Completed Projects

Different: Negotiation processes of special educational needs
(together with Prof. Dr. Katja Adl-Amini, TU Darmstadt)
The research project asks how the determination of special educational needs is negotiated and legitimized in so-called support committees between different professionals and institutions, i.e. how the tension between categorization and de-categorization is dealt with at this educational biographical focal point. For this purpose, two such support committees were observed and interviews were conducted with the involved professional actors from regular and special education. In addition, the school regulations for the determination of special educational needs in the 16 federal states were comparatively analyzed and questioned with regard to mechanisms of institutional discrimination (Gasterstädt, Kistner & Adl-Amini, 2020).

Teaching research project "Discourse and Subject in the Context of Educational Assistance in Schools"
In the context of the master's seminar, we ask how the professional discourse of the so-called pedagogy of behavioral disorders/educational assistance in schools is structured. In particular, we analyze the construction and the change of interpretative patterns within this professional discourse and focus in the sense of a sociological discourse analysis sensu Keller, which subject positions are structured for students, children, adolescents, parents and professionals. The data corpus is formed by handbooks and action guidelines from the last 90 years. In addition, we conduct narrative-oriented interviews with students and parents who have come into contact with formats of school-based educational support in order to understand whether and how they relate to the subject positions of the professional discourse, adopt them or position themselves in a resistant way.

Dissertation on the topic "Facing Complexity - Steering Inclusion? A Situation Analysis of the Implementation of Article 24 of the UN CRPD in Two Federal States in Germany"