Circular Conversion Cascades to Transform Residual Biomass to Carbon Products


Per Year 37 Mio t of residual biomass are wasted in NWE, corresponding to a theoretical saving potential of >30 Mio t of CO2, which is about 2,5 % of the total CO2 emission of the NWE territory. Previous projects have successfully proven that large quantities of these biomasses can be recovered and converted into biochar to substitute fossil coal and peat and create CO2 negative product and value chains. Still, holistic tailormade biomass and carbon management approaches are missing for a substantial implementation in NWE regions.

Objectives and approach

The project on hand will now close this gap and introduce Circular Carbon Management systems in 7 pilot regions in FR, DE, LU, NL, BE, IE via cascading Biomass-to-Biochar conversion chains and create 7 transferrable application scenarios for follower regions.

Innovations and prospects

In transnational collaboration an experienced multi-stakeholder partnership of public entities, scientific institutes and private/non-governmental R&D organisations will jointly work on the circular design of these residual biomass and carbon product and value chains:

Firstly, Biomass-to-Biochar product and value chains will be introduced, managed, and optimised, taking in account different input sources and optimised recovery, production, processing and conversion modes in the 7 urban, rural and peri-urban pilot regions.

Secondly, the regional CASCADE-pilot projects will be quality checked, constantly improved along a Plan-Do-Check-Act procedure based on technological, ecological, economical, and social criteria.

Thirdly a CASCADE Capacity Building programme will be designed and implemented to roll out the Biomass-to-Biochar value chains in the project and follower regions.
A CASCADE Centre of Excellence & TechLab will be established to continuously deliver hybrid Quality Management and Capacity Building services. They include central and decentral training and development activities, mobile roadshows and a growing hybrid exhibition for carbon products, services and systems.