
Vorträge (selektiert seit 2015)

James, S. (12/02/2022). Quantifizierbare Wirkungen von Interventionen auf die Abmilderungen der Folgen einer Kindeswohlgefährdung. Eingeladener Vortrag - Workshop: Traumafolgekostenabschätzungen im Kinderschutz. Deutsches Jugendinstitut, München.

James, S. (06/11/2022). „Wie viele Studien braucht es, um die Wirkung sozialarbeiterischer Interventionen zu bestimmen?“ Der lange Weg der Wirkungsforschung. Keynote. 11. Fachtagung Klinische Sozialarbeit „Wirkung“. Olten, Schweiz.

James, S., Trostmann, J., & Seidel, F. (04/30/2022). Wissensentwicklung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Politik, Praxis und Forschung - Dialogische Prozesse in einem Modellprojekt für Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund. DGSA Online Konferenz.

Seidel, F., James, S. & Flächer, A. (04/07/2022). Systematic literature reviews in social work. Workshop presented at the 11th European Conference for Social Work Research. Amsterdam, NL.

James, S., Seidel, F., Fromm, F. & Trostmann, J. (02/09/2022). Gender, migration, and education – an intersectional analysis of a labor market integration project for women with migration background. Paper presented at the 67th AWR International Migration Conference on Global Migration: Trans-cultural, trans-disciplinary and intersectional perspectives. Online Conference.

James, S., Kilian, J. & Scholand, M. (09/25/2021). From parent involvement to family driven care. “Doing family” in youth residential care. Poster presented at the Doing Family Conference. Trier, Germany.

James, S.(09/02/2021). Building evidence for residential interventions - What’s in a word? Evidence-based, evidence-informed, promising and ‘other types’ of evidence for residential interventions. Symposium Presentation at EUSARF2021 Conference. Zurich, Switzerland and Online.

Holmes, L., Ibrahim, R., Suh, E., & James, S. (2021/Sep). Development of an investment case for sustainable community based foster care in Jordan. Presentation at the EUSARF2021 Conference. Zurich, Switzerland and Online.

James, S.  (07/15/2021). (Therapeutic) residential care  - cross-national perspectives on practices and policies. Presentation at the Global Mental Health Lecture Series. Loma Linda University School of Behavioral Health. Online Event.

Timonen-Kallio, E., & James, S. (05/06/2021). Residential Child Care (RCC)
as an Emerging Professional Field - Challenges, Cross-national Differences, and Lessons Learned.
Workshop presented at the 10th Conference of the European Society for Social Work Research. Online Event (ESCWR Bucharest).

James, S., Seidel, F., Trostmann, J. & Andezion, T. (02/25/2021). Was ist Gelingen? Erkenntnisse eines Modellprojekts zur Arbeitsmarktintegration von Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund.  Paper presented at the Transferkonferenz – Wirkungen im Blick – Wirkungsorientierung in der Sozialen Arbeit und Sozialwirtschaft. Online Conference organized by the Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg.

James, S. & Lee, B. (2020, November). Looking beyond our borders: What therapeutic residential care in other countries can teach us. Keynote co-presented at the (digital) ACRC International Therapeutic Residential Care Summit.

James, S., Seidel, F., & Trostmann, J. (2020, November). Labor market integration of women with a migrant background – baseline findings from a model project in Germany. Paper presented at the ‘Protracted Displacement, Hopes, Perspectives and Solutions?’ Conference in Amman, Jordan (online event).

James, S. (2019, November). Evidenzbasierte Soziale Arbeit – das Warum? Was? Und Wie? [Evidence-based social work – the Why? What? And How?] Presented at the DVSG-Bundes-kongress. Kassel, Germany.

James, S. (2018, January). Promising interventions for adolescents with CD. Presentation at the ‘Conduct Disorder in Female Adolescents’ Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.

James, S. (2017, December). Evidence-based practice and knowledge utilization. A study of attitudes and practices among social workers in Germany. Presentation at the Research Colloquium of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany.

James, S.(2017, April). Best practices, promising models, evidence-based treatments. Keynote presentation at the 61st Annual Conference of the Association of Children’s Residential Centers, Portland, Oregon, US.

James, S.(2016, September). Promising program models and evidence-based practices in therapeutic residential care. Panel keynote presentation at conference of the European Scientific Association for Residential & Family Care for Children and Families (EUSARF), Oviedo, Spain.

James, S.(2016, April).Promising program models: What does the research base tell us? Presentation at the Therapeutic Residential Care International Summit Programme. Loughborough, United Kingdom.

James, S. (2015, December). Evidenzbasierte Praxis = (un)ethische Praxis? Ethische Überlegungen in der Debatte um Evidenzbasierung in der Sozialen Arbeit [Evidence-based practice = (un)ethical practice? Ethical considerations in the debate on Evidence-based Practice.] Presentation at the 2nd Human Rights Week at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, Germany.