The Mentoring Program

Doubts regarding your study course and the achievement of your goals is a common; especially at the beginning, you face new tasks and challenges. In this situation, senior students can provide you with assistance! In the Mentoring Program, female students in the first semester have the opportunity to exchange ideas with a student from higher semesters. In a relaxed atmosphere, where all questions about studying can be clarified.

Advantages for the Mentees

  • Having the chance to interact with experienced senior students.
  • Having the opportunity of a personal contact regarding your questions about studying.
  • Receiving useful information and tips regarding your studies.
  • Having the possibility of establishing new contact.
  • You get information about various offers of the university; for instance, workshops and seminars.

Benefits for Mentors

  • You get the opportunity to socialize with mentees as well as other mentors.
  • You can enhance your coaching and consulting skills.
  • You can be compensated for your commitment, or you can have it ecognized as part of additional qualifications and key competences.
  • You will receive a certificate for your mentoring activity.

Terms of Participation and Procedure

[Translate to Englisch:]

Mentees: Erstsemester-Studentinnen
Mentorinnen: Bachelor-Studentinnen frühestens ab dem 3. Semester
Jede Mentee bekommt eine Mentorin zugeteilt, es ist wünschenswert, dass sie sich regelmäßig in kurzen Abständen treffen. Der Ablauf der Treffen und Treffpunkt ist individuell den Paaren überlassen. Es ist vorgesehen, dass die Zusammenarbeit mindestens ein Semester läuft. Wichtig für eine gute Zusammenarbeit ist das Engagement von beiden Parteien.


Are you a master student and interested in the project?

Please contact us; we are also planning a mentoring program for female undergraduate and graduate students.

Are you a master student and interested in the project?: More Infos