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Head of Section
Office Management
Senior staff of the GNR Research focus areas
Dr. Rüdiger Graß
Postdoctoral Researcher
Telephone +49 561 804-1312
Email rgrass[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Arbeitsgruppenleiter Pflanzenbausysteme und Bioenergie
Further Information for Dr. Rüdiger Graß
Postdoctoral Researcher
Scientific staff
M.Sc. Hafiz Ali Raza
Postgraduate researcher (Doctoral Candidate)
- Location
- Universität Kassel
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences
Section Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources
Steinstrasse 19
37213 Witzenhausen
- Room
- Lecture hall building Steinstrasse
Brief introduction
Hafiz Ali Raza is a research associate at the Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Resources at the University of Kassel. His research interest is in the optimized recovery of energy and nutrients from waste biomasses. He studied Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of engineering and technology at University of Gujrat, Pakistan from 2012 to 2016. He studied MS.c. in Chemical and Energy Engineering at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. During the course of masters studies, he worked at Fraunhofer UMSCHIT where his work focused on the optimized recovery of nutrient from Syngas by designing a novel reactor system in order to make tailor-made fertilizers. The current focus of his research work on the optimization of biomass pre-treatment step, biochar, and activated carbon production by employing pyrolysis.
Research interests
- Chemical Reaction Engineering
- Nutrient recovery from waste
- Pyrolysis of biomass
- Chemical Plant Design
Current research projects
BioRestFuel - Energy-efficient use of secondary biogenic residual and waste materials for thermal utilization by stepwise processing and fuel design