Student Teachers

On this page you can get an overview of information and funding for international stays for student teachers!

Student Teachers at the Department of Social Sciences play a special role in the internationalization of FB05.


The international outgoing mobility of student teachers is below average nationwide compared to students in other programs (Massumi 2017). Fears specific to the teaching profession can be, for example, that international stays would not fit the given curriculum or the assumption that it is not possible to complete school internships in German (DAAD 2018). To address this study finding and fears, there are specific support programs and information for student teachers. The assumption that student teachers without migration experience could gain higher sensitivity for perspectives and lifeworlds of migrant students through international stays is also part of the university internationalization policy to provide special offers for student teachers (ibid.).


Scholarships for school internships abroad

Here you can find an overview of scholarships for school internships abroad.
Here you can read about teacher-specific conditions: the SHOSTA scholarship, PROMOS scholarship, Erasmus+, Lehramt.International for students and graduates, short scholarships for internships abroad from the DAAD; scholarships for prospective teachers in France (DFJW), Erasmus+ graduate internships, foreign language assistantships (PAD) and Schulwärts! (Goethe Institute).

This overview was prepared by the International Office of the University of Kassel and the Department for Practical School Studies