Laboratory and Field Equipment

Anaerobic Digestion Lab

GNR Biogas Lab

Technical specification:

60 batch reactors (20 l), operated at mesophilic temperature (37 ± 1oC), including automatic stirring with a timer. Gas is collected in the gas-proof bags.

For the measurement of the gas volume a wet drum gas meter Ritter TG5 is used and methane concentration is determined using a gas analyser GS IRM 100.


The anaerobic digestion laboratory is used for determination of digestion parameters, including biogas and methane yields of various organic substrates.


Technical specification:

Reflectance measurement, wawelength range – 400-2500 nm, spectral resolution – 0.5 nm, analysis time < 1 min.


Used for direct measurements of biomass (e.g. feed and forage) samples in ground or unground form, detection of fat, protein, moisture, ash, starch and crude fibre, as well as NDF and ADF.

Fieldspectrometer Tec5

Technical specification:

HandySpec Field® Portable Spectrometer System, containing a measuring unit and a sensor head, wavelength range – 350-1690 nm


Used for the measurement of diffuse reflection characteristics of plants and soil. Applicable for remote sensing, plant production and nutrition, biomass measurements, concentration analysis and evaluation of plant indices.