Dr. Nicolai Götze


Götze, Nicolai
+49 561 804-3798
+49 561 804-7415
International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER)
University of Kassel
Moenchebergstr. 17
34109 Kassel, Germany

About  (Dr. Nicolai Götze)

Nicolai Götze is a researcher in the project "Multiple competition in research and teaching: South Korea and the USA as international comparative cases" . The project is part of the interdisciplinary DFG research group "Multiple Competition in the Higher Education System" which in 2024 entered its second funding phase, now focusing on internationalization and internation comparison. Previously (from 2021 to 2024) Nicolai was involved in a sub-project of the DFG research group: "Multiple Competition in Research and Teaching: Organizational Competition and its Consequences in the Excellence Initiative and the Teaching Quality Pact". Nicolai has also been coordinator of the research group since 2024 (replacing Tim Seidenschnur)

He has also been involved in the APIKS Austria project since October 2021. From June 2016 to August 2021, he was a project staff member in the BMBF-funded German study of the international project "Academic Profession in Knowledge Society (APIKS)."

Thematically, his focus is at the intersection of higher education and science studies, organizational sociology, the sociology of competition and valuation studies. He engages in both methodologically and theoretically guided research on topics such as the status competition between higher education organization, the quantification of science, the relationship between the organization and the individual, and the relationship between science and society in a changing global political economy.

Methodologically, his work is comparative, i.e. it focuses in particular on comparisons between organizations and countries. He works with multi-method empirical approaches. His studies use both quantitative (survey research and bibliometrics) and qualitative approaches to empirical social research (interviews, case studies).

Nicolai Götze is a reviewer for leading international journals in higher education research, such as "Higher Education", "Studies in Higher Education" and "Higher Education Policy".

Memberships: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER), Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GFHF).

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0519-0232


Publications  (Dr. Nicolai Götze)

Götze, Nicolai (2024): Institutionelle Filter: Das deutsche Hochschulwesen zwischen Persistenz und Reform. Dissertation Universität Kassel. https://kobra.uni-kassel.de/handle/123456789/16046#

Mauermeister, Sylvi; Brose, Julia, Langfeldt, Bettina; Steinhardt, Isabell; Götze, Nicolai (2024): Evaluieren und Publizieren? Eine Untersuchung deutschsprachiger Publikationen zum Qualitätsmanagement in Studium und Lehre von Mitarbeitenden in hochschulischen QM-Abteilungen von 1996 bis 2021. In: Schmidt, Sarah; Koppenborg, Markus; Abele, Christine (eds.): Evaluation an Hochschulen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaftlichkeit und Pragmatismus. Berlin: DUZ Medienhaus. Verfügbar unter: https://www.duz-open.de/media/e1457f56a67a9f338c70e87ca8a4f2cf9da0ddce/f575b32f90a32b0cd866a47845aa350fb1ace900/864faa5f7dbb33de09ff38e408a2533dd5969d65/b44aed367988ad9eee53f1b2ecbb10a238424b88.pdf

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2024): Professors’ opportunity hoarding and ‘hamster wheels’ in the German academic labour market. In: Strachan, Glenda (Eds.): Research Handbook on Academic Labour Markets. Cheltenham, UK: Edward  Elgar Publishing, pp. 321–333

Seidenschnur, Tim; Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg (2024): Multiple roles of the state – federal states and their roles in how universities compete in Germany. Studies in Higher Education, 1–10 (online first).doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2024.2392660

Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg & Seidenschnur, Tim (2023): Multipler Wettbewerb – multiple Wettbewerbsakteure? Der staatliche Wettbewerb im Hochschulbereich und die Transformation von Bundesländern in Wettbewerbsakteure. In: Hochschulwesen - Wissenschaft und Praxis 43, S.41-62. DOI: 10.53183/9783946017325

Götze, Nicolai (2023): Temporale Komplexität von Ausschreibungswettbewerben – Die Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen in Exzellenzinitiative und dem Qualitätspakt Lehre. In: Das Hochschulwesen 71 (3): 85 - 93

Götze, Nicolai; Schneijderberg, Christian (2022): Metrical Valorization of Performance (MeVoP): The Funding-Induced Vertical Stratification and the Construction of Post-Humboldtian Research-Teaching Nexus in German Higher Education Institutions. In: Futao Huang, Timo Aarrevaara und Ulrich Teichler (eds.): Teaching and Research in the Knowledge-based Society. Historical and, Bd. 23. Cham: Springer (The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective), pp. 53–76.

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Steinhardt, Isabel; Schindler, Janosch(2022): (Be)Werten im organisationsabhängigen Interaktionssystem: das Beispiel Peer Review in Akkreditierungsverfahren von Hochschulen und Studiengängen. In: Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 21(2), S. 217–244. DOI: 10.31244/zfe.2022.02.03

Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Reflexionspfade von Ausschreibungswettbewerben. Die Exzellenzinitiative und der Qualitätspakt Lehre im Vergleich. Das Hochschulwesen 1+2, 49–59.

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai & Müller, Lars (2022): A study of 25 years of publication outputs in the German academic profession. Scientometrics 127, 1–28 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-021-04216-2

Götze, Nicolai (2021): Higher Education and the Knowledge Economy: Economic Higher Education Policies and the Persistence of the German Research and Development System. In: Jisun Jung, Glen A. Jones, Martin Finkelstein und Timo Aarrevaara (Eds.): Universities in the Knowledge Society: The Nexus of National Systems of Innovation and Higher Education, Bd. 22. Cham: Springer (The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective), pp. 237–255.

Götze, Nicolai; Carvalho, Teresa; Aarrevaara, Timo (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Diverse European Binary Higher Education Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis. In: Higher Education Policy 34 (1), S. 88–109. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00222-w

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Cross-country Perspective. Large-n in Small-n Comparative Case Studies. In: Higher Education Policy 3 (4), S. 1–17. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-021-00227-z

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Jones, Glen A.; Bilyalov, Darkhan; Panova, Anna; Stephenson, Grace Karram; Yudkevich, Maria (2021): Does Vertical University Stratification Foster or Hinder Academics’ Societal Engagement? Findings from Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Russia. In: Higher Education Policy 34 (1), S. 66–87. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00219-5

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Müller, Lars (2021): Academic Profession in Knowledge Societies (APIKS). In: GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA6709 Datenfile Version 1.0.0. https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13843. (Open Access)

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2020): Organisierte, metrifizierte und exzellente Wissenschaftler*innen. Veränderungen der Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten von 1992 über 2007 bis 2018, INCHER Working Paper 13, International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER), Universität Kassel. Volltext (PDF)

Schneijderberg, Christian; Müller, Lars; Götze, Nicolai (2020): Is the German Academic Profession on Metrification Autopilot? A Study of 25 Years of Publication Outputs, SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/osf.io/mcs3g

Steinhardt, Isabel, Schneijderberg, Christian, Götze, Nicolai, Baumann, Janosch, Krücken, Georg (2016). Mapping the quality assurance of teaching and learning in higher education: the emergence of a specialty? In: Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s10734-016-0045-5

Nicolai Götze is a researcher in the project "Multiple competition in research and teaching: South Korea and the USA as international comparative cases" . The project is part of the interdisciplinary DFG research group "Multiple Competition in the Higher Education System" which in 2024 entered its second funding phase, now focusing on internationalization and internation comparison. Previously (from 2021 to 2024) Nicolai was involved in a sub-project of the DFG research group: "Multiple Competition in Research and Teaching: Organizational Competition and its Consequences in the Excellence Initiative and the Teaching Quality Pact". Nicolai has also been coordinator of the research group since 2024 (replacing Tim Seidenschnur)

He has also been involved in the APIKS Austria project since October 2021. From June 2016 to August 2021, he was a project staff member in the BMBF-funded German study of the international project "Academic Profession in Knowledge Society (APIKS)."

Thematically, his focus is at the intersection of higher education and science studies, organizational sociology, the sociology of competition and valuation studies. He engages in both methodologically and theoretically guided research on topics such as the status competition between higher education organization, the quantification of science, the relationship between the organization and the individual, and the relationship between science and society in a changing global political economy.

Methodologically, his work is comparative, i.e. it focuses in particular on comparisons between organizations and countries. He works with multi-method empirical approaches. His studies use both quantitative (survey research and bibliometrics) and qualitative approaches to empirical social research (interviews, case studies).

Nicolai Götze is a reviewer for leading international journals in higher education research, such as "Higher Education", "Studies in Higher Education" and "Higher Education Policy".

Memberships: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER), Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GFHF).

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0519-0232



Götze, Nicolai (2024): Institutionelle Filter: Das deutsche Hochschulwesen zwischen Persistenz und Reform. Dissertation Universität Kassel. https://kobra.uni-kassel.de/handle/123456789/16046#

Mauermeister, Sylvi; Brose, Julia, Langfeldt, Bettina; Steinhardt, Isabell; Götze, Nicolai (2024): Evaluieren und Publizieren? Eine Untersuchung deutschsprachiger Publikationen zum Qualitätsmanagement in Studium und Lehre von Mitarbeitenden in hochschulischen QM-Abteilungen von 1996 bis 2021. In: Schmidt, Sarah; Koppenborg, Markus; Abele, Christine (eds.): Evaluation an Hochschulen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaftlichkeit und Pragmatismus. Berlin: DUZ Medienhaus. Verfügbar unter: https://www.duz-open.de/media/e1457f56a67a9f338c70e87ca8a4f2cf9da0ddce/f575b32f90a32b0cd866a47845aa350fb1ace900/864faa5f7dbb33de09ff38e408a2533dd5969d65/b44aed367988ad9eee53f1b2ecbb10a238424b88.pdf

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2024): Professors’ opportunity hoarding and ‘hamster wheels’ in the German academic labour market. In: Strachan, Glenda (Eds.): Research Handbook on Academic Labour Markets. Cheltenham, UK: Edward  Elgar Publishing, pp. 321–333

Seidenschnur, Tim; Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg (2024): Multiple roles of the state – federal states and their roles in how universities compete in Germany. Studies in Higher Education, 1–10 (online first).doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2024.2392660

Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg & Seidenschnur, Tim (2023): Multipler Wettbewerb – multiple Wettbewerbsakteure? Der staatliche Wettbewerb im Hochschulbereich und die Transformation von Bundesländern in Wettbewerbsakteure. In: Hochschulwesen - Wissenschaft und Praxis 43, S.41-62. DOI: 10.53183/9783946017325

Götze, Nicolai (2023): Temporale Komplexität von Ausschreibungswettbewerben – Die Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen in Exzellenzinitiative und dem Qualitätspakt Lehre. In: Das Hochschulwesen 71 (3): 85 - 93

Götze, Nicolai; Schneijderberg, Christian (2022): Metrical Valorization of Performance (MeVoP): The Funding-Induced Vertical Stratification and the Construction of Post-Humboldtian Research-Teaching Nexus in German Higher Education Institutions. In: Futao Huang, Timo Aarrevaara und Ulrich Teichler (eds.): Teaching and Research in the Knowledge-based Society. Historical and, Bd. 23. Cham: Springer (The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective), pp. 53–76.

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Steinhardt, Isabel; Schindler, Janosch(2022): (Be)Werten im organisationsabhängigen Interaktionssystem: das Beispiel Peer Review in Akkreditierungsverfahren von Hochschulen und Studiengängen. In: Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 21(2), S. 217–244. DOI: 10.31244/zfe.2022.02.03

Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Reflexionspfade von Ausschreibungswettbewerben. Die Exzellenzinitiative und der Qualitätspakt Lehre im Vergleich. Das Hochschulwesen 1+2, 49–59.

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai & Müller, Lars (2022): A study of 25 years of publication outputs in the German academic profession. Scientometrics 127, 1–28 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-021-04216-2

Götze, Nicolai (2021): Higher Education and the Knowledge Economy: Economic Higher Education Policies and the Persistence of the German Research and Development System. In: Jisun Jung, Glen A. Jones, Martin Finkelstein und Timo Aarrevaara (Eds.): Universities in the Knowledge Society: The Nexus of National Systems of Innovation and Higher Education, Bd. 22. Cham: Springer (The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective), pp. 237–255.

Götze, Nicolai; Carvalho, Teresa; Aarrevaara, Timo (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Diverse European Binary Higher Education Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis. In: Higher Education Policy 34 (1), S. 88–109. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00222-w

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Cross-country Perspective. Large-n in Small-n Comparative Case Studies. In: Higher Education Policy 3 (4), S. 1–17. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-021-00227-z

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Jones, Glen A.; Bilyalov, Darkhan; Panova, Anna; Stephenson, Grace Karram; Yudkevich, Maria (2021): Does Vertical University Stratification Foster or Hinder Academics’ Societal Engagement? Findings from Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Russia. In: Higher Education Policy 34 (1), S. 66–87. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00219-5

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Müller, Lars (2021): Academic Profession in Knowledge Societies (APIKS). In: GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA6709 Datenfile Version 1.0.0. https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13843. (Open Access)

Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2020): Organisierte, metrifizierte und exzellente Wissenschaftler*innen. Veränderungen der Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten von 1992 über 2007 bis 2018, INCHER Working Paper 13, International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER), Universität Kassel. Volltext (PDF)

Schneijderberg, Christian; Müller, Lars; Götze, Nicolai (2020): Is the German Academic Profession on Metrification Autopilot? A Study of 25 Years of Publication Outputs, SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/osf.io/mcs3g

Steinhardt, Isabel, Schneijderberg, Christian, Götze, Nicolai, Baumann, Janosch, Krücken, Georg (2016). Mapping the quality assurance of teaching and learning in higher education: the emergence of a specialty? In: Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s10734-016-0045-5