
Joint project, externally funded
IMMEC - Integrated Modelling of Material efficiency and Environmental impacts of building materials Cycles
Based on resource-saving principles, circular economy policies strive to reuse, recycle, or reprocess waste materials. Accordingly, whole supply chains need to be revamped to rely increasingly on end-of-life treatment rather than raw material extraction. In this project, we aim at modelling the plastic stocks of buildings and infrastructure in Germany to analyze the potential presence of contaminants, the recycling potential of plastics in these buildings, as well as the health and environmental impacts of the whole value chains. The project is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the research is conducted in collaboration with the SUSTAIN group at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).

Duration: 05/2022 - 05/2025
Funding agency: DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V.
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner

Joint project, externally funded
TightHybrid - Mediendichte Kunststoff-Metall-Hybridverbunde
The aim of the project is to produce plastic-metal hybrid materials that are permanently media-tight and suitable for use in automotive components and heat exchangers. Aspects of resource efficiency and recyclability are to be taken into account in material development through the participation of the Center for Resource Management und Solid Waste Engineering. The corresponding tasks include material flow analysis and environmental assessment of existing recycling paths for the target applications as well as experiments to optimize treatment and recycling processes with regard to the recovery of developed materials and components.

Duration: 05/2021 - 10/2023
Funding agency: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Projektträger Jülich
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner

Joint project, externally funded
BioRestFuel - Energy-efficient use of secondary biogenic residual and waste materials for thermal utilization by stepwise processing and fuel design
Overall, the project aims to expand the fuel input spectrum of biomass cogeneration plants. For this purpose, suitable treatment strategies are developed and adapted for screenings from biowaste treatment and specific residue streams from grassland management under technical, ecological and economic aspects. The typical problem of slagging in connection with the thermal utilization of biogenic residues and waste materials is a major focus of the project. In particular, the ash melting behaviour of the different fuels and fuel mixtures is thoroughly investigated to enable the use of bio-residual fuels in a controlled and efficient way without causing increased plant damage. One major project outcome will be a practice guide and recommendations, including legal and technical aspects, to promote the use of biogenic residual and waste materials for co-incineration in biomass cogeneration plants.

Duration: 03/2021 - 08/2023
Funding agency: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Projektträger Jülich
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner / Viktoria Scheff M.A.

Joint project, externally funded
HMV-Öko-Beton: Ökologische Optimierung von Betonprodukten durch Nutzung mineralischer Fraktionen von Hausmüllverbrennungs-Rostasche

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2023
Funding agency: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner / Iveta Vateva M.Sc.

Project, externally funded
BEgA - CO2-Bilanzrechner für die Entsorgung gewerblicher Abfälle

Duration: 02/2023 - 06/2023
Funding agency: EHTW Service GmbH
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner

Project, externally funded
AnKaH - Analyse Kasseler Abfallströme
The aim of the project is to determine the current composition of selected household waste streams in Kassel based on sampling and sorting analyzes and, based on this, to evaluate existing recovery potential in these waste streams. By developing a robust material flow model for household wastes in Kassel, effective measures to further increase the resource efficiency of municipal waste management shall be identified.

Duration: 04/2020 - 04/2022
Funding agency: Stadt Kassel/Die Stadtreiniger Kassel
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner / Sarah Schmidt M.A.

Project, externally funded
NaDemo - Nachhaltiges Deponienachsorgemodell für Österreich
The aim of the project is to develop the basis for a general landfill aftercare model for Austria, which allows an economic evaluation of the long-term maintenance of landfills. The project is being carried out under the leadership of the Vienna University of Technology. The Center for Resource Management and Solid Waste Engineering contributes to the project by supporting the evaluation of selected case studies and by participating in the development of the software tool for the scientific, technical and economic evaluation of landfill aftercare.

Duration: 05/2020 - 12/2021
Funding agency: Bundesaltlastensanierungsges.m.b.H
Collaborators: Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Wassergüte und Ressourcenmanagement
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner

Project, externally funded
ÖkoBESt - Ökologische Bewertung unterschiedlicher Entsorgungsoptionen für teerhaltigen Straßenaufbruch aus Deutschland
The aim of the project is to use the life cycle assessment to identify key factors for the environmental impact of different treatment methods for PAH-contaminated road debris and to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the different disposal methods. A particular focus of the project is on the consideration of local boundary conditions (e.g. necessary transport costs) in the evaluation and their relevance for the environmental performance of different disposal routes.

Duration: 05/2021 - 10/2021
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner

Project, externally funded
Studie "Finanzielle Machbarkeit von Deponierückbauprojekten im Berliner Umland zur Gewinnung von Grund und Boden, gestützt auf Berechnungen mit dem Tool ONTOL"
The aim of the project was to use a two-stage process to first identify potential sites for landfill mining in the vicinity of Berlin (30 km radius) and to then evaluate the profitability and greenhouse gas balance of potential landfill mining projects (using the ONTOL software tool). Based on the analyses and evaluations carried out on more than 2000 sites, it was possible to identify a few (< 10) deposits, which could be considered for further investigations as a basis for the development of economically feasible landfill mining projects.

Duration: 03/2020 - 08/2020
Funding agency: Landesamt für Umwelt Brandenburg
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner / Sarah Schmidt M.A.