Veröffentlichungen Fachgebietsmitarbeiter:innen

Janis Cloos, Björn Frank, Lukas Kampenhuber, Stephany Karam, Nhat Luong, Daniel Möller, Maria Monge-Larrain, Nguyen Tan Dat, Marco Nilgen and Christoph Rössler: Is Your Privacy for Sale? An Experiment on the Willingness to Reveal Sensitive Information, Games 10 (2019) [download]   

Igor Asanov, Dominik P. Heinisch and Nhat Luong: Folktale Narratives and Economic Behavior, MAGKS Discussion Paper 09-2020 [download]       

Nhat Luong: Structuring Integrity: The Impact of Form Partitioning on Honesty in Self-Reports, MAGKS Discussion Paper 26-2023 [download]

Blanca Tena Estrada and Nhat Luong: Unconditional Endowment and Acceptance of Taxes: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment on UBI with Unemployed, Basic Income Studies, 2024 []

Ivo Bischoff, Nhat Luong, Konstantinos Madias, Levent Soyalp, and Marta Szaban: Acceptance of collective decisions – an experimental study using the mind game and scales of short-run affective state, MAGKS Discussion Paper 07-2024 [download]