Student assistant

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Function | Contact | Further information

Infothek: People

Listed alphabetically, here you will find all the people registered in the department (14) Civil and Environmental Engineering from the selected area.

Infothek: People: Other areas
Name, ForenameContact
Alles, Marco
Student assistant
Alles, Marco
Alsheikh Omar, Nour
Student assistant
Eichenberg, Marie
Student Assistant | Student Assistant
Eichenberg, Marie
B.Sc. Ferle, Kilian
Student Employee
Franz, Marc
Student Assistant | Student Assistant
Franz, Marc
Gotters, Simon
Student Assistant
Halbach, Halina Sophie
Student assistant
Halbach, Halina Sophie
B.Sc. Hildebrand, Jan
Student Assistant
B.Sc. Höft, Lukas
Student Employee
Körner, Nicolay
Student Assistant | Student Assistant
Körner, Nicolay
Krasnov, Alexander
Krasnov, Alexander
B.Sc. Lötz, Jonathan
Lötz, Jonathan
Marmucki, Lukas
Student Employee
Mejsyk, Paul
Student assistant
Pfudel, Hannes
Student assistant
Pfudel, Hannes
B.Sc. Pronold, Henri
Student Employee
Reinbold, Jan
Studentische Hilfskraft
Reinbold, Jan
Reinbold, Jan
Reinbold, Jan
Riemer, Melissa
Studentische Hilfskraft
Riemer, Melissa
Rohland, Jonas
Student assistant
Rohland, Jonas
B.Sc. Sennhenn, Andre
Student assistant
Sennhenn, Andre
Watermeier, Kristin
Studentische Hilfskraft
Watermeier, Kristin

By surname

With portrait pictures

By surname: Alle Anzeigen

By role

With portrait pictures

By role: Alle Anzeigen