Netzwerk I.INT

DFG Network "Inclusive Education in International Comparison"

  • Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Network members (alphabetical): Robert Aust (University of Leipzig, coordination), Julia Biermann (University of Innsbruck), Nadia Cohen (DIPF, Frankfurt/Main), Julia Gasterstädt (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, coordination), Prof. Dr. Andreas Köpfer (University of Education Freiburg/Breisgau, coordination), Dr. Mathias Mejeh (University of Bern), Michelle Proyer (University of Vienna), Lea Schäfer (Humboldt University Berlin, coordination), Run Tan (University of Konstanz), Prof. Dr. Raphael Zahnd (University of Education FHNW Muttenz)
  • Duration: 02/2020-01/2023

Inclusive education can be described as an international paradigm that focuses on participation and inclusion as well as processes of inclusion and exclusion in educational contexts and the barriers and discrimination embedded in them. This paradigm has found its way into the policies of international (educational) organizations, for example the European Union, the OECD, UNESCO or the World Bank, and has gained visibility through international agreements, for example the Salamanca Declaration of 1994, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006 and the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN of 2018. The accompanying political-normative (over)setting of inclusive education is currently being taken up nationally and regionally in education policy, and subsequently processes of governance in education systems are being initiated. In the process, inclusion must be taken up at national and regional level in different historically developed, culturally distinctive as well as normatively and legally founded education systems and translated and transformed into practice.

In the DFG-funded scientific network "Inclusive Education in International Comparison" (2020-2023), researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are asking how these processes between global and local levels can be researched in an internationally comparative way. Within the framework of the joint work in the network, different theoretical and/or methodological approaches are comparatively processed and discussed with scholars from the international area. The aim is to analyze their potentials and limitations for international comparative (educational) research. The aim of the network is the joint development of theoretical and methodological contributions to international comparative research with a focus on inclusive education, which has not yet been well defined in the German-language research discourse. The results will be made available to the (inter)national research and professional discourse.

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) - Project Number 427476584