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Since 01/2019Research assistant in the subproject "Reflective competence development with ePortfolio in cross-phase teacher education" & Innovation Unit III "Organizational Development & Quality Assurance" in the project "Professionalization through Networking - Continuation and Potentiation (PRONET²) "at the Department of School Education with a focus on upper secondary school at the Institute of Educational Science as well as at the Center for Teacher Education of the University of Kassel
10/2015 - 12/2018Research assistant in the sub-project "Reflexive competence development with ePortfolio in the first and second phase of teacher education" & coordination of field of action I "Expansion and evidence-based further development of reflexive practice studies" in the project "Professionalization through Networking (PRONET) " at the Department of School Education with a focus on upper secondary school at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Kassel
01/2014 - 09/2015Research assistant at the Department of Psychoanalysis at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Kassel

01/2013 - 06/2015

Coordinator of the postgraduate study program "Psychoanalytic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy" at the University of Kassel in cooperation with the Alexander Mitscherlich Institute, the Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and Unikims GmbH

02/2012 - 06/2014Research assistant in the externally funded project "FIRST STEPS - an early prevention program for families with migration background" at the University of Kassel, Department of Psychoanalysis in cooperation with the Sigmund Freud Institute, Frankfurt/Main and the IDeA Center, Frankfurt/Main
04/2010 - 09/2015Lecturer at the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Kassel
10/2007 - 03/2012Student assistant at the University of Kassel at the Department of Psychoanalysis at the Department of Human Sciences with Prof. Dr. M. Leuzinger-Bohleber; Department of Micro-Sociology with Prof. Dr. K. Jürgens at the Department of Social Sciences, in the working area Practice and Counseling at the Department of Social Sciences as well as tutor in the introductory study phase for first semester students, among others


10/2014 - 07/2017 Studies "Social Pedagogy in Education, (Master of Arts) at the University of Kassel 10/2009 - 01/2012 Study of Sociology (Master of Arts) at the University of Kassel 10/2009 - 08/2011 Postgraduate Study Program "Psychoanalytic Child and Adolescent Counseling and Adolescent Counseling" at the University of Kassel 01/2008 - 03/2009 Profile Study Program "Conflict Counseling for Educators" at the University of Kassel 10/2006 - 09/2009 Studies of Sociology with a minor in Educational Science (Bachelor of Arts) at the University of Kassel 10/2005 - 09/2006 Basic Studies in Social Work at the Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule, Berlin 08/2003 - 07/2005 Training as a state-certified childcare worker at the BBS V, Braunschweig

2022 Wedde, S., Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2022). Content-related solution quality in invention activities and worked solutions - promoting the professional vision of classroom management. International Journal of Modern Education Studies, 6(2), 523-546. https://doi. org/10.51383/ijonmes.2022.245 Busse, A., Bosse, D., Panow, M., Hartenbach, A., & Specht, J. v. (2022). Reflective competence development - Four learning scenarios of a cross-phase ePortfolio. In J. Klusmeyer & D. Bosse (Eds.), Concepts of reflexive practice studies in teacher*education (pp. 249-272). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://link. 2021 Busse, A. (2021). Reflective competence development in teacher*education. Using podcasts in the ePortfolio on the road to professionalism. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Wedde, S., Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2021). On the effectiveness of Invention Activities on student teachers' learning. Journal of Higher Education Development, 16(1), 35-54.

2020 Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2020). Reflective competence development with ePortfolio in the professionalization process of prospective teachers. In BMBF (Ed.), Profilbildung Lehramt . - Contributions of the "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" to individual orientation, curricular development and institutional anchoring (pp.54-65). Berlin: BMBF.

2019 Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2019). Peer learning from the beginning of studies to teacher training - ePortfolio supported learning scenarios. journal für lehrerInnenbildung, 19(3), 66-72.

2018 Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2018b). Cross-phase teacher education - how it can succeed. seminar BAK teacher education and school, 24(2), 132-142.

Busse, A. (2018). Approaches to images about children and childhoods without children? A high school didactic and methodological scenario. In I. Kaul, D. Schmidt & W. Thole (Eds.), Children and childhoods. Studies in the empiricism of childhood - Uncertainties, challenges and impositions (pp.193-212). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2018a). Perspectives of a Russian-German research cooperation in teacher education on "Professional learning communities at schools in socially stressed contexts of lower secondary education". In G. Gorzka (Ed.), Between rapprochement and distance: 30 years of German-Russian cultural relations (1988-2018) using the regional example of Kassel (pp.50-51). Kassel: university press.

2017 Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2017). К развитию профессиональных обучающихся сообществ в школах, работающих в сложных социальных контекстах: подготовка совместного российско-германского научного исследования (On Development of Professional Learning Communities at Schools Operating in Difficult Social Contexts: Preparation of a Joint Russian-German Research). Образовательная панорама, 1 (7) 48-57.

2016 Busse, A. (2016). Parents and children as (reciprocal) mediators in the process of social integration? - Everyday contacts in the FIRST STEPS project. In M. Leuzinger-Bohleber & J. Lebiger-Vogel (Eds.), Migration, early parenthood and the transmission of trauma. The integration project "FIRST STEPS" (pp.347-362). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.

Lebiger-Vogel, J., Rickmeyer, C., Fritzemeyer, K., Busse, A., Walther, A., Marx, C. & Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2016). An integration project for young children with a migration background - concepts, design, implementation and first results. In M. Leuzinger-Bohleber & J. Lebiger-Vogel (Eds.), Migration, early parenthood and the transmission of trauma. The integration project "FIRST STEPS" (pp.196-229). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. 2015 Lebiger-Vogel, J., Rickmeyer, C., Busse, A., Fritzemeyer, K. & Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2015). First steps - a research project. In C. Burkhardt-Mußmann (Ed.), Spaces that give support (pp.179-205). Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel.

Lebiger-Vogel J., Rickmeyer C., Busse A., Fritzemeyer K., Rüger B., Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2015). FIRST STEPS - a randomized controlled trial on the evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of two early prevention programs for promoting the social integration and a healthy development of children with an immigrant background from 0-3. BMC Psychology, 3(1), 21.

Rickmeyer, C., Lebiger-Vogel, J., Busse, A., Fritzemeyer, K., Burkhardt-Mußmann, C. & Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2015). Early motherhood in migration: A first report from FIRST STEPS - An integration project for infants with an immigrant background. Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health, 2, 147.

2014 Busse, A. & Zwiebel, R. (2014). The profile study program "Conflict Counseling for Educators" - Psychoanalysis in teacher education at the University of Kassel. In M. Gerspach, A. Eggert-Schmid Noerr, T. Naumann & L. Niederreiter (Eds.), Teaching and learning psychoanalysis in higher education. Theory, self-reflection, practice (pp.137-146). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Busse, A., Zwiebel, R. & Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2014). "Conflict counselling for educators" - On the implementation of a study program at the University of Kassel. In C. Tillack, N. Fischer, D. Raufelder & J. Fetzer (Eds.), Relationships in schools and classrooms. Part 1. theoretical foundations and practical designs of pedagogical relationships (pp.137-147). Immenhausen: Prolog-Verlag.

Lebiger-Vogel, J., Busse, A., Fritzemeyer, K., Burkhardt-Mußmann, C., Paul, L.-S., Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2014). FIRST STEPS - an integration project for infants with an immigrant background - conceptualisation and first impressions. In R.N. Emde & M. Leuzinger-Bohleber (Eds.), Early parenting research and the prevention of disorder; Psychoanalytic opportunities and interdiscplinary frontiers (pp.265-288).London: Karnac.

2013 Lebiger-Vogel, J., Fritzemeyer, K., Busse, A., Burkhardt-Mußmann, C., Rickmeyer, C., Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2013). FIRST STEPS - an integration project for young children with a migration background. Conceptualization and first impressions. In M. Leuzinger-Bohleber, R. N. Emde & R. Pfeifer (Eds.), Embodiment - an innovative concept for developmental research and psychoanalysis (pp.316-342). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

2022Reflective Competence Development in Teacher Education - Becoming Professional through collaborative Podcasting. Paper presented in the paper session "Demonstrating pedagogical promise: Embracing the challenge of enacting equity practices and pedagogies" at the Annual Meeting of AERA, San Diego, 26.04.2022. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel) 2021Reflexive Competence Development in Teacher Education: Professionalization from the Beginning to the Second Phase . Lecture at the annual conference of the DGfE-Section Schulpädagogik 2021 "Reflexion & Reflexivität in Unterricht, Schule & Lehrer*innenbildung". 23.9.2021, Osnabrück online (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Podcasts as a Tool to foster Professional Vision of Classroom Management in Teacher Education. Paper presented at ECER 2021 "Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations". 7.9.2021, Geneva online.

Promoting the Professional Vision of Classroom Management through Invention Activities - Is it more effective with or without a Worked Solution. Paper presented at ECER 2021 "Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations." 7.9.2021, Geneva online (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse & Sonja Wedde, University of Kassel).

Peer learning in higher education digital - discursive - reflexive. Workshop at the Day of Teaching at FB 01 of the University of Kassel, 09.06.2021, online (together with Dr. Julian Kempf, University of Kassel).

Comparing podcasts to promote professional perceptions of classroom management. Flipped presentation at ÖFEB 2021 "Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege - Was wissen wir über die Professionalisierungsprozesse von Lehrpersonen und pädagogischen Fachkräften", 25.02.2021, online (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse & Sonja Wedde, Universität Kassel).

Promoting media literacy through ePortfolio work in the first & second phase of teacher education. Presentation at the 9th College "Reflective Practice of the Quality Offensive Project 'Designing Interfaces - Teacher Education along the Reflective Practitioner Mission Statement at the University of Bremen'", 23.02.2021, online (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel & Manuel Panow, Studienseminar für Grund-, Haupt-, Real- und Förderschulen Kassel-Eschwege).

Online Dialogue Forum 2021: goes Teacher Education: Getting to know and recommending internet offers for digitalization in teacher education, 19.01.2021, Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media, Tübingen.

2020ePortfolios in cross-phase teacher education. Lecture in the context of the topic special "Digital Media in Teacher Education", 9.11.2020, (together with Manuel Panow & Jörn von Specht, Studienseminar GHRF Kassel with branch office Eschwege and Andreas Hartenbach, Studienseminar für Gymnasien, Kassel.

Podcasts as a Tool to foster professional Vision of Classroom Management in Teacher Education. Presentation at ECER 2020 "Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities" in the Network "Teacher Education Research". 25-28.08.2020, Glasgow. (with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel) - Conference cancelled.

Fostering professional vision of classroom management by co-creating podcasts in teacher education. Paper presented in the roundtable session "Teaching with Vision: Enacting Responsive Classroom Management and Decision-Making Processes" at the AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 19, 2020. (co-authored with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel) - conference cancelled.

2019Reflexive competence development with ePortfolio.Presentation at the DLR program workshop "Profilbildung Lehramt - Konturen für Studium, Fächer, Universität" in Panel 1, Workshop 2: "Reflexive Kompetenz entwickeln durch professionsbezogene Beratung und kompetenzorientierte durchgängige Portfolioarbeit", 16.05.2019, Kiel. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

2018Higher education didactic scenarios with mahoodle in teacher*education. Session at mahara-hui DACH, 30.11.2018, University of Education Vienna. (together with Sonja Wedde, University of Kassel).

Cross-phase ePortfolio for sustainable competence development in teacher*education. Workshop at the 52nd Bundesseminartag "Lehrkräftebildung nachhaltiger gestalten" of the Bundesarbeitskreis der Seminar- und Fachleiter*innen (BAK-Lehrerbildung). 27.09.2018, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, Universität Kassel, Manuel Panow, Studienseminar für Grund-, Haupt-, Real- und Förderschulen Kassel-Eschwege and Andreas Hartenbach, Studienseminar für Gymnasien Kassel).

Teacher* cooperation in professional learning communities - conception and results of a pilot study in Kassel.(Кооперацияучителейвпрофессиональных обучающихсясообществах - концепцияирезультаты пилотного исследованиявКасселе). Paper presented at the congress "Eurasian Educational Dialogue", 27.04.2018 in Yaroslavl, Russia. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Concepts of professional teacher* cooperation in Germany and Russia. Presentation at the congress "Eurasian Educational Dialogue", 26.04.2018 in Yaroslavl, Russia. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Promoting pre-service teachers classroom management skills by analyzing videos and co-creating podcasts. Paper presented in the roundtable session "Innovative Technology Use in Preservice Teacher Learning" at the Annual Meeting of AERA, New York, April 17, 2018. (co-authored with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Promoting Media Competence in the First and Second Phase of Teacher Education with ePortfolio. Workshop at the symposium "Strengthening Teacher Education - Shaping the School of the Future Ganztag - Inklusion - Integration", Feb. 26, 2018 at the University of Kassel (together with Manuel Panow, Studienseminar für Grund-, Haupt-, Real- und Förderschulen Kassel-Eschwege, Andreas Hartenbach, Studienseminar für Gymnasien and Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Podcasting to promote reflexive competence development on classroom management - a quasi-experimental study in teacher education. Paper presented at the 6th GEBF Conference, 15.02.2018, Basel. (jointly with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

2017Competence development in teacher education with cross-phase ePortfolio. University didactic workshop for teachers in teacher training programs and study seminars. 08.12.2017, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, LEVEL project. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Reflexive competence development with ePortfolio in cross-phase teacher education. Presentation at the DLR network conference "Profiling ─ Networking ─ Connecting: Cooperations in Teacher Education" of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education in Forum 3 "Guidance and Portfolios". 11.10.2017, Bonn. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Reflective competence development with ePortfolio in a model of cross-phase teacher education using the example of Classroom Management. Workshop at the 7th MedienBildungsMesse, 28.09.2017, Frankfurt a.M. (together with Manuel Panow, Studienseminar für Grund-, Haupt-, Real- und Förderschulen, Kassel-Eschwege & Andreas Hartenbach, Studienseminar für Gymnasien, Kassel).

Electronic portfolios in teacher education as tools for reflexive development of competence and deep learning. Organization of the symposium at ECER 2017 "Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research". 25.8.2017, Copenhagen.

Podcasts as a tool for fostering reflective competences in teacher education. Paper presented at ECER 2017 "Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research". 25.8.2017, University of Copenhagen. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Dovetailing the 1st and 2nd phase of teacher education in the framework of PRONET, network meeting of Hessian QLB projects. 31.1.2017, Kassel. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Professional learning communities in 8th graders with increased social problems. International conference "Pedsovet 76: The role of Pedagogical Learning Communities in the transition of school to effective functioning", 12.01.2017, Yaroslavl. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

2016Reflexive competence development with ePortfolio - A quasi-experimental study with student teachers. Paper presented at the international conference "Competency-based learning with portfolio and ePortfolio". 8.9.2016, University of Kassel. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Reflective Development of Competence with ePortfolio - a Quasi- experiment with Student Teachers. Presentation at ECER 2016 "Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers". 25.8.2016, Dublin. (with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Supporting reflective competence development through cross-phase ePortfolio work. Workshop at the annual conference of the Center for Teacher Education of the University of Kassel "Innovating - Networking - Researching - The Kassel Quality Offensive Teacher Education 'PRONET (Professionalization through Networking)' Introduces Itself". 9.7.2016, University of Kassel. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Transcultural spaces of experience between mothers and their children. in the context of the symposium Psychoanalytic Early Prevention as Educational Space in Immigration Societies at the DGfE Congress. 14.03.2016, University of Kassel. (together with Ann-Catrin Walther, Sigmund Freud Institute, Frankfurt/Main).

Psychoanalytic Early Prevention as an Educational Space in Immigration Societies, organization of the symposium at the DGfE Congress. 14.03.2016, University of Kassel.

First Steps - an early prevention project for children with an immigrant background: perspectives from research and practice. Presentation at the symposium "Erste Schritte - Späte Folgen. Difficult Family Dynamics. Prevention-Intervention", 30.01.2016, Asklepios Fachklinikum Tiefenbrunn. (together with Constanze Rickmeyer, University of Kassel).

2015Effectiveness of Professional Learning Communities with Regard to Success in School and Classroom Climate in Grade 8 Classes with a Highly Difficult Social Situation. 15.10.2015, Yaroslavl Institute of Education Development. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

Quality Offensive of Teacher Education in Germany "Professionalism through Networking (PRONET)" - Project at the University of Kassel. 14.10.2015, Yaroslavl Institute of Education Development. (together with Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse, University of Kassel).

2014Psychoanalysis and trauma - prevention using the example from the project FIRST STEPS for educators of the city of Kassel. 12.11.2014, University of Kassel.

2013The Emotional Availibility Scales - basics and application. 27.05.2013, SIG-Prevention of the IDeA-Center in Frankfurt/Main. (together with Dr. Judith Lebiger-Vogel).

Early prevention as Potential Space using the example of the project ERSTE SCHRITTE - An integration project for young children with migration background. 27.04.2013, 13th Symposium of the Psychoanalytic Working Group Stuttgart-Tübingen e.V.: On the Psychoanalysis of Migration and Cultural Difference. (together with Constanze Rickmeyer).

Effects of an Early Integration Project on the Stress Levels of Children with an immigrant Background. 02.03.2013, International Joseph Sandler Conference, Frankfurt/Main. (together with Dipl. Psych. Constanze Rickmeyer).

Migration and the acquisition of language in early childhood with a special focus on quality of mother-child-interaction. 28.02.2013, Research Training Programme of the International Psychoanalytical Association, Frankfurt/Main.

2012Mental illness in adolescents - perspectives of recognition and prevention. 08.11.2012, Gesamtschule Melsungen.

First steps - an integration project for young children with a migration background. 7-8.9.2012, DPV Research Workshop in Rauischholzhausen.(together with Korinna Fritzemeyer and Constanze Rickmeyer).

2016Busse, A. & Bosse, D. (2016). Poster exhibition from the ePortfolio facilitated seminar "Practice-oriented handling of classroom disruptions - know how!?" International conference "Competency-based learning with portfolio and ePortfolio". 8-9.9.2016, University of Kassel. [Link:]

Bosse, D., Busse, A., Panow, M., Wedde, S. (2016). Cross-phase ePortfolio work in teacher education - implementation and evaluation. Conference "Digital forms of teaching for student-centered and competence-oriented studies" in the context of the project nexus "Transitions gestalten, Studienerfolg verbessern" of the German Rectors' Conference. 16-17.06.2016, Berlin.

Busse, A., Bosse, D., Fischmann, T., Leuzinger-Bohleber, M., Messner, R. & Woerner, W.(2016). Professional learning communities as initiation of educational spaces for adolescent students in classes with increased social problems. 14-16.03.2016 DGfE Congress , University of Kassel.

2015Busse, A., Rickmeyer, C., Lebiger-Vogel, J. & Leuzinger-Bohleber. M. (2015). Parents and children as (reciprocal) cultural mediators in the process of social integration? Everyday contacts in the FIRST STEPS project. International conference "Childhood research between sociology and educational science. Relationship determinations, objects, approaches". 10-12.12.2015 , University of Luxembourg.

2014Busse, A., Rickmeyer, C., Lebiger-Vogel, J., Fritzemeyer, K., Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2014). Parents with migration experiences as mediators of transculturalism? First Steps - an early prevention project for infants with an immigrant background. Interdisciplinary and international conference "Being a parent today: education, child-rearing and promotion of children and parenting education in western societies with increasing inequalities." 26-28.6.2014, Schloss Herrenhaus, Hannover.

Since 2017 "Expert Group Media Education", Hessian Teachers' Academy

2016-2020 Representative of the academic staff in the board of directors of the Center for Empirical Teaching-Learning Research (ZELL), University of Kassel

Since 2015 "Steering Group Media Education", Hessian Teachers' Academy

Since 2015 "Mobile Learning" of the ServiceCenter Lehre (SCL), University of Kassel

Since 2015 German Society for Educational Science (associated)

Since 2013 Member Assembly of the Center for Teacher Education, University of Kassel.

2013-2015 Representative of the academic staff in the departmental council of FB 01, University of Kassel

2012-2015 IDeA Center, Frankfurt/Main

2012-2014 Representative of the academic staff in the board of directors of the Center for Empirical Teaching-Learning Research (ZELL), University of Kassel