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  • Hoppe, T., Kutschera, U. (2014) Chromosome numbers in representative
    myxomycetes: a cytogenetic study. Mycological Progress 13, 189–192.
  • Kutschera, U. (2014) Creationism in Germany. In: Blancke, S., Hjermitslev, H. H., Kjaergaard, P. C. (Eds.). The History of Creationism in Europe. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (in press).
  • Kutschera, U., Niklas, K. J. (2014) Darwin-Wallace Demons: survival of the fastest in populations of duckweeds and the evolutionary history of an enigmatic group of angiosperms. Plant Biol. (in press).
  • Niklas, K. J., Kutschera, U. (2014) Amphimixis and the individual in evolving
    populations: does Weismann’s Doctrine apply to all organisms? Naturwissenschaften (in press).
  • Kutschera, U. (2014) Ent-Konkretisierung des Auferstehungs-Dogmas und der Design-Glaube. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik (EWE) (im Druck).
  • Kutschera, U. (2014) Schwarzwälder Grundtypen-Kreationismus: Das Wort beherrscht das Wissen. Naturwiss. Rundschau (im Druck).
  • Doerges, L., Kutschera, U. (2014) Assembly and loss of the polar flagellum in plant-associated methylobacteria. Naturwissenschaften (in press).
  • Deng, Z., Oses-Prieto, J. A., Kutschera, U., Tseng, T.-S., Hao, L., Burlingame, A. L., Wang, Z., Briggs, W. R. (2014) Blue light-induced proteomic changes in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings. J. Proteome Res. (submitted).
  • Niklas, K. J., Cobb, E. D., Kutschera, U. (2014) Did meiosis evolve before sex and the evolution of eukaryotic life cycles? Bioessays 36, 1091-1101.
  • Kutschera, U., Elliott, J. M. (2014) The European medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis L.: Morphology and occurrence of an endangered species. Zoosyst. Evol. 91, 271-280. 
  • Kutschera, U. (2014) From aquatic biology to Weismannism: Science versus ideology. J. Marine Sci. Res. Dev. 4, e131. 
  • Kutschera, U. (2014) August Weismann (1834-1914) und das unsterbliche Leben. Biologie in unserer Zeit 44/6, 366-369.
  • Kutschera, U. (2014) Alfred Russel Wallace: An early champion of women's rights. Nature 510, 218. 
  • Hossfeld, U., Simunek, M. V., Kutschera, U. (2014) Neodarwinismus a August Weismann. DTV - Dejiny Ved A Techniky (History of Science and Technology) 47 (3), 198-206.