The demand for discrimination-free and equal participation of all people in an inclusive education system is accompanied by the need for individually appropriate provisions. Inclusive diagnostics are caught in the area of tension between the individual-related description of necessary assistance and the danger of stigmatization and discrimination. A magnifying glass for the professional handling of the field of tension on an administrative and pedagogical level is the regionally differentiated assessment procedure of special educational needs. The interdisciplinary joint project "InDiVers" focuses on this magnifying glass in different federal states by means of a qualitative multi-level analysis with regard to mechanisms of institutional discrimination.

In the subproject "Regional Constellations" at the Frankfurt site, regional actor constellations are reconstructed through the triangulation of expert interviews, documents, and school statistical data, and questioned about the rules, routines, and logics of action of the actors involved. Complementary to this, in the sub-project "Case-related constellations" at the Darmstadt location, procedures for determining SPF are accompanied qualitatively and longitudinally in at least eight individual cases and analyzed with regard to the question of the tense action between support and selection of all participants.

For the transfer of the conditions for success to be derived from this analysis for the design of such procedures in the sense of inclusive diagnostics, the joint project pursues two strategies: a) in regional workshops in the survey regions, impulses for the further development of the procedures are set; b) in a co-constructive process with persons of all teacher training phases, concepts for the professionalization of teachers are developed and formatively evaluated.

Subproject "Regional Constellations" at the University of Kassel
Team: Dr. Julia Gasterstädt & Anna Kistner
Subproject "Case-related Constellations" at the TU Darmstadt
Team Dr. Katja Adl-Amini & Florian Klenk

Duration: 2021-2024

Funding line "Funding-related diagnostics in inclusive education", funding code: 01NV2101A-B