Vortrag im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens „Qualifikationsprofessur Experimentalphysik“, Dr. Tobias Vogl, Universität Jena

Titel: "Atomically thin materials for quantum science and technology”

Color centers in solid state crystals have become a frequently used system for single photon generation. Recently, defects hosted by 2D hexagonal boron nitride attracted the attention of many researchers, due to their high single photon luminosity at room temperature. In this talk, I present recent advances in engineering this new type of emitter. The quantum emitter is coupled with a nanophotonic cavity, improving its performance so that the single photon source is feasible for practical quantum information processing. The quantum light source is currently integrated on a satellite for a space mission to verify the component’s functionality in orbit. The envisioned application is a future global quantum network. The satellite is also capable to test fundamental quantum mechanics in microgravity – thereby searching for physics theories beyond the standard model. I will also present further research opportunities with hBN quantum emitters, for example using them in magnetometry and super-resolution microscopy.

Abrufbar bei Frau Kim Böhling: sekretariat-theorie[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de

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