
Workshop invitation: Gender and Violence at Work – Potentials and Challenges for Trade Unions in Asia

April 9th 2024 - 10 am to 5 pm, Kleine Rosenstraße 1-3, room 3023

The workshop deals with the topic of changing gender relations in the world of work and how these affect gender-based violence. Gender relations and gender-based violence in particular are no local phenomena but are shaped by global trends such as outsourcing in global production networks, migration and authoritarian regimes. In this workshop, special attention is given to the question of how trade unions address these emerging challenges. An analytical framework will be presented and discussed based on insights from advocacy work and case studies on labour, migration and gender in different Asian countries.


April 9th 2024 - 10 am to 5 pm, Kleine Rosenstraße 1-3, room 3023

For registration & further information please contact:




10 am to 1 pm: Conceptual Approaches to Trade Union Strategies and Changing Gender Relations

Michele Ford (University of Sydney): Union Responses to Gender-based Violence in Cambodia: A Multiscalar, Multisectoral Perspective

Melisa Serrano (University of the Philippines): Transformative strategies towards gender equality in trade unions: Implications for union’s role in tackling GBVH at work

Artemisa Ljarja (Clean Clothes Campaign): Comment


2 pm to 4:30 pm: Case Studies and Examples

Vichhra Mouyly (University of Sydney): Workplace-level Responses to GBVH: The Case of Cambodian Cement and Garment Unions

Samia Dinkelaker (National University of Taiwan): Masculinities in Migrant Subcultures. Self-assertion and Care among Indonesian Fishers and Factory Workers in Taiwan

Artemisa Ljarja (Clean Clothes Campaign): Justice for Jeyasre: Enforcing Prevention of GBV in Garment Production Lines in South India


4:30 – 5pm: Final Discussion