ Wachtler, Günther (eds.): Handbuch Arbeitssoziologie. Wiesbaden: VS (2nd revised ed.), pp. 483-510. |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Hoffmann, Reiner/ Schildmann, Christina (2018): Let's transform work! Recommendations and proposals from the Commission on the work of the future. Study series of Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, No. 376. Düsseldorf. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2018): The social integration power of work. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 71 (6), pp. 439-447. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2018): Courage for social justice. In: Checkpoint Demokratie e.V. (ed.): Wenn ich mir was wünschen dürfte - Impulse für eine Demokratie der Moderne. Marburg: Schüren, pp. 26-30. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2018): Work and reproduction. In: Dörre, Klaus/ Mayer-Ahuja, Nicole/ Sauer, Dieter/ Wittke, Volker (Eds.): Capitalism and Labor. Towards Critical Perspectives. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, pp. 241-256. |
2017 |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Hoffmann, Reiner/ Schildmann, Christina (2017): Transforming work! Food for thought from the commission "Arbeit der Zukunft". Bielefeld: transcript. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2017): Reproduction of labor power. In: Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut/ Minssen, Heiner (eds.): Lexikon der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie. Berlin: edition sigma (2nd revised edition), pp. 420-424. |
2016 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2016): More in demand than ever: labor policy artistry, in: WSI-Mitteilungen 69 (2), p. 84. |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Fehr, Sonja (2016): Family and work: between time and money constraints. Old and new challenges of a key socio-political issue. In: Bremen Chamber of Employees (ed.): Mehr Vereinbarkeit wagen! Bremen: Bremen Chamber of Employees, pp. 12-29. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2016): Familienbewusste Arbeitswelt. Stellungnahme zum Fragenkatalog der Enquête-Kommission V des Landtages Nordrhein-Westfalen. February 19, 2016, hearing 16/3439, Düsseldorf. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2016): Between continuity and change: retelling the future. In: Impuls, (journal of the IGBCE), pp. 6-7. |
2015 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2015): Work is more than income and employment. In: Social Law + Practice 25 (11), pp. 691-699. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2015): Entgrenzung von Zeit&Raum - die Zukunft der Arbeit. In: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (ed.): Die digitale Gesellschaft. Berlin. S. 14-15. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2015): Underestimated work. In: spw - Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft (206), pp. 24-29. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2015): Recognizing interconnections: For a reorganization of work and life. In: Hoffmann, Reiner/ Bogedan, Claudia (eds.): Arbeit der Zukunft. Exploiting possibilities - setting limits. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, pp. 289-310. |
2014 |
Dörre, Klaus/Jürgens, Kerstin/ Matuschek, Ingo (eds.) (2014): Labor in Europe. Market fundamentalism as a test of endurance. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2014): "Work on the Chain." In: Wetzel, Detlef/ Hofmann, Jörg/ Urban, Hans-Jürgen (eds.): Industriearbeit und Arbeitspolitik. Fields of cooperation between science and trade unions. Hamburg: VSA, pp. 32-33. |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Mönkeberg, Sarah (2014): Report on the Spring 2014 Meeting of the Section for the Sociology of Work and Industry. In: Sociology 43 (4), pp. 472-474. |
Dörre, Klaus/ Jürgens, Kerstin/ Matuschek, Ingo (2014): A Europe of divisions and polarizations? Labor in the wake of market fundamentalism. In: This (ed.): Working in Europe. Market fundamentalism as a test of endurance. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, pp. 9-21. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2014): "Sinnvolle Arbeit" - der Maßstab "Guter Arbeit". In: Dörre, Klaus/ Jürgens, Kerstin/ Matuschek, Ingo (2014): Working in Europe. Market fundamentalism as a test of endurance. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, pp. 325-338. |
2013 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2013): Germany in the reproductive crisis - a post-review of a diagnosis. In: Nickel, Hildegard Maria/ Heilmann, Andreas (eds.): Crisis, Critique, Alliances. Perspectives on work and gender sociology. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 70-85. |
Heiden, Mathias/ Jürgens, Kerstin (2013): Kräfteftemessen. Companies and employees in the conflict of reproduction. Berlin: edition sigma. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2013): Reproduction of labor power. In: Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut/ Minssen, Heiner (eds.): Lexikon der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie. Berlin: edition sigma, pp. 420-424. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2013): Is "compatibility" in where "compatibility" is written? Business, politics and science on the tightrope walk. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 66 (6), pp. 460-461. |
2012 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2012): Labor and reproduction. In: Dörre, Klaus/ Sauer, Dieter/ Wittke, Volker (eds.): Arbeitssoziologie und Kapitalismustheorie. Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus, pp. 273-288. |
Holst, Hajo/ Jürgens, Kerstin/ Wittke, Volker (2012): Report on the 2012 Spring Meeting of the Section for the Sociology of Work and Industry. In: Sociology 41 (4), pp. 100-104. |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Kratzer, Nick/ Wittke, Volker (2012): Annual report of the sociology of work and industry section. In: Sociology 41 (3), pp. 323-328. |
2011 |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Voß, G. Günter (2011): Annual report of the section of sociology of work and industry. In: Sociology 40 (3), pp. 320-324. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2011): Precarious life. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 64 (8), pp. 379-385. |
2010 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2010): Work and life. In: Böhle, Fritz/ Voß, G. Günter/ Wachtler, Günther (eds.): Handbuch Arbeitssoziologie. Wiesbaden: VS, PP. 483-510. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2010): Germany in the reproduction crisis. In: Leviathan 38 (4), pp. 559-587. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2010): Compass in social change: on the critique of the normal employment relationship. In: Journal of Social Reform (4), pp. 421-425. |
2009 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2009 [2006]): Labor and life force. Reproduction as obstinate boundary drawing. Wiesbaden: VS 2nd edition). |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2009): The economization of time in flexible capitalism. In: Borchers, Dagmar/ Pape, Klaus (eds.): Gute Arbeit - Gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen und betriebliche Praxis. Hannover: Offizin. |
2008 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2008): Broadening perspectives instead of staging crises. A contribution to the discourse on the future of sociology of work and industry. In: Huchler, Norbert (Ed.): Ein Fach wird vermessen. Positions on the Future of the Discipline of Industrial Sociology. Berlin: edition sigma, pp. 45-68. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2008): Reproduction as practice. On the mediating context of labor and life force. In: Berlin Journal of Sociology 18 (2), pp.193-220. |
2007 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2007): The economization of time in flexible capitalism. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 60 (4), pp.167-173. |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Voß, G. Günter (2007): Social division of labor as a performance of the person. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (34), pp. 3-9. |
2006 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2006): Vie de famille et flexibilité du temps de travail en Allemagne: le mythe de la conciliation. In: Revue Internationale Enfances, Familles, Générations (4), pp. 1-15. |
2005 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2005): The new incompatibility? Family life and flexible working hours. In: Seifert, Hartmut (ed.): Flexible Zeiten in der Arbeitswelt. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, pp. 169-190. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2005): Questions for a working time policy of the life course. In: Bsirske, Frank/ Mönig-Raane, Margret/ Sterkel, Gabriele/ Wiedemuth, Jörg (eds.) (2005): Perspective on new time distribution. Hamburg: VSA, pp. 108-120. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2005): No end to working time and family. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung. Sonderheft 5 (ed. by Mischau, Anina/ Oechsle, Mechthild (ed.): Arbeitszeit - Familienzeit - Lebenszeit: Verlieren wir die Balance?) Wiesbaden: VS, PP. 34-53. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2005): Broadening perspectives instead of staging crises. A contribution to the discourse on the future of sociology of work and industry. In: Work 14 (3), pp. 173-190. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2005 [2003]): Zeithandeln - eine neue Kategorie der Arbeitssoziologie. In: Gottschall, Karin/ Voß, G. Günter (eds.): Entgrenzung von Arbeit und Leben. On the changing relationship between gainful employment and the private sphere in everyday life. Munich / Mering: Hampp, pp. 37-58 (2nd ed.). |
2004 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2004): No tightrope walk without a net. On the Functionality of Individual and Corporate Boundaries. In: Pongratz, Hans J./ Voß, G. Günter (Eds.): TypischArbeitskraftunternehmer?Findings of Empirical Labor Research. Berlin: edition sigma, pp. 163-186. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2004): Review: Norbert F. Schneider, Ruth Limmer, Kerstin Ruckdeschel (2002): Mobile, flexible, bound. Family and Work in a Mobile Society. In: Work 13 (3), 332-333. |
Eberling, Matthias/ Hielscher, Volker/ Hildebrandt, Eckart/ Jürgens, Kerstin (2004): Precarious Balances. Flexible working hours between company regulation and individual demands.Berlin: edition sigma. |
2003 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2003): Farewell to the concept - farewell to the conflict? (Replica of Karl Lenz: Family - Farewell to a Concept?). In: Erwägen Wissen Ethik 14 (3), pp. 526-528. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2003): The chimera of compatibility. Family life and flexibilized working hours. In: Journal of the Sociology of Education and Socialization 23 (3), pp. 251-267. |
Steinrücke, Margareta/ Jürgens, Kerstin (2003): Disposing of one's own time is the measure of freedom. Utopias in work and family. In: Loccumer Initiative kritischer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler (ed.): Mut zur konkreten Utopie. Alternatives to the Prevailing Economy. Kritische Interventionen, 8. Hannover: Offizin, pp. 113-136. |
Steinrücke, Margareta/ Jürgens, Kerstin (2003): The disposal of one's own time is the measure of freedom - utopias in work and family. In: UTOPIE kreativ (148) (February 2003), 136-148. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2003): Zeithandeln - eine neue Kategorie der Arbeitssoziologie. In: Gottschall, Karin/ Voß, G. Günter (eds.): Entgrenzung von Arbeit und Leben. On the changing relationship between gainful employment and the private sphere in everyday life. Munich/ Mering: Hampp, pp. 37-58. |
2002 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2002): Working time flexibilization. Market adjustment or new balance of family and work? In: Diskurs 12 (3), pp. 17-23. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2002): The Janus-faced nature of working time flexibilization. A Plea for a Sustainable Labor Force Policy. In: Claussen, Detlev/ Negt, Oskar/ Werz, Michael (eds.), Hannoversche Schriften 5. Frankfurt a. M.: Verlag Neue Kritik, pp. 100-118. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2002): Lebensführung als Dimension sozialer Ungleichheit? In: Weihrich, Margit/ Voß, G. Günter (eds.): tag für tag. Alltag als Problem - Lebensführung als Lösung? Neue Beiträge zur Soziologie Alltäglicher Lebensführung 2. Munich/ Mering: Hampp, pp. 71-94. |
2001 |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2001): Bündnis für (Frauen)Arbeit - Bestandsaufnahme und neue Ideen. WSI autumn forum from 30.11.-01.12.2000 in Düsseldorf. In: Femina Politica 10 (1), pp. 139-141. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2001): By collective agreement to the gender contract? In: Hildebrandt, Eckart/ Mückenberger, Ulrich/ Raasch, Sybille/ Spitzley, Helmut/ Steinrücke, Margareta (eds.): Neue Zeiten - neue Gewerkschaften. Berlin: edition sigma, pp. 159-178. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2001): Familial living arrangements. In: Voß, G. Günter/ Weihrich, Margit (eds.): Tagaus tagein. New contributions to the sociology of everyday life. Munich/ Mering: Hampp, pp. 33-60. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2001): Volkswagen - Export hit in terms of working time? In: Ulich, Eberhard (ed.): Beschäftigungswirksame Arbeitszeitmodelle. Zurich: vdf, pp. 41-63. |
2000 |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Reinecke, Karsten (2000): Adapting to "breathing companies" - demands on families through flexibilized working hours. In: Hildebrandt, Eckart (ed.): Reflexive Lebensführung. Berlin: edition sigma, pp. 207-229. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2000): In search of temporal prosperity. In: Engelmann, Jan/ Wiedemeyer, Michael (eds.): Kursbuch Arbeit. Ausstieg aus der Jobholder-Gesellschaft - Start in eine neue Tätigkeitskultur? Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, pp. 188-201. |
Jürgens, Kerstin (2000): The Volkswagen Model. Employees on the way to the breathing factory. In: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 54 (2), pp. 89-96. |
1998 |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Reinecke, Karsten (1998): Between People's Carriages and Baby Carriages. Effects of the 28.8-hour week at VW AG on the family lifestyles of industrial workers. Berlin: edition sigma (2nd edition). |
1997 |
Jürgens, Kerstin/ Reinecke, Karsten (1997): The "28.8-hour week" at Volkswagen: A new working time model and its effects on family life contexts of shift workers. In: Geiling, Heiko (ed.): Integration and Exclusion. Hannover: Offizin, pp. 309-328. |