(1) 2015: The Political Economy of Border Drawing. Arranging Legality in European Labor Migration Policies.Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books (peer-reviewed, paperback edition published in 2019)
(2) 2021: Varieties of Risk Analysis in Public Administrations. Problem-Solving and Polity Policies in Europe. London: Routledge (in der Reihe ‘Studies in Governance and Public Policy’) (peer-reviewed)
(1) Series editor von Comparative Political Economy bei Agenda Publishing (mit Dermot Hodson, Erik Jones, Alison Johnston, and Aidan Regan)
(2) 2021: Handbook of the Governance and Politics of Migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (mit Emma Carmel und Katharina Lenner).
(3) 2017: Society, Regulation and Governance: New Modes of Social Change?, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (mit Marc Mölders, Alfons Bora, Michael Huber und Peter Münte)
(4) 2017: The Crises of European Integration, special edition of EuropeNow on political economy accounts of the diverse “crises” diagnoses in Europe (mit Erik Jones)
(5) 2013: Special issue von Policy Studies on ‘Mobility and Migration in Europe’ (mit Emma Carmel)
Zeitschriftenbeiträge (nur peer-reviewed)
(1) 2020: 'Analyse and rule? A conceptual framework for explaining the variable appeals of ex-ante evaluation in policymaking', der moderne staat: Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 13(1): 124-142.
(2) 2020: ‘Why regulators assess risk differently: Regulatory style, business organization, and the varied practice of risk-based food safety inspections across the EU’, Regulation & Governance, mit Olivier Borraz et al.
(3) 2019: ‘Towards a new ontology of crisis? Resilience in EU Migration governance?’, European Security, 28(4): 393-412, mit Christof Roos
(4) 2019: ‘The boundary conditions for regulation: Welfare systems, state traditions & the varied governance of work safety in Europe’, Governance, 33(1): 21-39 (Beitrag zu einem special issue ‘Varieties of regulatory capitalism’, Hrsg.: M. Guidi, I. Guardiancich und D. Levi-Faur), mit Henry Rothstein und David Demeritt
(5) 2017: ‘Varieties of risk regulation in Europe: coordination, complementarity & occupational safety in capitalist welfare states’, Socio-Economic Review, 17(4): 993-1020, mit Henry Rothstein et al.
(6) 2017: ‘Harmonization by risk analysis? Frontex and the risk-based governance of European border control.’ Journal of European Integration 39(6): 689-706.
(7) 2016: ‘Entgegen aller Wahrscheinlichkeiten? Erklärungsansätze für die Diffusion risikobasierter Regulierung im föderalen System Deutschlands.‘ der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 9(2): 325-352.
(8) 2016: ‘Negotiating varieties of capitalism? Crisis and change in contemporary British and German labor migration policies.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42(10), 1631-1650.
(9) 2016: ‘Risk-based governance against national obstacles? Comparative dynamics of Europeanization in Dutch, French and German flooding policies.’ Journal of Risk Research, 19(8): 1043-1062, mit Fréderic Bouder und Mara Wesseling.
(10) 2015: ‘Risk-based regulation in continental Europe? Explaining the corporatist turn to risk in German work safety policies.’ European Policy Analysis 1(2): 5-33, mit Michael Huber.
(11) 2013: ‘Complex stratification: Understanding European Union governance of migrant rights.’ Regions and Cohesion 3(3), pp. 56-85, mit Emma Carmel.
(12) 2013: ‘Migration, mobility and rights regulation in the EU’, Policy Studies 34(2):113-121, Editorial des special issue, mit Emma Carmel.
(13) 2013: ‘Strategic contextualization: EU free movement, labour migration policies and the governance of foreign workers in Europe.’ Policy Studies 34(2): 122-141.
(14) 2012: ‘Limits of the competition state: The cultural political economy of European labour migration policies.’ Critical Policy Studies 6(4): 379-401.
(15) 2011: ‘European labour geography in crisis: The variable governance of foreign workers in Germany, France and Britain.’ Perspectives on Europe, autumn 2011: 47-53.
(16) 2010: ‘The struggle for coherence in EU migration governance’, La Rivisita delle Politiche Sociali (Italian Journal of Social Policy), 1/2010: 209-230, mit Emma Carmel.
Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
(1) 2021: 'The comparative politics of migration governance in Europe', in Anghel, V. and E. Jones (Hrsg.) Developments in European Politics III. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
(2) 2021: 'True to type? How governance traditions shaped responses to Covid-19 in China, Germany, UK and USA.', in Brown, P. and J. Zinn (Hrsg.) COVID-19 – From the perspective of the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty. London: Palgrave MacMillan, mit Henry Rothstein, David Demeritt and Li Wang.
(3) 2021: ‘Introduction to the governance and politics of international migration.’ Carmel, E., Lenner, K. und R. Paul (Hrsg.) Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, mit Emma Carmel und Katharina Lenner.
(4) 2019: ‘The political ordering of migrant workers: Comparative governance analysis of European labour migration policies’. Carmel, E. (Hrsg.): Governance Analysis: A New Approach to Politics, Policy and Practice, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
(5) 2018: ‘How ‘low-skilled’ migrant workers are made: border-drawing in migration policy’, Rijken, C. und T. de Lange (Hrsg.) Towards a Decent Labour Market for Low Waged Migrant Workers, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 57-78.
(6) 2018: ‘Risk as a governance tool in European border control’, Weinar, A., Bonjour, S., und L. Zhyznomirska (Hrsg.): Handbook on the Politics of Migration in Europe, London: Routledge, pp. 227-238.
(7) 2017: ‘Shaping society: New modes of social change in regulation and governance? An introduction.’ Paul, R., Mölders, M., Bora, A., Huber, M. und P. Münte (Hrsg.) Society, Regulation and Governance: New Modes of Social Change?, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, mit Marc Mölders, pp. 1-12.
(8) 2017: ‘Risk: new issue or new tool in regulation and governance research?’ Paul, R., Mölders, M., Bora, A., Huber, M. und P. Münte (Hrsg.) Society, Regulation and Governance: New Modes of Social Change?, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 59-74.
(9) 2013: ‘Managing diverse policy contexts: The welfare state as repertoire of policy logics in German and French labour migration governance.’ Vad Jønsson, H. et al. (Hrsg.): Migrations and welfare states. Policies, discourses and institutions. (NordWel book series), Helsinki, pp. 139-174.
(10) 2011: ‘Differential inclusion in Germany's conservative welfare state: Policy legacies and structural constraints.’ Carmel, E., Cerami, A. and T. Papadopoulos (Hrsg.): Migration and welfare in the 'new' Europe. Social protection and the challenges of integration. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 121-142, mit Lutz Kaiser.