Experimentalphysik IV


International conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2024 in Bologna

Rico Huhnstock and Arne Vereijken visited the International conference on magnetism from 30.06.-05.07.2024. Both presented their work with posters, Arne Vereijken with "Tailoring the Magnetoionic Effect by Defect Engineering in Magnetic Thin Films" and Rico Huhnstock with "Magnetically patterned exchange-biased thin films: Engineering stray field landscapes for the multipurpose transport of magnetically functionalized particles".

Link to the conference website.

Group picture.

Master defense of Nikolai Weidt

On 18.06.2024, Nikolai Weidt successfully gave the defense of his Master thesis with the title Remote-Controlled Transport of Superparamagnetic Particles in Liquid: Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trajectories.

We wish you only the best for your future!

Beamtime at Synchrotron Soleil in France

Group picture.

From 16.06. - 25.06.2024, Niklas Golchert, Yusaku Terao, Madhusree Roy-Chowdhury, Emilia Heikura and Andreas Hans experimented at the GALAXIES beamline of the synchrotron Soleil, where they were supported by Minna Patanen (University of Oulu) and Oksana Travnikova (CNRS). During this first-time combination of our setup EPIC (electrons and photons in coincidence) with a hard x-ray beamline, multielectron-photon coincidence spectra of Argon clusters after 1s ionization were measured. The resulting spectra will contain information about the different non-local processes occuring during the relaxation of these excited systems.

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Current research highlights

Combined Funnel, Concentrator, and Particle Valve Functional Element for Magnetophoretic Bead Transport Based on Engineered Magnetic Domain Patterns


Information about possible topics for your bachelor's / master's thesis, your state examination or your PhD in the group of A. Ehresmann and experience reports from graduates can be found here.

Theses: Further Information


Andrea Wecker

Heinr.-Plett-Straße 40
34132 Kassel
Room 1265

Telefone: +49 561 804-4061
Telefax: +49 561 804-4150

Mo.-Fr. 8:30-16:30

X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions

D. Bloß et al., "X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions", Nature Communications, 15, 4594 (2024).
DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48687-2

X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions: Read More

Experimental realization of Auger decay in the field of a positive elementary charge

A. Hans et al., "Experimental realization of Auger decay in the field of a positive elementary charge", Physical Review Letters 132, 20 (2024).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.203002

Older research highlights

You can find older research highlights here.

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