Solar Village Bracht 2

Further development and optimization of the concept for solar local heat supply for rural areas using the example of Bracht-Dorf

Funding source

Brief description

Based on the results of the extended feasibility study "Solar Village Bracht 1", the solar district heating system is to be investigated and optimized in more detail within the follow-up project "Further development and optimization of the concept for solar district heating for rural areas using the example of Bracht village" (Solar Village 2). Additional variants of the system design and the dimensioning of the individual components (solar field, short- and long-term heat storage, heat pumps, CHPs, biomass boilers) are to be investigated. This will be based on detailed simulations, the concretization of cost approaches and functions, and the use of numerical optimization methods. In addition, the technical concepts will be further refined, plant components better matched to each other and the boundary conditions more closely adapted to local conditions. The impact of federal funding programs KfW EE Premium and Bundesförderung für effiziente Wärmenetze (federal funding for efficient district heating networks) or BEW for short on plant design and economic efficiency will also be demonstrated. By exploiting the optimization potentials, the economic efficiency shall be improved and the technical risks for future operators shall be reduced.


09/2021 to 12/2021


Funded by the Hessian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing (WI-Bank).