Organic perspective

Strengthening Organic Food and Farming (Organic Perspective)

Organic food and agriculture can make a valuable contribution to sustainable food systems. One reason for this is that clear legal requirements and private-sector guidelines are laid down for organic farming to ensure that serious environmental impacts of conventional agriculture, such as over-fertilization or the introduction of toxic substances into soil and water do not occur or occur to a much lesser extent. But although the market share of organic food is growing, it is still small. In some regions (e.g. Copenhagen, North Hessia, Cilento) attempts are being made to change this. However, there are many obstacles that make implementation difficult and often even prevent it altogether, such as lack of infrastructure, lack of knowledge about the needs and requirements of the various actors in the food system, poor data, lack of information, lack of know-how, and lack of awareness.

Therefore, SysOrg Organic perspective is looking into answering two questions:

  • What is the current state and developmental trajectory of organic food production and consumption in the food system territory?
  • What are the critical points for a shift towards increasing the share of sustainably and organically produced food within the system?

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