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- Kutschera, U., Wang, Z.-Y. (2016) Growth-Limiting Proteins in maize coleoptiles and the auxin-brassinosteroid hypothesis of mesocotyl elongation. Protoplasma 253, 3–14.
- Kutschera, U., Briggs, W. R. (2016) Phototropic solar tracking in sunflower plants: an integrative perspective. Ann. Bot. 117, 1–8.
- Kutschera, U. (2016)Der Mensch und das Anthropozän – Hat das sechste Massenaussterben bereits begonnen? In Haber, W., Held, M., Vogt, M. (Hg.) Die Welt im Anthropozän. Oekom Verlag, München, S. 57–66.
- Niklas, K. J., Cobb, E. D., Kutschera, U. (2016) Haeckel’s biogenetic law and the land plant phylotypic stage. BioScience 66, 510–519.
- Kutschera, U. (2016) Ernst Haeckel’s biodynamics 1866 and the occult basis of organic farming. Plant Signal Behav. 11/7:e1199315.
- Kutschera, U. (2016) Haeckel’s 1866 tree of life and the origin of eukaryotes. Nature Microbiology 1/8:16114.
- Kutschera, U. (2016) Men are high-metabolic chimps. Science 352/639: E-Letter 19 June 2016.
- Kutschera, U. (2016) Migrant crisis and human evolution. Science 354/217: E-Letter 27 October 2016.
- Kutschera, U., Niklas, K. J. (2016) The evolution of the plant genome-to-morphology auxin circuit. Theory Biosci. 135:175–186.
- Kutschera, U. (2016) Sex versus gender in sea urchins and leeches two centuries after Lamarck 1816. J. Marine Sci. Res. Dev. 6/5: 1–3.
- Kutschera, U., Khanna, R. (2016) Plant gnotobiology: Epiphytic microbes and sustainable agriculture. Plant Signal. Behav. (in press).