Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Patrick Bond

University of Johannesburg, South Africa
- Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg
- Research focus: political economy, geopolitics, political ecology (resource extraction, energy, water and climate change), social mobilisation, urbanisation, state-society relations and public policy
- Alfred North Whitehead Professor of African and African American Studies and of Anthropology, Harvard University
- Research focus: Theory and method; embodiment and commodification; ritual and religion; medicine; politics and ideology; crime and forensics; colonialism; Southern Africa
Ndongo Samba Sylla

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s West Africa Office, Senegal
- Senior Research and Program Manager at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s West Africa Office in Senegal
- Professor of Economics, and Founding Director, Centre for Economic Data and Analysis (CEDA) at Ashoka University, India
- She has been working on the economics of discrimination and affirmative action, with a focus on caste and gender in India
- Director of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability
- Research focus: Development and Knowledge Sociologist
- Professor and Chair of Epistemologies of the Global South with Emphasis on Africa, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Bayreuth in Germany
- He is a leading decolonial theorist with over a hundred publications in the fields of African history, African politics, African development and decolonial theory
- President and Rector of Central European University
- Research focus: anthropology of globalization, law, the state and social movements
Dr. Christa Wichterich

University lecturer, freelance author and scholar-activist
- Dr. Wichterich works as a university lecturer, freelance author and scholar-activist
- Research focus: globalization and development political economy and women’s work, women’s movements and international women’s policies, ecology and socio-ecological transformation
Prof. Dr. Edward Webster

University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Distinguished Research Professor at the Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS) and the past director of the Global Labour University (GLU) at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
- Research focus: Labour Studies, the World of Work, Political Economy and Inequality