General information

The e-assessment center at Henschelstr. 2 has 116 examination stations on two levels.

E-Assessment Center Henschelstraße 2

There are 116 examination stations available in the e-assessment center. They consist of desktop PCs, each equipped with mice. Headsets can be connected on request, and two seats are wheelchair-accessible. In addition, there is one examination station each for visually and hearing impaired examinees.

The screens are covered with specific foils that prevent lateral views. To prevent manipulation or attempts at deception, access to external resources such as USB sticks or Internet sources is restricted.

The tables in the e-assessment center are set up in double rows so that two students always sit opposite each other. Each student has a table one meter wide at his/her disposal.

In the foyer of the E-Assessment Center there are lockable compartments for bags, mobiles, etc.

The entire exam infrastructure is integrated into a specially secured network that is protected against external access.

Each computer is equipped with a special browser. This is a secure browser application that prevents access to unauthorized resources (e.g. system applications or digital material) during the exam.

Data backup is stored on the e-exam server. Students' entries are regularly and automatically cached during the exam. In the event of a computer crash, the exam can thus be continued on any other computer in the e-assessment center.