Sitemap News Detail

Trouble in Paradise - Why Bicycle Heaven is in need for a true Mobilitätswende

Referent: David Gelauff, Leiter des Amsterdam Bicycle Program
In this talk David Gelauff, head of the Amsterdam Bicycle Program, will go
into the reasons why Amsterdam, like a lot of other cities worldwide, is
searching for the right tools and process to reach a true transformation in
mobility and it’s use of public space. Gelauff paints the current visions and
wishes for a new kind of mobility for the city, and gets into the ways Amsterdam
is hoping to achieve them.


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Thema: Trouble in Paradise - Why Bicycle Heaven is in need for a true Mobilitätswende
Uhrzeit: 12.Jan. 2023 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien

Dem Zoom-Meeting beitreten:

Meeting-ID: 977 0904 5833

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