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The Listening Heart. Wisdom Literature in the Hebrew Bible. Stuttgart 2006.
Gem. m. Peter Dschulnigg: Jewish and Christian Festivals (Neue Echter Bibel - Themen 9). Würzburg 2002. [Feste Ebraiche e Feste Cristiane. Prospettive dell'Antico e del Novo Testamento. Bologna 2008.]
Violence in the House of David. The narrative of Tamar and Amnon (2 Sam 13:1-22) (HBS 13). Freiburg/Br. 1997.(Dissertation).
Together w. Mirja Kutzer / Annegret Reese-Schnitker: Sacred Spaces. Understandings between theology and cultural studies. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2024.
Together w. Andreas Heek / Aurica Jax / Annegret Reese-Schnitker: Zur Sprache bringen. Biblical texts and sexualized violence in pastoral care and schools. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag 2024.
Co-ed. w. Mirja Kutzer / Annegret Reese-Schnitker: Sacred Texts. Understandings between theology and cultural studies. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2023.
Together with. Sigrid Eder et al. (eds.), Frauen, die sich einmischen. Biblical-political readings (FS Irmtraud Fischer), Stuttgart 2022.
Together w. Rainer Kampling: Re-Thinking Erich Zenger. Continuing the Conversation (SBB 80). Stuttgart: publishing house Katholisches Bibelwerk 2021.
Together w. Barbara Schmitz: Perspectives. Biblical texts and narratology (SBB 75). Stuttgart: Publishing house Katholisches Bibelwerk 2018.
Together with. Rainer Kampling: Speech of God. Collected essays by Erich Zenger on Jewish-Christian dialog (SBAB 65). Stuttgart: Publishing house Katholisches Bibelwerk 2018.
Together w. Paul-Gerhard Klumbies: Bible and culture. The Book of Books in Music, Literature and Film. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2016.
Co-ed. w. Alexis Joachimides/Stephanie Milling/Yvonne Sophie Thöne: Opfer - Beute - Hauptgericht. Animal killings in interdisciplinary discourse. Bielefeld: transcript 2016.
Gem. w. Ute Eisen, God as a figure. Narratological analyses of biblical texts and their adaptations (HBS 82). Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2016.
Co-ed. w. Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger / Ruth Scoralick: God's name(s). In memory of Erich Zenger (HBS 71). Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2012.
Together w. Ulrike Eichler: Sexual violence against girls and women as a topic of feminist theology. Gütersloh 1999.
Tamar and Amnon and Their Relationship with David. In: David Shepherd/ Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer (eds.), Oxford Handbook of King David, Oxford University Press 2025 [in press].
The Wise Woman and the City Wall of Abel Beth-maachah (2 Sam 20) in the Context of Biblical and Other Ancient War Narratives. In Walter Dietrich (ed.): War and Peace in the Books of Samuel (OBO). Fribourg: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 2025 [in press].
Ethics, empathy and the exodus narrative. In: Nancy Rahn/Nikolett Móricz (eds.): Empathy - theological perspectives. Fribourg: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 2025 [in print].
Language and Gender in the Hebrew Bible. In: Yearbook of Biblical Theology 39 (2025) [in press].
Every child is a figure of hope - The Hannalied. In: Bible and Church 4 (2024), 206-212.
unique. Confession of love. In: Egbert Ballhorn/Georg Steins/Regina Wildgruber/Uta Zwingenberger (eds.): 42 big words. Key to the message of the Bible. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus 2024, pp. 20-29.
How are we meant? Christian readings of the Old Testament between rejection and appropriation. In: Christian Wiese/Joachim Valentin/Doron Kiesel (eds.): Jüdisch-christlicher Dialog. A compendium. Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2024, pp. 314-335.
Exposing/avoiding/resisting anti-Semitism as a theological task. In: Christian Frevel/René W. Dausner (eds.): Shoulder to Shoulder. A study book on the role of Judaism in Christian theology. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2024, pp. 300-308.
Bringing the Terrible to Language - Biblical Perspectives on the "Black Drawings". In: old and new art 53 (2024), 81-87.
Silence - speaking - drawing boundaries. So that language does not become an act of violence. In: Andreas Heek / Aurica Jax / Ilse Müllner / Annegret Reese-Schnitker (eds.): Zur Sprache bringen. Biblical texts and sexualized violence in pastoral care and schools. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag 2024, pp. 27-38.
Between hearing and seeing: G*d. In feinschwarz (, February 27, 2023.
From ethics to the speech of God. Biblical impulses for a contemporary theology. In: feinschwarz (, February 16, 2023.
"They have Moses and the prophets, let them listen to them" (Luke 16:29). The interpretation of the Old Testament in the context of biblical ethics. In: Barbara Schmitz/Thomas Hieke/Mathias Ederer (eds.), Vor allen Dingen: Das Alte Testament (FS Christoph Dohmen, HBS 100), Freiburg/Br. 2023, 356-370.
Together with. Mirja Kutzer: Sacred texts - an introduction. In: Mirja Kutzer/Ilse Müllner/Annegret Reese-Schnitker (eds.), Heilige Texte. Understandings between theology and cultural studies. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2023, pp. 9-34.
The Found Book and the Borrowed Voice. (Self-)Authorization strategies of biblical texts. In: Mirja Kutzer/Ilse Müllner/Annegret Reese-Schnitker (eds.), Holy Texts. Understandings between theology and cultural studies. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2023, pp. 51-68.
Together with. Egbert Ballhorn, Inspiratio continua. Word of God through the ages. In: Georg Braulik/Agnethe Siquans/Jan-Heiner Tück (eds.), Dein Wort ist meinem Fuß eine Leuchte (FS Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger), Freiburg/Br. 2022, 30-52.
Between Narrator and Author: Observations on the Boundaries of the Books of Samuel. In: Sonja Ammann/Katharina Pyschny/Julia Rhyder (eds.), Re-Evaluating the Concept of Authorship in Hebrew Bible Studies (FAT). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2022, pp. 175-191.
Body and Speech as the Site of Emotions in Biblical Narrative. In: Mathieu de Bakker/Baukje van den Berg/Jaqueline Klooster (eds.), Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond. Studies in Honor of Irene de Jong. Leiden/Boston: Brill 2022, pp. 337-350.
Vine, Fig Tree and Divine Justice. Biblical-theological sketches on dwelling. In : Yearbook for Christian Social Sciences 62 (2021), pp. 89-112.
Frightening Continuities. Reading Stories on Sexual Violence in the Book of Samuel Today. In: Matthias Wirth/Isabelle Noth/Silvia Schroer (eds.), Sexualized Violence in Ecclesial Contexts. New interdisciplinary perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter 2021, pp. 251-266.
Gendered Politics: Dynastic Roles of Women in the Narratives about Saul, David, and Solomon. In: L. Juliana Claassens/Irmtraud Fischer (eds.), Prophecy and Gender in the Hebrew Bible (The Bible and Women. An Encyclopedia of Exegesis and Cultural History 1.2). Atlanta: SBL Press 2021, pp. 193-227.
How are we meant? Christian readings of the Old Testament between rejection and appropriation. In: Rainer Kampling/Ilse Müllner (eds.), Re-Thinking Erich Zenger. Continuing the Conversation (SBB 80). Stuttgart 2021, pp. 57-79.
"My bones cling to my skin and flesh!" (Job 19:20). Biblical-theological aspects of illness. In: Joachim Werz (ed.), God's speech in epidemics: Theology and Church in Crisis. Münster 2021, pp. 20-32.
No simple truths. 30 years of Erich Zenger's First Testament (interview). In: Bible today 225 (2021), pp. 6-9.
Together with. Benedict Schöning: Commentary on the Books of Samuel. In: Catholic Biblical Association (ed.), Lectio Divina. Old Testament I. The Einheitsübersetzung. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk 2021, pp. 337-406.
Torah - Prophecy - Kingship. Criticism of power from the First Testament. In: Doris Reisinger (ed.), Dangerous theologies. When theological approaches legitimize abuse of power. Regensburg: Pustet 2021, pp. 16-34.
The gender of politics. Family and rule in the dynastic monarchy. In: Sara Kipfer et al. (eds.), The Book of Samuel and Its Response to Monarchy. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2021, pp. 281-297.
Empathy, Betrauerbarkeit and Kinship. Biblical-narratological reflections following Judith Butler's political philosophy. In: Gunda Werner/Bernhard Grümme (eds.), Judith Butler and Theology. Challenge and Reception. Göttingen: transcript 2020, pp. 99-118.
We are not that important. Co-creation in the Old Testament. In: Herder Korrespondenz Special: Paradise Lost. How much religion is needed to save creation, Freiburg 2020, pp. 9-11.
With a view to God - light for the nations. In: Exegetical sketches on the biblical texts (look [Mk 6:38]. 3rd Ecumenical Church Congress in Frankfurt am Main, May 12-16, 2021), 2020, pp. 86-94.
Beyond Adam and Eve. Gender Difference and the Fall of Man in Gen 1-3. In: Thomas Hieke/Konrad Huber (eds.), Bibel falsch verstanden. Persistent misinterpretations of biblical texts explained. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk 2020, pp. 36-47.
Human pain as the will of God? The sentences of Genesis as a history of justification (etiology). In: Thomas Hieke/Konrad Huber (eds.), Bible misunderstood. Stubborn misinterpretations of biblical texts explained. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk 2020, pp. 56-63.
No space free of domination. Sexuality and power in biblical writings. In: Irmtraud Fischer/Uta Poplutz (eds.), Sexuality (JBTh 33). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 2020, pp. 23-46.
Together with Annegret Reese-Schnitker/Nele Spiering-Schomborg: Sprachfähig werden - Thematisierung sexualisierter Gewalt im Religionsunterricht. In: KatBl 144 (2019), pp. 305-311.
Gendered Politics. Dynastic roles of women in the stories of Saul, David and Solomon. In: Irmtraud Fischer/Juliana Claassens (eds.), Prophetie (Die Bibel und die Frauen 1.2). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2019, pp. 161-189.
"Who is David? Who is the son of Jesse? (1 Sam 25:10). From the books of Samuel to the history of their impact and back. In: Sara Han/Anja Middelbeck-Varwick/Markus Thurau (eds.), Bibel - Israel - Kirche. Studies on the Jewish-Christian Encounter. Festschrift for Rainer Kampling. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag 2018, pp. 19-35.
Together with Annegret Reese-Schnitker/Nele Spiering-Schomborg: Overcoming Silence. Teaching and learning in the wake of biblical depictions of sexualized violence. In: Monique Meier/Kathrin Ziepprecht/Jürgen Mayer (eds.), Teacher training in networked learning environments. Münster: Waxmann 2018, pp. 163-178.
The First Book of Samuel. Through the eyes of a woman. In: Egbert Ballhorn/Georg Steins/Regina Wildgruber/Uta Zwingenberger (eds.), 73 Overtures. The Beginnings of the Bible and their Message. With the collaboration of Arnold Stadler. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus 2018, pp. 113-123.
The Second Book of Samuel. The king is dead! Long live the king! In: Egbert Ballhorn/Georg Steins/Regina Wildgruber/Uta Zwingenberger (eds.), 73 Overtures. The Beginnings of the Books of the Bible and their Message. With the collaboration of Arnold Stadler. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus 2018, pp. 124-133.
Telling God in biblical writings of the Old Testament. In: DIEGESIS. Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung / Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 7.2 (2018). Available online at
Perspectives. Biblical texts and narratology. In: Ilse Müllner/Barbara Schmitz (eds.), Perspectives. Biblical Texts and Narratology (SBB 75). Stuttgart: Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk 2018, pp. 11-40.
Transparent for the reality of God. Prophecy: an alert mind, a clear view and freedom of expression. In: woman and mother 6 (2018), pp. 14-15.
"You yourself were a stranger in Egypt!" (Deut 10:19). The First Testament as migration literature. In: Annegret Reese-Schnitker/Daniel Bertram/Marcel Franzmann (eds.), Migration, Flight and Expulsion. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2018, pp. 39-50.
The Books of Samuel as a work of political theology. In: Bernd Willmes/Christoph Gregor Müller (eds.), Thesaurus in vasis fictilibus. "Treasure in fragile vessels" (2 Cor 4:7) (FS Bishop Heinz Josef Algermissen). Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2018, pp. 279-298.
Reading the world in the horizon of God. The Books of Samuel IV. In: BiLi 4 (2017), pp. 297-301.
Family politics - The emergence of the dynasty. The Books of Samuel III. In: BiLi 3 (2017), pp. 240-244.
David. The Books ofSamuel II. in: BiLi 2 (2017), pp. 153-158.
On the way to kingship. The Books of Samuel I. In: BiLi 1 (2017), pp. 65-69.
Saul - the tragically failed king. In: BiKi 3 (2017), pp. 177-185.
Between gender equality and divine violence - allegorical readings of the Song of Songs. In: Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger (ed.), The Song of Songs (ÖBS). Vienna: Peter Lang 2017, pp. 165-183.
Spaces - bodies - holiness. Dynamics of space and gender from an exegetical perspective. In: Angela Kaupp (ed.), Spatial concepts in theology. Interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches. Ostfildern 2016, pp. 65-80.
Starting with Adam and Eve. On the culturally productive power of the Genesis narratives. In: Paul-Gerhard Klumbies/Ilse Müllner (eds.), Bibel und Kultur. The Book of Books in Music, Literature and Film. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2016, pp. 251-276.
God's interpreter and music therapist. David and the Psalms. In: World and Environment of the Bible 86 (2016), pp. 34-39.
The gender of sacrificial animals. Reflections on the basis of sacrificial provisions in the Torah. In: Alexis Joachimides/Stephanie Milling/Ilse Müllner/Yvonne Sophie Thöne, Opfer - Beute - Hauptgericht. Animal killings in interdisciplinary discourse. Bielefeld: transcript 2016, pp. 69-89.
Together with Thomas Naumann: Männlichkeit in Kampf und Schmerz: Aspekte der Geschlechteranthropologie der Samuelbücher. In: Walter Dietrich (ed.), The Books of Samuel. Stories - History - Reception History (BETL 284). Leuven: Peeters 2016, pp. 303-316.
Biblical Wisdom - Female Prudence. Wise women as role models of personified wisdom. In: German Protestant Church Congress Stuttgart 2015, pp. 359-361.
How are we meant. Reflections on the identificatory reading of biblical texts. In: BiKi 1 (2016), pp. 17-23.
Between acceptance and rebellion. Old Testament approaches to dealing with suffering. In: Severin Lederhilger (ed.), Why suffering? Man between resignation and rebellion. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet 2016, pp. 61-82.
Telling God in people, animals and things. The books of Samuel. In: Ute Eisen/Ilse Müllner (eds.), God as a figure. Narratological analyses of biblical texts and their adaptations (HBS 8280). Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2016, pp. 88-123.
Together with Ute Eisen: God as a figure - An introduction. In: Ute Eisen/Ilse Müllner (eds.), God as a Figure. Narratological analyses of biblical texts and their adaptations (HBS 82). Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2016, pp. 11-26.
Family - so strange and so familiar. In: BiKi 4 (2015), pp. 236-237.
Eve wants to know. In: Bible today. Vol. 51, p. 4 (2015), pp. 7-10.
Constructions of gender in regulative texts of the Torah. In: Christian Frevel (ed.), More than Ten Words? On the Significance of the Old Testament in Ethical Questions (QD 273). Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2015, pp. 115-152.
Of humans and other animals. The parable of the lost and found sheep - Luke 15:4-7. In: Marlene Crüsemann et al. (eds.), God is different. Parables read anew (FS Luise Schottroff). Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus 2014, pp. 190-202.
Celebration and Narration. Metaleptic features in Ex 12:1 - 13,16. In: Constanza Cordoni/ Gerhard Langer (eds.), Narratology, Hermeneutics, and Midrash. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Narratives from the Late Antique Period through to Modern Times. Göttingen: V&R unipress 2014, pp. 25-37.
Passover as event and ritual. The narrative integration of future generations in Ex 12:1-13:16. In: Ute E. Eisen/Peter von Möllendorff (eds.), Über die Grenze. Metalepses in textual and visual media of antiquity (Narratologia 39). Berlin: De Gruyter 2013, pp. 59-94.
Son of David and son of Abraham. Jewish folk history as the family history of Jesus Christ. In: Thomas Söding (ed.), Born in Bethlehem? The Book of Jesus by Benedict XVI and Science. Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2013, pp. 45-63.
Depicted Violence and the Violence of Representation. Narrative figurations in the David narratives. In: Irmtraud Fischer (ed.), Power - Violence - War in the Old Testament. Social problems and the problem of their representation (QD 254). Freiburg/Br.: Herder 2013, pp. 286-317.
Books of Samuel: Women at the Center of Israel's History. In: Luise Schottroff/Marie-Theres Wacker (eds.), Feminist Biblical Interpretation. A Compendium of Critical Commentary on the Books of the Bible and Related Literature. Grand Rapids/Cambridge 2012, p. 140-158.
Saved in every generation. On the Relationship between Feast and Narrative in the Book of Esther. In: Stephanie Feder/Aurica Nutt (eds.), Esters unbekannte Seiten. Theological perspectives on a forgotten biblical book. Ostfildern 2012, pp. 90-101.
The miracle of sufficiency. In: Exegetical sketches (As much as you need [Ex 16,18]. The biblical texts for the 34th German Protestant Church Congress in Hamburg, May 1-5, 2013), 2012, pp. 5-14.
Together with Yvonne Sophie Thöne:Von Mutterhäusern, Landestöchtern und Stadtfrauen. Space and gender in the Old Testament. In: lectio difficilior 1/2012 (
Democratization of the spirit. Prophecy in the present. In: woman and mother 7.8 (2012), pp. 6-7.
"Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse?" (1 Sam 25:10). In: Bible today 190 (2012), pp. 6-9.
The workshop of the prophet. On the genesis of prophetic books. In: woman and mother 6 (2012), pp. 6-7.
Battle, song and theological advice. Prophetesses in the Bible. In: woman and mother 5 (2012), pp. 6-7.
Are we allowed to do what we can? Optimizing the body and the limits of feasibility. In: Bible and Church 67,1 (2012), pp. 46-47.
Controversial saints. Prophets in the Books of Samuel and Kings. In: woman and mother 4 (2012), pp. 6-7.
Face to face. Prophecy in the succession of Moses. In: woman and mother 3 (2012), pp. 6-7.
Storytelling against silence. Narrative representations of sexual violence in the First Testament. In: Monika Jakobs (ed.), Abused Proximity. Sexual Assaults in Church and School (Theological Reports 34). Fribourg/Switzerland 2011, pp. 51-91.
The Freedom Memorandum and its communicative horizons. In: Judith Könemann/ Thomas Schüller (eds.), The Memorandum. The positions for and against. Freiburg/Br. 2011, pp. 134-141.
A wise woman against the logic of war. Bible study on the wise woman of Abel-Bet-Maacha in 2 Sam 20:14-22. In: Sonja Angelika Strube (ed.), Frauenweisheit - Gottesweisheit (FrauenBibelArbeit 27). Stuttgart 2011, pp. 14-20.
Ahitofel and the ambivalence of advice. In: Walter Dietrich (ed.), Side glances. Literarische und historische Studien zu Nebenfiguren im zweiten Samuelbuch (Orbis biblicus et Orientalis 249). Göttingen 2011, pp. 331-353.
Home in the plural. Biblical voices on the Babylonian exile. In: Johanna Rahner/Mirjam Schambeck (eds.), Between Integration and Exclusion. Migration, religious identity(ies) and education - theologically reflected. Münster 2011, pp. 83-106.
Unquestionably a question? At the end of the Book of Jonah. In: Kerstin Schiffner/Steffen Leibold/ Magdalene L. Frettlöh/Jan-Dirk Döhling/Ulrike Beil (eds.), Fragen wider die Antworten (FS Jürgen Ebach). Gütersloh 2010, pp. 286-304.
Together with Luise Schottroff: Resisting violence. In: Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber/Paul-Gerhard Klumbies (eds.), Religion and Fanaticism. Psychoanalytical and theological approaches. Göttingen 2010, pp. 261-282.
On the art of practicing letting go in doing. Biblical-theological moments of happiness. In: Timo Hoyer (ed.), Vom Glück und glücklichen Leben. Approaches from the social sciences and humanities. Göttingen 2007, pp. 122-142.
The place of understanding. Job 28 as part of the discussion of knowledge in the Book of Job. In: Theodor Seidl/Stephanie Ernst (eds.), Das Buch Ijob. Overall interpretations - individual texts - central themes. Frankfurt/M. 2007, pp. 57-83.
The one canon and the many voices. A feminist-theological outline. In: Malen Bidwell-Steiner/Karin S. Wozonig (eds.), A Canon of Our Own? Canon Critique and Canon Formation in Gender Studies. Vienna 2006, pp. 42-57.
Bad Women.Jezebel, Ataliah, Power and Evil. In: Helga Kuhlmann/Stefanie Schäfer-Bossert (eds.), Hat das Böse ein Geschlecht? Theological and religious-scientific definitions of relationships. Stuttgart 2006, pp. 151-161.
The wise men from the Orient. Books of the Kings. In: Christoph Dohmen (ed.), Die Regensburger Bilderbibel für Papst Benedikt XVI. Stuttgart 2006, p. 48.
The tragic and the victorious hero. Books of Samuel. In: Christoph Dohmen (ed.), Die Regensburger Bilderbibel für Papst Benedikt XVI. Stuttgart 2006, p. 46.
Time, space, figures, gaze. Hermeneutical and methodological foundations of the analysis of biblical narrative texts. In: PzB 15 (2006), pp. 1-24.
One question - five answers: My red thread through the Bible. In: KatBl 131 (2006), pp. 249-254.
Dialogical authority. Feminist-theological reflections on the canonical interpretation of Scripture. In: Antonio Autiero (ed.), Annali di Studi Religiosi 6 (2005). Trento 2006, pp. 371-383 (reprinted in: Egbert Ballhorn/Georg Steins (eds.), Der Bibelkanon in der Bibelauslegung. Methodological reflection and sample exegeses. Stuttgart 2007, pp. 74-84).
Teacher and object at the same time. Didactic aspects of personified wisdom in Prov 1-9. In: Ilona Riedel-Spangenberger/Erich Zenger (eds.), FS Helen Schüngel-Straumann. Paderborn 2006, pp. 215-225.
Dialogical authority. Feminist-theological reflections on the canonical interpretation of Scripture. In: lectio difficilior 2 (2005),
Wisdom personified as a woman in the Hebrew Bible. In: IFF-Info 22,30 (2005), pp. 7-22.
Aggiornamento also for the Bible.Despite many compromises, Vatican II made it possible to take a new look at the biblical writings and their meaning. In: Die Furche 43 (03.11.2005), p. 10.
Jezebel, Ataliah, power and evil. Bible study on royal women in 1 Kings 18-21; 2 Kings 9 and 11. In: Anneliese Hecht (ed.), Böse Frauen (FrauenBibelArbeit, vol. 15). Stuttgart/Düsseldorf 2005, pp. 29-40.
Literary diachrony in the Elijah speeches of the Book of Job (Job 32-37). In: Frank-Lothar Hossfeld/Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger (eds.), Das Manna fällt auch heute noch. Contributions to the History and Theology of the Old Testament (FS Zenger/HBS 44). Freiburg/Br. 2004, pp. 447-469.
Commentary on the Books of Samuel. In: Erich Zenger (ed.), Stuttgarter Altes Testament. Einheitsübersetzung mit Erklärungen. Stuttgart 2004.
Against the will.Sexual violence in the Old Testament. In: Essener Unikate 21 (2003), pp. 8-21.
Knowledge in conversation.The significance of (verbal) encounters in the Book of Job. In: Irmtraud Fischer/Ursula Rapp/Johannes Schiller (eds.), Auf den Spuren der schriftgelehrten Weisen (FS Johannes Marböck/BZAW 331). Berlin et al. 2003, pp. 167-180.
Prophetic Violence. The Marital Metaphor and Its Impact On Female and Male Readers. In: Irmtraud Fischer/Konrad Schmid/Hugh G.M. Williamson (eds.), Prophecy in Israel (Old Testament and Modernity 11). Münster 2003, pp. 199-204.
Moral learning from immoral role models. On the textual pragmatics of the story of Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-16). In: German Coordination Council (ed.), "Abel stand up, so that things start differently between us all" - 50 years of Fraternity Week. Bad Nauheim 2002, pp. 19-23.
Together with Justus Cobet/Andreas Göbel: Text und Herrschaft. A review essay. In: Sociologia Internationalis, Vol. 39, H. 1 (2001), pp. 147-159.
Narration against violence. The commandment of silence as a strategy of sexual violence. In: Klara Butting et al. (eds.), Träume einer gewaltfreien Welt. Bible - Koran - practical steps. Wittingen 2001, pp. 127-133.
"Gracious is God and righteous" (Ps 116:5). Biblical-theological perspectives on the justice of God. In: Heinrich Schmidinger (ed.), Gerechtigkeit heute. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit (Salzburg University Weeks 2000). Innsbruck/Vienna 2000, pp. 73-106.
Lamenting loudly. Women's voices in the Old Testament. In: Georg Steins (ed.), Silence would be blasphemous. The healing power of lament. Würzburg 2000, pp. 69-86.
Sexual violence in the Old Testament . In: Ulrike Eichler/Ilse Müllner (eds.), Sexual violence against girls and women as a topic of feminist theology. Gütersloh 1999, pp. 40-75.
The return of the unique. Biblical-theological thoughts on the subject of time. In: Diakonia, 30. vol. 6 (1999), pp. 393-399.
Tools of the masters? Narrative analysis from a feminist perspective. In: Erhard S. Gerstenberger/Ulrich Schoenborn (eds.), Hermeneutik - sozialgeschichtlich. Münster 1999, pp. 133-147.
Lethal differences. Sexual violence as violence against Others in Judges 19. In: Athalya Brenner (ed.), Judges. A Feminist Companion to the Bible (Second Series). Sheffield 1999, pp. 126-142.
Changing perspectives. David and Bathsheba in 20th century novels. In: Cheryl Exum (ed.), Beyond the Biblical Horizon. The Bible and the Arts. Leiden/Boston/Cologne 1999, pp. 90-108.
The Books of Samuel. Women at the center of Israel's history. In: Luise Schottroff/Marie-Theres Wacker (eds.), Kompendium feministische Bibelauslegung. Gütersloh 1998, pp. 114-129.
Man is two and God even more.Literary Criticism and the Creation Narratives of Genesis. In: Brood of Vipers 68 (1997), pp. 5-8.
The marketed paradise. The utopian content of the biblical creation narratives. In: Spurensuche für eine Spiritualität solidarischen Leben, published by the episcopal aid organization Misereor, edited by Norbert Arntz. Aachen 1997, pp. 27-40.
Deadly differences. Sexual violence as violence against others in Ri 19. In: Luise Schottroff/Marie-Theres Wacker (eds.), Von der Wurzel getragen. Christian-Feminist Exegesis in Confrontation with Anti-Judaism (Biblical Interpretation Series 17). Leiden 1996, pp. 81-100.
Together with Aggi Kemmler: Frauenkonflikte in der Bibel. In: KatBl 11 (1994), pp. 802-809.
"For I am God, not a man."(Hos 11:9). Female and male images of God in the First Testament. In: Church and School 92 (1994), pp. 1-12.
The Gretchen question. On the discussion of anti-Judaism in the brood of vipers. In: Brood of Vipers 41 (1993), pp. J5-J7.
With the weapons of a woman? Strength and beauty in the Book of Judith. In: KatBl 6 (1993), pp. 399-406.
The God of Israel transforms weakness into strength. The prayer of Judith in chapter 9. In: Bibel heute 110 (1992), pp. 128-131.
"... that I give birth in her womb". Religiosity and biblical motifs in Margaret Atwood's "Report of the Handmaid". In: Serpent's Brood 37 (1992), pp. 32-35.
Type. Midwife. In: WiBiLex 2012,
Art. Fiction. In: WiBiLex 2009,
Art. Bathsheba. In: WiBiLex 2007,
Art. Hermeneutics. Feminist theological. In: Elisabeth Gössmann et al. (eds.), Dictionary of Feminist Theology. Gütersloh 2nd revised ed. 2002, pp. 276-278.
Together with F. G. Untergaßmair: Art. Wrath of God. In: Manfred Görg/Bernhard Lang (eds.), Neues Bibel-Lexikon. Vol. III. Düsseldorf/Zurich 2001, pp. 1225-1227.
Tod Linafelt/Claudia V. Camp/Timothy Beal (eds.), The Fate of King David: The Past and Present of a Bliblical Icon (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 500). New York: T&T Clark 2010. In: RBL 03/2012.
Hedwig Jahnow Research Project (ed.), Perceiving Time-Theological Perspectives on the First Testament (SBS 222). Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk 2010. in: Theologische Revue 107 (2011) 4, sp. 283-284.
Konrad Schmid, Job as a Biblical and Ancient Book. Historical and intellectual contexts of his theology (SBS 219). Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk 2010. in Biblische Zeitschrift 55/2011, pp. 130-131.
Isa Breitmaier, Teaching and Learning in the Trace of the First Testament. Exegetical Studies on the 5th Book of Moses and the Book of Proverbs from a Religious Education Perspective (Contributions to Understanding the Bible; vol. 8). Münster: LIT 2004. in: Religionspädagogische Beiträge 63/2009, pp. 95-96.
Tarja S. Philip, Menstruation and Childbirth in the Bible. Fertility and Impurity. New York et al: Peter Lang 2006 (Studies in Biblical Literature, vol. 88). In: ZAW 121 (2009), p. 323.
Andreas Kunz-Lübcke, The Child in the Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean. Israel - Egypt - Greece. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag 2007. in: Theologische Literaturzeitung 134 (2009) 3, 301-302.
Sigrun Welke-Holtmann, The Communication between Woman and Man. Dialogue structures in the narrative texts of the Hebrew Bible. Münster: LIT Verlag 2004. in: ZAW 119 (2007), p. 165.
Wolf-Dieter Syring, Job and His Lawyer. The Prose Texts of the Book of Job and their Role in its Redaction and Reception History. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 2004. in: ThRev 103 (2007) 1, pp. 35-37.
Angela Volkmann, "Eva, wo bist du?". Die Geschlechtsperspektive im Religionsunterricht am Beispiel einer Religionsbuchanalyse zu biblischen Themen. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann 2004. in: KatBl 132 (2007) 1, pp. 74-75.
Sigrun Welke-Holtmann, The Communication between Woman and Man. Dialogue structures in narrative texts of the Hebrew Bible. Münster: LIT Verlag 2004. In: Querelles-Net 19 (2006),
Kenneth Numfor Ngwa, The Hermeneutics of the 'Happy' Ending in Job 42:7-17 (BZAW 354). Berlin/New York 2005. in ZAW 118 (2006), pp. 311-312.
Claudia Rakel, Judit - on beauty, power and resistance in war. A feminist intertextual reading (BZAW 334). Berlin/New York 2004. in: ThRev 102 (2006) 2, pp. 130-132.
Angela Volkmann, "Eva, wo bist du?". Die Geschlechtsperspektive im Religionsunterricht am Beispiel einer Religionsbuchanalyse zu biblischen Themen (Forum zur Pädagogik und Didaktik der Religion N.F. 2). Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann 2004. in: KatBl (2006).
Susanne Gorges-Braunwarth, "Frauenbilder - Weisheitsbilder - Gottesbilder" in Spr 1 - 9. Die personifizierte Weisheit im Gottesbild der nachexilischen Zeit (Exegese in unserer Zeit 9). Münster 2002. in: ZAW 118 (2006), p. 143.
Gabrielle Oberhänsli-Widmer, Job in Jewish Antiquity and Modernity. The history of Job's impact in Jewish literature. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2003. in: ZAW 118 (2006), p. 159.
Frank Anthony Spina, The Faith of the Outsider. Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story. Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge U.K. 2005. in: ZAW (2006).
Karin Finsterbusch, Instruction for Israel. Studies on religious teaching and learning in Deuteronomy and its setting (FAT 44). Tübingen 2005. In: BZ (2006).
Ongoing projects
The project is being carried out in cooperation with the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt/Main. In the period from 01.08.2022 to 31.05.2023, it was funded by the Central Research Fund of the University of Kassel. A conference on The Normativity of the Torah in the Christian Bible, funded by the Thyssen Foundation, took place from March 15 to 17, 2023 at the Sankt Georgen University of Applied Sciences; the conference proceedings will be published by Kohlhammer-Verlag in 2024.
Project management:
- Prof. Dr. Ilse Müllner, University of Kassel
- Prof. Dr. Ansgar Wucherpfennig sj, Sankt Georgen University of Applied Sciences
Scientific and student assistants:
- Matthias Brudek, University of Kassel
- Jessica Lust, Sankt Georgen University of Applied Sciences
- Tina Krasenbrink, University of Kassel
The Books of Samuel have long been a focus of research in the department. Their literary quality predestines these texts for an interpretation based on literary studies. Biblical narratology is particularly appropriate here. At the same time, the Books of Samuel raise the question of the peculiarities of biblical historiography. The commentary aims to take the Books of Samuel seriously in their double face of literary and historiographical text and to show the connections between these approaches. Another focus is on the gender-sensitive interpretation of the texts. In addition to the philological precision that follows the movements of the text at hand, anthropological and theological cross-sectional themes are also dealt with and lines of reception from inner-biblical references to contemporary art are shown.
A first volume on 2 Sam 11-24 will be published in fall 2024.
The research project focuses on the critical examination of the portrayal of sexualized violence in the Bible and religious education. In an interdisciplinary way, findings from biblical studies, biblical didactics and religious education are intertwined. An important research goal is to integrate sexualized/sexual violence as a teaching/learning object into the practice of religious education and thus to break the taboo of the topic. Finally, working with biblical texts that address (sexually) violent situations in a contrastive variety can make it possible to talk about a taboo topic without having to focus on one's own experiences.
The starting point for this is laid in the first phase of teacher training. Student teachers are introduced to the topic step by step and through dialogue with biblical stories and sensitized to the central categories of (sexual) violence, power and gender. In dialogue with the students, building blocks for a (initially highly didactic) learning environment around the subject of sexualized/sexual violence will be developed, tested and evaluated.
The research project (Marcel Franzmann) is embedded in the concept"Professionalization through Networking - Continuing führungand Potenzie rung" (PRONET2) and is funded by the "Quality Offensive Teacher Education"ofthe federal and state governments. More information can be found at this link:
Completed projects
Over a period of four years (2014-2017), the interdisciplinary research network Animal-Human-Society at the University of Kassel investigated human-animal relations in history and society under the guiding concept of "relationality". This encompassed the coexistence of humans and animals in communities of actors and thus a variety of practices.
The theological biblical studies project (editor Dr. Yvonne Sophie Thöne) focused on the animal orders of the Torah . The project wanted to investigate how animal-animal relations, animal-human relations, animal-God relations are literarily represented and produced in the Torah. It was discussed to what extent classification systems also work across texts and genres.
For more information, see the following link:
This research context is based on an action-oriented concept of space. Space is not topographically narrowed and perceived as one research object among many, but is seen as a central analytical category. Likewise, gender is understood performatively.
The innovative potential of this interdisciplinary research training group lay in the combination of these two categories of analysis from the social and cultural sciences. The temporal and spatial range of the projects assembled here was wide, and the diversity of methods was due not least to interdisciplinarity. The interdisciplinary conversation and disciplinary debates interacted productively both at the level of conceptualization and in the work on the research objects.
Nele Spiering-Schomborg's dissertation project "One cannot decide what one is born as." The Exodus Exposition in the Horizon of Narratology, Empirical Bible Didactics and Intersectionality. Impulses for Biblical Interpretation and Didactics was completed in 2016.
Anja Bartels' project Space, Gender and Body Conceptions in Job 1-2 is still in progress.