Information for first semester students

Image: UB Kassel


The CampusCard is also your library card and offers additional functions (e.g. payment function). After successful enrollment, the card will be sent to you by post. Further information can be found on the website of the IT Service Center (ITS).

CampusCard: Information about CampusCard (ITS)

Activate CampusCard

The CampusCard must be activated before you can use the library. Further information on activation can be found on the ITS website

Activate CampusCard: Activate CampusCard (ITS)

Determine pick-up site

The University Library has six locations in Kassel and Witzenhausen. In your user account you have the option of specifying or changing the pick-up location. This reflects your most frequently used library location, where we will make your reserved or ordered items available for collection.

First semester introductions

In our library introductions you will learn everything you need to know about using the library and searching in KARLA.
You do not need to register for the general library introductions. For some Faculties there are special introductory courses. You can register for these via the University Calendar.

First semester introductions: General introductions

Copying/ Printing / Scanning

Printing and copying is only possible with credit on the CampusCard. The CampusCard can be topped up at many recharging stations at several locations.
However, scanning at our scanning tents (in the Campus Library) and at the book scanners (in the Campus Library and at BrĂ¼der-Grimm-Platz) is free of charge.

Seatfinder / Booking Places

Some workstations in the Campus Library have to be reserved in advance via the booking system. There is also a seatfinder for all study areas, which shows the current occupancy rate.

Digital orientation system mapongo

The mapongo system helps with orientation in the campus library and at other library locations (currently: Murhardsche Bibliothek, Kunsthochschulbibliothek, as well as in the location libraries in Oberzwehren and Witzenhausen). All accessible areas as well as shelf space, study areas and services are displayed in 3D. Mapongo supports the search for individual items and shows the way to the book. In the KARLA catalogue portal, the exact shelf area can be displayed via the Standort zeigen link. This avoids long searching through the rows of shelves of extensive subject groups.

All university locations are also listed in mapongo. Auditoriums and seminar rooms are listed with room numbers for the entire university. This makes it easier for new students to find their way around and to quickly locate courses at the various university locations.

Digital orientation system mapongo: Digital orientation system mapongo