11.02.2016 | ITeG

ITeG-Fachgebiet Kommunikationstechnik stellt Beitrag auf der IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom 2016) vor

Der Mitarbeiter des Fachgebiets Andreas Jahn wird im Rahmen der PerCom 2016 im Workshop Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoRea) sein Paper "Improved Activity Recognition by Grouping Activities" vorstellen. Die PerCom findet vom 14. - 18. März in Sydney, Australien statt.


The information of a person’s activity can be used for a multitude of application. Thus, the activity recognition and the improvement of the activity recognition performance is a focus of research. Unfortunately, activities similar to each other are still likely to be mixed up during the activity recognition, resulting in a decrease in activity recognition performance. We propose a lightweight method to improve the recognition performance. By reevaluating recognized activities, we group similar activities to a new activity. We refer the created activity as grouped activity. We evaluate our method with an activity-set of seven activities and compare the results with two common approaches: the average recognition performance of the individual activities and the recognition performance using a generalized activity. We show an F-Measure improvement of up to 6.6 % by using the grouped activity.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der Conference.