CSWG Social Human Rights
Spokespersons of the cross-sectional working group
Since the foundation of the cross-sectional working group on social human rights, Jun. Prof. Dr. Minou Banafsche has been the spokesperson for the QAG at the University of Kassel. Also co-founder is Prof. em. Hans-Wolfgang Platzer (University of Applied Sciences Fulda), whose speaker position is to be filled after his retirement from 2018.
Focus of work
The CSWG Social Human Rights was constituted in December 2011 and has since met regularly to exchange views on current issues affecting the human rights discourse. From the beginning, representatives from the fields of law, political science, sociology and philosophy have been involved; with Prof. Dr. Dorit Schumann from Fulda University of Applied Sciences, the economic sciences are now also represented in the QAG.
The human right to work
A first major workshop with external participants on the human right to education took place in Fulda in spring 2013. This gave rise to the idea of organizing another event, specifically on the right to work. This was realized with a conference on the topic of "The human right to work - multidisciplinary perspectives", which - with the participation of the Federal Social Court (BSG) - took place in summer 2014 at the University of Kassel and attracted over 100 participants. The circle of speakers consisted of representatives from academia and practice. The contributions are documented in a conference volume. The conference was sponsored by the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labor Law (HSI) of the Otto Brenner Foundation and by the Institute for Social Work at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Kassel.
In the course of the conference, in turn, the idea arose to establish a cooperative doctoral college "Social Human Rights" of the University of Kassel and the University of Applied Sciences Fulda, which was successful.