Studies and Teaching

International Students

Information for new international students: introductory events, meetings, courses, etc.

International Students: More

Pre-Courses in Mathematics

Strongly recommended for first-year students of mathematics in the Bachelor's degree and the teachers training program!

Pre-Courses in Mathematics: More Infos

Learning Centre Mathematics

Problems with the mathematics lectures?
Mental block with the exercises?

Off to the Mathematics Learning Center!

Learning Centre Mathematics: Read More

Registration for seminars and preliminary meetings Winter term 24-25 - Update: July 3rd, 2024

Long-term planning for in-depth Bachelor's, Technobachelor's, Master's and Technomaster's courses in mathematics at the AVZ

Service Points in Faculty 10

Student Services
(for general questions about studying)

Admissions Office
(examination management, timetabling and room planning, academic advisory service, media centre, equal opportunities and internationalisation)

Examination Office
(formal examination matters)


Service Points in Faculty 10: More Infos