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Social-ecological systems in Indian urban-rural gradients: Functions, Scales, and Transition Dynamics - Project Phase 2.

The project addresses the following scientific questions:

  1. How do agricultural production systems and household structures change at different stages of urbanization?
  2. How does urbanization affect the ability of regional ecosystems to provide food and other ecosystem services?
  3. How do exchange processes between agroecosystems, producers and consumers, or between different social groups change as urbanization progresses?
  4. How do social and ecological systems interact when rural and urban lifestyles, traditions, demands, and land uses collide?

GNR participates in Cluster C01 research - Er­fas­sung struc­tu­rel­ler and funktiona­ler Ei­gen­schaf­ten pflan­zen­bau­li­cher An­bau­sys­te­me with mo­the­nen ter­res­tri­schen so­as air and world­spatially-ge­support­ten remote­er­kun­dungs­me­tho­den.

Project information

Funded by the

German Research Foundation - DFG


Duration: April 2019 - December 2023


Further Information


Contact person

Dr. Jayan Wijesingha


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