Projects and theses

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Contact person: Sarah Niemeyer, M.Sc.

Key: "B" for Bachelor, "M" for Master and "P" for project work.

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MDevelopment of an economical, ecological and resource-saving timber frame construction method with hardwood
(in cooperation with Fast + Epp GmbH, Darmstadt)

Use of reciprocal load-bearing structures for industrial halls
(in cooperation with Fast + Epp GmbH, Darmstadt)

P/BExperimental studies on friction in pin-shaped connections
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Seim
P/B/MDeformation calculation of ceiling panels in timber panel construction - comparison of different calculation methods
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Seim

Research on examples of historical timber engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Seim


Historical development in the determination of timber strength
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Seim


Reuse of reclaimed wood
Sarah Niemeyer M.Sc.

Bachelor and master theses

For Bachelor's and Master's theses, the regulations of the subject examination regulations, the examination regulations and the module handbook apply. The processing time of the topics is 8 weeks (Bachelor) or 12 weeks (Master). In addition to individual supervision appointments, the contents of the thesis are presented by the respective editors within the framework of an interim and a final presentation.

Project work

For project work, regulations of the subject examination regulations, the examination regulations and the module handbook apply. Project work is completed within one semester. In addition to individual supervisory appointments, the contents of the work are presented on the basis of an interim and a final presentation and then discussed.

Project work: Notes for the presentation

Project and thesis templates

In order to get a clue when writing a scientific paper (both project and final paper in the form of a bachelor's or master's thesis) in one of the above topics, we provide a working template for you to download here

Project and thesis templates: Project and thesis templates

Completed final and project work