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Infothek: People

Listed alphabetically, here you will find all the people registered in the department (14) Civil and Environmental Engineering from the selected area.

Infothek: People: Other areas
Name, ForenameContact
Buhlinger-Aichert, Antje
Secretary of Department of Geotechnical Engineering
Buhlinger-Aichert, Antje
Geipel, Agnès
Assistant to the Head of Department
Geipel, Agnès
Hager, Katja
Secretariat Transport Planning and Transport Systems
Hager, Katja
Inden, Astrid
Secretary Hydrology and Substance Balance
Inden, Astrid
Jung, Alexandra
Secretariat for Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry
Jung, Alexandra
Kirchner, Birgit
Sekretariat Werkstoffe des Bauwesens und Bauchemie
Office Assistant for the Department of Building Rehabilitation and Timber Engineering
Kirchner, Birgit
Müller, Ute
Solid construction secretariat
Müller, Ute
Müller, Ute
Secretary Baustatik
Image: Sonja Rode
Müller, Ute
Müller, Ute
Müller, Ute
Obronczka-Sturm, Beate
Secretariat of Construction Informatics
Obronczka-Sturm, Beate
Rottmann, Charlott
Secretariat Structural Mechanics/​Building Dynamics
Rottmann, Charlott
Schröder, Franziska
Secretariat steel construction
Schröder, Franziska
Werhahn, Anne
Secretariat Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management
Werhahn, Anne
Winter, Marina
Sekretariat Baubetriebswirtschaft
Sekretariat BPS Sachbearbeitung
Winter, Marina

By surname

With portrait pictures

By surname: Alle Anzeigen

By role

With portrait pictures

By role: Alle Anzeigen