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Head of Section
Office Management
Senior staff of the GNR Research focus areas
Dr. Rüdiger Graß
Postdoctoral Researcher
Telephone +49 561 804-1312
Email rgrass[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Arbeitsgruppenleiter Pflanzenbausysteme und Bioenergie
Further Information for Dr. Rüdiger Graß
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Ing. Korbinian Kätzl
Head of Research Focus Environmental Process Engineering
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-1242
- kaetzl[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Leader of working group
- Integrated resource management
- Location
- University of Kassel
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences
Section of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources
Steinstr. 19
37213 Witzenhausen
- Room
- Lecture hall building Steinstrasse
Brief introduction
Korbinian Kaetzl has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources, as well as at the Competence Centre for Climate Protection and Adaptation (CliMA) at the University of Kassel since October 2018. He studied environmental engineering at the Technical University of Munich, specialising in urban water management and microbiology of aquatic ecosystems. In his doctoral thesis at the Chair of Urban Water Management and Environmental Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum, he developed and researched methods for sustainable wastewater treatment and water reuse in urban agricultural production systems in West Africa using locally available resources. He is currently developing and researching sustainable utilisation strategies of residual biomasses for the production of plant and activated carbons for various environmentally relevant applications, as well as for the generation of regenerative energy.
Research interests
- Sustainable wastewater treatment for water reuse in agricultural production systems with a special focus on emerging and developing countries.
- Integrated urban water resource management in temperate climates and the tropics and subtropics.
- Possible applications and limitations of plant and activated carbons from residual biomass for the removal of trace and priority substances from municipal wastewater and for wastewater treatment in anaerobic fixed-bed reactors.
- Adsorption mechanisms of priority substances on activated carbons.
- Biological, physical and chemical effects of irrigation of agricultural land with (un)treated wastewater on soils and plants.
- Behaviour and transport of pathogens and organic contaminants in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in temperate climates and the tropics and subtropics.
- Resource recovery (e.g. phophore recovery) from waste materials and biomasses.
- Optimisation of regenerative energy production.
- Recovery of platform chemicals from waste materials and residual biomasses
Current research projects
Completed research projects
RE-DIRECT I - EU Interreg NWE "REgional Development and Integration of unused biomass wastes as REsources for Circular products and economic Transformation"
EIT Climate-KIC: MOO - Farm Coal Innovator
Hu, J., Wachendorf, M., Gwenzi, W., Joseph, B., Stenchly, K., Kaetzl, K., 2024. Improving acid-stressed anaerobic digestion processes with biochar - towards a combined biomass and carbon management system. Environmental Research Communications 6, 035010. |
Schleiting, M., Raza, H.A., Kaetzl, K., Middendorf, B., 2024. Reduced CO2-footprint of High-Performance Concrete by combining UHPC Technology with Biochar based Aggregates, in: Fehling, Ekkehard, Middendorf, B., Thiemicke Jenny (Eds.), Proceedings of HiPerMat 2024 6th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Building Materials for Sustainable Construction. kassel university press, Kassel, Germany, pp. 97–100. |
Joseph, B., Kaetzl, K., Hensgen, F., Schäfer, B., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Sustainability assessment of activated carbon from residual biomass used for micropollutant removal at a full-scale wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Research Letters 15, 064023. |
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Nettmann, E., Krimmler, S., Wichern, M., 2020. Slow sand filtration of raw wastewater using biochar as an alternative filtration media. Nature 2020/1229, TBD. |
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Uzun, G., Gehring, T., Nettmann, E., Stenchly, K., Wichern, M., 2019. On-farm wastewater treatment using biochar from local agroresidues reduces pathogens from irrigation water for safer food production in developing countries. Science of the Total Environment 601–610. |
Kaetzl, K., 2019. Anaerobic biochar filtration of municipal raw sewage for wastewater reuse. Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Lehrstuhls für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Umwelttechnik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum e.V., Bochum. |
Werner, S., Kaetzl, K., Wichern, M., Bürkert, A., Steiner, C., Marschner, B., 2018. Agronomic benefits of biochar as a soil amendment after its use as waste water filtration medium. Environmental Pollution 233, 561–568. |
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Gehring, T., Wichern, M., 2018. Efficient Low-Cost Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater Using Biochar and Woodchip Filters. Water 10, 818. |
Kaetzl, K., Lubken, M., Alfes, K., Werner, S., Marschner, B., Wichern, M., 2014. Slow sand and slow biochar filtration of raw wastewater, in: Nakamoto, N., Graham, N.J.D., Robin Collin, M. (Eds.), Progress in Slow Sand and Alternative Biofiltration Processes Further Developments and Applications Paperback. IWA Publishing, London, pp. 297–305. |
Walters, E., Kaetzl, K., Schwarzwaeder, K., Rutschmann, P., Mueler, E., Horn, H., 2014. Persistence of fecal indicator bacteria in sediment of an oligotrophic river: Comparing large and lab-scale flume systems. Water Research 61, 276–287. |
Conference contributions
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Uzun, G., Gehring, T., Nettmann, E., Stenchly, K., Wichern, M. On-Farm Wastewater Treatment Using Biochar from Local Agroresidues Promotes Safer Irrigation Water for Food Production in Developing Countries. Tropentag 2019 - Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management, 18.-20. September, 2019, Kassel, Germany.
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Uzun, G., Gehring, T., Nettmann, E., Stenchly, K., Wichern, M. Improv-ing water quality and pathogen removal using a low-cost anaerobic wastewater filtration – applicable for small scale agricultural production in developing countries. 12th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, 16.-20. June 2019 Berlin, Germany.
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Marschner, B., Nyarko, G., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., Stenchly, K., Wichern, M. On-farm wastewater treatment using biochar from local agroresidues promotes safer irrigation water for food production and enhanced crop yields in West Africa. 12th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, 16.-20. June 2019 Berlin, Germany.
Steffen Werner, Korbinian Kaetzl, Marc Wichern and Bernd Marschner. Biochar in waste water treatment to produce safe irrigation water, recover nutrients and reduce environmental impacts of waste water irrigation. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018, 8.-13. April 2018, Vienna, Austria.
Korbinian Kaetzl, Manfred Lübken, Bernd Marschner, Steffen Werner, Rebecca Weinz, Helen Aron, Julia Gilger, Maximilian Dichtl, George Nyarko, Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic and Marc Wichern (2018). Anaerobic biochar filtration of domestic wastewater in West Africa for safer food production and enhanced crop yield. Soil-Waste-Water Konferenz, 26.-28. March 2018, Landau in der Pfalz, Germany.
Werner, S., Kaetzl, K., Steiner, C., Wichern, M., Buerkert, A. and Marschner, B. Agronomische Effekte von Biokohle in einem nährstoffarmen sandigen Boden nach Nutzung in der Bewässerungswasseraufbereitung. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 2.–7. September 2017, Göttingen, Germany.
K. Kaetzl, M. Lübken, M. Wichern, Development and operation of a wastewater treatment system for safer Food production in West Africa, UrbanFoodPlus Summer School 2017, 23.-25. June 2017, Göttingen, Germany.
Kaetzl, K., Dichtl, M., Lübken, M., Wichern, M, Development and operation of a small-scale pilot plant for wastewater treatment in West Africa, UrbanFoodPlus Summer School 2015, 4.-9. October 2015, Bochum, Germany.
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Nettmann, E., Wichern, M., Biochar and Woodchips as Alternative Filter Materials for Pre-Treatment of Wastewater with Roughing Filter, Tropentag 2015 - Management of land use systemsfor enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions, 16.-18. September 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Nettmann, E., Wichern, M., Biochar and woodchips as alternative filter materials for pre-treatment of wastewater with roughing filter. 10th IWA International Con-ference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, 05.-09. July 2015, Harbin, China.
Kaetzl K., Lübken, M., Arthur, B. K., Erbach, J., Buerkert, A., Obiri-Danso, K., Drechsel, P., Wichern, M., On-farm wastewater treatment–safer irrigation water for urban agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa, PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, 4.-6. March 2015, Potsdam, Germany.
M. Wichern, M. Lübken, K. Kaetzl, Wastewater Reuse – Activated Sludge Systems, UrbanFoodPlus Summer School 2014, 28. Sept.- 4.. Oct. 2014, Tamale, Ghana.
K. Kaetzl, M. Lübken, K. Alfes, M. Wichern, On-farm wastewater treatment, UrbanFoodPlus Summer School 2014, 28. Sept.- 4.. Oct. 2014, Tamale, Ghana.
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Alfes, K., Werner, S., Marschner, B., Wichern, M., Slow sand and slow biochar filtration of raw wastewater. 5th International Slow Sand and Alternative Biological Filtration Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 19.-21. June 2014.
K. Alfes, K. Kaetzl, M. Lübken, E. Nettmann, M. Wichern, Imaged-Based and Microbiological Analyzes of Sand and Biochar as Filter Material for Wastewater Treatment, 1st YWP Conference Germany: Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Water Reuse – The future is now!, 11. June 2014, Essen, Germany.
Walters, E., Kaetzl, K., Schwarzwälder, K., Müller, E., Horn, H., Survival of fecal indicator bacteria in the sediment of an oligotrophic river, 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research: Water and Environmental Dynamics, 2013, Koblenz, Germany.