


Stocké, V. (2014). Persönlich-mündliche Befragung. In: Baur, N., Blasius, J. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Methoden der Empirischen Sozialforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.



Neugebauer, M., Reimer, D. Schindler, S., Stocké, V. (2013). Inequality in transitions to secondary school and tertiary education in the German school system. In M. Jackson (Hrsg.). Determined to Succeed? Performance versus Choice in Educational Attainment. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Stocké,V. (2013). Bildungsaspirationen, soziale Netzwerke und Rationalität. In: Becker, R., Schulze, A. (Hrsg.). Bildungskontexte. Strukturelle Voraussetzungen und Ursachen ungleicher Bildungschancen. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.



Stocké,V. (2012). Das Rational-Choice Paradigma in der Bildungssoziologie. In: Bauer, U., Bittlingmayer, U.H,, Scherr, A. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.



Stocké, V., Blossfeld, H.-P., Hoenig, K. and Sixt, M. (2011). Social Inequality and Educational Decisions in the Life Course. In: Blossfeld, H.-P., Roßbach, H.-G., von Maurice, J. (Hrsg.). Education as a Lifelong Process - The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Special Isue 14, S. 103-119. [ISI impact factor 0,55]



Kroneberg, C., Yaish, M. and Stocké, V. (2010). Norms and Rationality in Electoral Participation and the Rescue of Jews in WWII: An Application of the Model of Frame Selection. Rationality and Society 22: 3-36. [ISI impact factor 0,91]

Stocké, V. (2010). Der Beitrag der Theorie rationaler Entscheidung zur Erklärung von Bildungsungleichheit und Bildungsarmut. In: Quenzel, G, Hurrelmann, K. (Hrsg.). Bildungsarmut. Neue Ungleichheiten in der Wissensgesellschaft. VS-Verlag: Wiesbaden.



Stocké, V. (2009). Book review to "Sebastian Sattler (2007). Plagiate in Hausarbeiten. Erklärungsmodelle mit Hilfe der Rational Choice Theorie. Verlag Dr. Kovač". In: European Sociological Review 25: 739-740. [ISI impact factor 0,82]

Stocké, V. (2009). Adaptivität oder Konformität? Die Bedeutung der Bezugsgruppe und der Leistungsrealität der Kinder für die Entwicklung elterlicher Bildungsaspirationen am Ende der Grundschulzeit. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. [ISI impact factor 0,55]

Stocké, V. (2009). Schulbezogenes Sozialkapital und Schulerfolg der Kinder: Kompetenzvorsprung oder statistische Diskriminierung durch Lehrkräfte? In: Becker, B. & Reimer, D. (Hrsg.). Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule. Die Generierung von ethnischen und sozialen Disparitäten in der Bildungsbiographie. VS-Verlag: Wiesbaden.



Stocké, V. (2008). Herkunftsstatus und Sekundarschulwahl. Die relative Bedeutung primärer und sekundärer Effekte [Social Origin and Secondary School Choice: The Relative Significance of Primary and Secondary Effects]. In: K.-S. Rehberg (Hrsg.). Die Natur der Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus Verlag.

Stocké, V. (2008). Book review to "Magdalena Schauenberg (2007). Übertrittsentscheidungen nach der Grundschule. Empirische Analysen zu familialen Lebensbedingungen und Rational Choice. Herbert Utz Verlag". In: Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 28: 326-329.



Stocké, V. (2007). Explaining Educational Decision and Effects of Families' Social Class Position: An Empirical Test of the Breen-Goldthorpe Model of Educational Attainment. European Sociological Review 23: 505-519. [ISI impact factor 0,82]

Stocké, V. (2007). Response Privacy and Elapsed Time since Election Day as Determinants for Vote Overreporting. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 19: 237-336. [ISI impact factor 0,73]

Stocké, V. & Hunkler, C. (2007). Measures of Desirability Beliefs and Their Validity as Indicators for Socially Desirable Responding. Field Methods 19: 313-336. [ISI impact factor 1,40]

Stocké, V. (2007). Determinants and Consequences of Survey Respondents' Social Desirability Beliefs about Racial Attitudes. Methodology. European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences 3: 125-138.

Stocké, V. & Stark, T. (2007). Political Involvement and Memory Failure as Interdependent Determinants of Vote Overreporting. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 21, 239-257. [ISI impact factor 1,30]

Stocké, V. (2007). The Interdependence of Determinants for the Strength and Direction of Social Desirability Bias in Racial Attitude Surveys. Journal of Official Statistics, 23, 493-514.



Kroneberg, C., Stocké, V. and Yaish, M. (2006). Norms or Rationality? The Rescue of Jews, Electoral Participation, and Educational Decisions. Working Paper 06-09: Sonderforschungsbereich 504, University of Mannheim.

Stocké, V. (2006). Attitudes toward Surveys, Attitude Accessibility and the Effect on Respondents' Susceptibility to Nonresponse. Quality & Quantity, 40, 259-288. [ISI impact factor 0,47]



Stocké, V. (2005). Idealistische Bildungsaspirationen [Idealistic Educational Aspirations], In: A. Glöckner-Rist (Hrsg.), ZUMA-Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente [ZUMA-Informationsystem. Electronic Handbook of Social Science Measurement Instruments]. Version 9.00, Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen, Mannheim.

Stocké, V. (2005). Einstellung zu Bildung [Attitude towards Education], in: A. Glöckner-Rist (Hrsg.), ZUMA-Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente [ZUMA-Informationsystem. Electronic Handbook of Social Science Measurement Instruments]. Version 9.00, Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen, Mannheim.

Stocké, V. (2005). Realistische Bildungsaspirationen [Realistic Educational Aspirations], in: A. Glöckner-Rist (Hrsg.), ZUMA-Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente [ZUMA-Informationsystem. Electronic Handbook of Social Science Measurement Instruments]. Version 9.00, Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen, Mannheim.

Stocké, V. (2005). Statuserhaltsmotiv [Status-Maintenance Motive], in: A. Glöckner-Rist (Hrsg.), ZUMA-Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente [ZUMA-Informationsystem. Electronic Handbook of Social Science Measurement Instruments]. Version 9.00, Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen, Mannheim.

Stocké, V. (2005), Determinanten und Konsequenzen von Nonresponse in ego- zentrierten Netzwerkstudien [Determinants and Consequences of Nonresponse in Egocentric Network Studies]. ZA-Information, 56, 18-49.

Stocké, V. (2005). Cognitive and Motivational Determinants for the Strength and Direction of Social Desirability Bias in Racial Attitude Surveys. In: van Dijkum, Cor, Jörg Blasius and Claire Durand (eds.), Recent Developments and Applications in Social Research Methodology Proceedings of the RC33 Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Amsterdam. Opladen: Budrich Verlag.

Stocké, V. (2005). Mode of Administration, Retrospective Recall and the Validity of Vote Reports. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria: American Statistical Association. 3969-3976.

Stocké, V. (2005). Survey Experience, Generalized Attitudes towards Surveys, and Respondents' Willingness to Answer Questions in Subsequent Surveys. In: van Dijkum, Cor, Jörg Blasius and Claire Durand (eds.), Recent Developments and Applications in Social Research Methodology Proceedings of the RC33 Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Amsterdam. Opladen: Budrich Verlag.



Stocké, V. (2004). Entstehungsbedingungen von Antwortverzerrungen durch soziale Erwünschtheit. Ein Vergleich der Prognosen der Rational-Choice Theorie und des Modells der Frame-Selektion [Origins of Response Bias Due to Social Desirability: A Comparison of the Predictions of Rational-Choice Theory and the Model of Frame Selection]. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 33: 303-320. [ISI impact factor 0,61]

Stocké, V. & Langfeldt, B. (2004). Effects of Survey Experience on Respondents' Attitudes toward Surveys. Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique 81: 5-32.

Stocké, V. (2004). Measuring Information Accessibility and Predicting Response-Effects: The Validity of Response-Certainties and Response-Latencies. Journal of the Statistical Society of Slovenia 1: 33-55.

Stocké, V. & Becker, B. (2004). Determinanten und Konsequenzen der Umfrageein- stellung. Bewertungsdimensionen unterschiedlicher Umfragesponsoren und die Antwortbereitschaft der Befragten [Determinants and Consequences of Survey Attitudes: Dimensions of Evaluating Different Survey Sponsors and the Respondents' Willingness to Answer]. ZUMA-Nachrichten 54: 89-116.

Stocké, V. & Hunkler, C. (2004). Die angemessene Erfassung der Stärke und Richtung von Anreizen durch soziale Erwünschtheit [Adequate Measurement of Strength and Direction of Incentives for Social Desirability Bias]. ZA-Information 54: 53-88.



Stocké, V. (2003). Informationsverfügbarkeit und Response-Effects: Die Prognose von Einflüssen unterschiedlich kategorisierter Antwortskalen durch Antwortsicherheiten und Antwortlatenzen [Information Accessibility and Response Effects: Prediction of the Influence of Differently Categorized Response Scales Using Response Certainties and Latencies]. ZA-Information 52: 6-36.

Stocké, V. (2003). Deutsche Kurzskala zur Erfassung des Bedürfnisses nach sozialer Anerkennung [German Short Scale for the Measurement of the Need for Social Approval]. In: A. Glöckner-Rist (Hrsg.), ZUMA- Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente [ZUMA-Informationsystem. Electronic Handbook of Social Science Measurement Instruments]. Mannheim: Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen.

Stocké, V. & Langfeldt, B. (2003). Umfrageeinstellung und Umfrageerfahrung. Die relative Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Aspekte der Interviewerfahrung für die generalisierte Umfrageeinstellung [Survey Attitude and Survey Experience: The Relative Effect of Various Aspects of Interview Experience on Generalized Survey Attitudes]. ZUMA-Nachrichten 52: 55-88.

Stockè, V. (2003). Einstellungen zu Umfragen [Attitudes towards Surveys]. In: A. Glöckner-Rist (Hrsg.), ZUMA- Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente [ZUMA-Informationsystem. Electronic Handbook of Social Science Measurement Instruments]. Mannheim: Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen.

Stocké, V. (2003). Book review to "Thomas J. Fararo (2001). Social Action Systems: Foundation and Synthesis in Sociological Theory. Praeger Publishers". In: Contemporary Sociology 32: 117-119. [ISI impact factor 0,48]



Stocké, V. (2002). Framing und Rationalität. Die Bedeutung der Informationsdar- stellung für das Entscheidungsverhalten [Framing and Rationality: The Effect of Information Presentation on Decision Behavior]. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.

Stocké, V. (2002). Die Vorhersage von Fragenreihenfolgeeffekten durch Antwortlatenzen: Eine Validierungsstudie [Predictions of Question-Order Effects Using Response Latencies: A Validation Study]. ZUMA-Nachrichten 50: 26-53.

Stocké, V. (2002). Socially Desirable Response Behavior as Rational Choice: The Case of Attitudes toward Foreigners. In: J. Blasius, J. Hox, E. de Leeuw, & P. Schmidt (eds.), Social Science Methodology in the New Millennium: Updated and Extended Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.



Stocké, V. (2001). Framing ist nicht gleich Framing. Eine Typologie unterschiedlicher Framing-Effekte und Theorien zu ihrer Erklärung [Framing is not equal Framing: A Typology of Different Framing Effects and Theories of Their Explanation]. In: U. Druwe, V. Kunz, & T. Plümper (Hrsg), Jahrbuch für Handlungs und Entscheidungstheorie. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.



Stocké, V. (1998). Framing oder Informationsknappheit? Zur Erklärung der Formu- lierungseffekte beim Asian-Disease-Problem [Framing or Information Shortage? The Explanation of Formulation Effects in Case of the Asian Disease Problem]. In: U. Druwe & V. Kunz (Hrsg.), Anomalien in der Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.

Conference Presentations and Session Organizations


“Social Inequality in Educational Success. Theoretical Explanations and Empirical Evidence”. Presentation at the Summer School “Educational Trajectories and Competence Development. Theoretical Concepts and Methodological Implementations” (Bamberg, 16.-27.09.2013).

 “The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS): Design and Research Potentials Concerning Inequality (together with Hans-Günther Roßbach and Jutta von Maurice). Presentation at the 108. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (New York, USA, 10.-13.08.2013).

“Determinants and Consequences of Respondents’ Strategy Choices when Answering Proxy Questions” (together with Tobias Stark). Presentation at the 5th Meeting of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15.-19.06.2013).

"Using Paradata to Improve Survey Data Quality" (together with Annelies Blom and Oliver Lipps). Session organized at the 5th Meeting of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15.-19.06.2013).

“Social Networks, Status Attainment and Inequality: Exploring the German Case with a Special Focus on Disparities in Endowment with Social Capital” (zusammen mit Ulrike Schwabe, Kerstin Hoenig und Reinhard Polak). Presentation at the RC28 Spring Meeting, (University of Trento, Italien, 16.05.-18.05.2013).



„Doctoral Candidates Panel ProFile. Longitudinal Indicators and Methodological Implications”. International Expert Workshop on “Success factors and hurdles in doctoral education” (Institut für Qualitätssicherung, Berlin, Germany 27.-28.08.2012).

 „Soziale Herkunft, Sozialkapitalausstattung und Arbeitsmarkterfolg“ [Social Origin, Endowment of Social Capital and Labour Market success] (together with Kerstin Hoenig and Reinhard Pollak). Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. 36. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. (Bochum, Dortmund, Germany 01.-05.10.2012).

„Soziale Netzwerke und Einkommensunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen: Effekte der Sozialkapitalausstattung“ [Social Networks and the Gender Pay Gap: Effects of Social Capital Endowment] (together with Ulrike Schwabe and Reinhard Pollak). Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. 36. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. (Bochum, Dortmund, Germany 01.-05.10.2012).

 “The Effect of Adult Literacy Skills on Immigrant Inequalities in Labor Market Performance: An Empirical Comparison between Germany and the U.S.” (together with Ulrike Schwabe). Second International BiBB/IAB Workshop: „T.A.S.K.S. 2 (Technology, Assets, Skills, Knowledge, Specialisation)“, Bundesinstitut für Berufliche Bildung (BiBB) Bonn, Germany, 18.01.2012.



“The Effect of Adult Literacy Skills on Social and Immigrant Inequalities in Labor Market Performance: An Empirical Comparison between Germany and the U.S.” (together with Ulrike Schwabe). European Consortium for Sociological Research 20th Anniversary: European Society or Societies? A 20-Year Perspective (University College Dublin, Irland, 15.-17.12.2011).

“Contradictory Models of Man in the Social Sciences. Is there a Chance of Integration?” 8th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium 2011 (Tokyo, Japan, 28.-30.10.2011).

„Soziologie der Bildung“ (together with Ulrike Schwabe). Lehrgang zur Erlangung der Fakultas für Sozialkunde an Gymnasien (Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing, 10.-14.10.2011).

“Using Paradata to Improve Survey Data Quality I” (together with Annelies Blom and Oliver Lipps) Session organized at the Fourth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) (Lausanne, Switzerland, 18.-22.07.2011).

“Measures for Desirability Beliefs about Attitudes toward Foreigners and their Predictive Validity for Social Desirability Bias” Presentation at the Fourth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) (Lausanne, Switzerland, 18.-22.07.2011).

“The National Educational Panel Study in Germany: Purpose, Design and Challenges” (together with Jutta von Maurice and Hans-Peter Blossfeld) Presentation at the Fourth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) (Lausanne, Switzerland, 18.-22.07.2011).

“The Impact of Further Education on Adults’ Literacy Skills in Germany” (together with Ulrike Schwabe) Presentation at the 32nd Annual Conference of the  International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (University of Bamberg, 11 - 13 July 2011).

“The Effect of Adult Literacy Skills on Social and Immigrant Inequalities in Labor Market Performance” (together with Ulrike Schwabe) Presentation at the 32nd Annual Conference of the  International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (University of Bamberg, 11 - 13 July 2011).

“Framing of Educational Decisions: The Mediating Role of Parental Aspirations for the Effect of Students’ Risk of School Failure” (together with Meir Yaish and Clemens Kroneberg) Presentation at the MZES-Conference Social Inequality and Mobility in the Life-course: Causes and consequences of social stratification (Mannheim, 07.-09.07.2011).

“Educational Aspirations and Inequality in Educational Opportunity: The Difference between Realistic and Idealistic Aspirations” Presentation at the RC28 Spring Meeting, (Essex-University, Colchester, Großbritannien, 13.03.-16.03.2011).

“Social Origin and Labour Market Income in Comparative Perspective:
The Role of Certificates and Cognitive Skills” (together with Ulrike Schwabe and Anders Holm) Poster-Presentation at the RC28 Spring Meeting, (Essex-University, Colchester, Großbritannien, 13.03.-16.03.2011).

“Framing of Educational Decisions: The Mediating Role of Parental Aspirations for the Effect of Students’ Risk of School Failure” (together with Meir Yaish and Clemens Kroneberg) Presentation at the Symposium of the ISA Research Committee 45 “Rational Choice”: „Rational Choice Social Research: From Standard Rationality to Social Rationality?” (Groningen, Niederlande, 15.05.2011).

 “The German National Educational Panel Study and Empirical Educational Sociology” Presentation at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Policy (Corvinus Universität, Budapest, Ungarn, 30.03.2011).

„Bildungsungleichheit im Lebenslauf: Theoretische Erklärungen und empirische Befunde zur Bildungsgerechtigkeit“ [Educational Inequalities in the life course: Theoretical Explanations and Empirical Results on Educational Equality]Vortrag auf der Tagung der Leitenden Evangelischer Schulen und Internate: „Lebenswerte Schule – Wie sieht eine wertorientierte Schule aus?“ (Nürnberg, 15.-16.03.2011).


„Effekte des Umfragesponsors und Administrationsmodus auf die Angaben von Befragten über ihre Einstellung zu Ausländern“ [Effects of Survey Sponsorship and Mode of Administration on Respondents’ Answers about Their Racial Attitudes] Veranstaltung der Sektion „Methoden der Empirischen Sozialforschung“ auf dem 35. Kongress der DGS, 11.-15.10.2010, Frankfurt/M..

„Personenbezogene Datenerhebung in Auswahlverfahren“ [Personal Data Collecting in Selection Procedueres] Vortrag auf der Fachtagung der Begabtenförderungswerke “Verborgene Potenziale – Begabtenförderung und Begabungsreserven” (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 21.10.2010).

“Operationalisierung der Theorie Rationaler Bildungsentscheidungen im Nationalen Bildungspanel“ [Operationalizing of the Theory of Rational Education Decisions in the National Education Panel] Vortrag am Hochschulinformationssystem (HIS), (Hannover, 05.10.2010).

“Social Origin and Labor Market Income in Comparative Perspective: The Role of Certificates and Cognitive Skills” (together with Ulrike Schwabe), Joint ECSR/QMSS2/TransEurope Conference, (University of Bamberg, 30.09.-02.10.2010).

“Rational Choice, Educational Decisions and Inequality in Educational Opportunity” XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology “Sociology on the Move”, (Göteborg, Schweden, 11 - 17 July, 2010). 

“Effects of Survey Sponsorship and Mode of Administration on Respondents’ Answers about their Racial Attitudes” XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology “Sociology on the Move”, (Göteborg, Schweden, 11 - 17 July, 2010). 

“Children’s School Achievement and Educational Aspirations: The Role of Parents’ Peer Group as Social Capital”. Final EQUALSOC Meeting, (Universität Amsterdam, Niederlande, 04.-05.06.2010).

“Children’s School Achievement and Educational Aspirations:
The Role of Parents’ Peer Group as Social Capital”. Spring-Meeting des ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility, (Universität Haifa, Israel, 09.-11.05.2010).

“Explaining Inequality in Labor Market Outcomes in Comparative Perspective: The Role of Certificates, Cognitive Skills and Institutions“ ( together with Ulrike Schwabe), Meeting of EQUALSOC-Research Group “Level and Inequality in Educational Returns in Europe (EDUREU)“, (European University Institute Florence, 12.-13.03.2010).

„Relative Strength of Primary and Secondary Effects at the Transitions to Secondary School and Tertiary Education in Germany“ (together with Martin Neugebauer, David Reimer and  Steffen Schindler), EQUALSOC-Group Meeting, (Nuffield College, Oxford, 18.01.-19.01.2010).



"Soziale Bildungsungleichheiten und Bildungsentscheidungen" [Social Education inequalities and Educational Decisions], Vodafone Talent Innovation Meeting „Besseres Informationsangebot bei Bildungsübergängen“ (Königswinter, 14.-16.12.2009).

Organization of the Symposium “Longitudinal Educational Research” (together with Michaela Sixt), Fall Conference of the DGS-Section “Bildung und Erziehung”
(Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, 09.10.2009).

“Educational Decisions as Rational Choice? Testing the Erikson-Jonsson Model of Educational Attainment”, RC28 Meeting (Yale University New Haven, USA, 03.-07.08.2009).

“The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) in Germany. Theoretical Concepts, and Design” (Institute for Educational Science, University of Bern, 01.05.2009).

„Primary and Secondary Effects on the Transition from Elementary to Secondary School in Germany“ (together with Martin Neugebauer), EQUALSOC-Group Meeting, (Nuffield College, Oxford, 30.01.-02.02.2009).



“Children’s School Achievement and Parents’ Educational Aspirations: The Moderating Role of the Reference Group“, RC28 Spring Meeting 2008 “Social Stratification and Insiders/Outsiders: Cross-national Comparisons within and between Continents (Florence, Italy, 15.-17.05.2008).

“Educational Decisions as Rational Choice? Testing the Erikson-Jonsson Model of Educational Attainment”, joint Sociology-Colloquium of the University Zürich and the ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 08.05.2008).

“Educational Aspirations and Inequality in Educational Opportunity: The Difference between Realistic and Idealistic Aspirations”, EQUALSOC Network of Excellence Midterm Conference (Berlin, 11.-12.04.2008).

“Measures for Desirability Beliefs about Attitudes toward Foreigners and their Predictive Validity for Social Desirability Bias”, Seventh International Conference on Social Science Methodology (Naples, Italy, 01.-05.09.2008).

“Children’s School Achievement and Educational Aspirations: The Role of Parents’ Peer Group as Social Capital”, 16th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transition in Youth (Bamberg, 11.-13.09.2008).

„Messung von Erwünschtheitsüberzeugungen über Einstellungen zu Ausländern und deren Vorhersagevalidität für Antwortverzerrungen durch soziale Erwünschtheit“. Session “Experiments in Sociology“ of sections „Modeling and Simulations“ and „Methods of Ssocial Research“ (34. Meeting of the German Sociological Association, Jena, 06.-10.10.2008).



“The Motive for Status Maintenance and Educational Decisions: Which of the Parents Defines the Reference Point?”, spring congress of the Research Committee on Social Stratification (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (Brno, Czech Republic, 24.-27.05.2007).

“Effects of Survey Sponsorship and Mode of Administration on Respondents’ Answers about their Racial Attitudes“, 2nd Conference of the European Survey Research Association (Prague, Czech Republic, 25.-29.06.2007).

„Quality of Dyadic Relations and Proxy Nonresponse in an Ego Centric Network Study”, 2nd Conference of the European Survey Research Association (Prague, Czech Republic, 25.-29.06.2007).

„Measuring Information Accessibility and Predicting Response Effects: The Relative Validity of Differently Transformed Response Latencies“, 2nd Conference of the European Survey Research Association (Prague, Czech Republic, 25.-29.06.2007).

“The Motive for Status Maintenance and Educational Decisions: Which of the Parents Defines the Reference Point?”, ECSR and TransEurope Conference on Globalization, Social Inequality and the Life Course (Groningen, The Netherlands, 01.-02.09.2007).

“Parents’ Social Class and Secondary School Choice: The Role of Primary and Secondary Effects”, ECSR and TransEurope Conference on Globalization, Social Inequality and the Life Course (Groningen, The Netherlands, 01.-02.09.2007).

„Statuserhaltsmotiv und Bildungsentscheidungen: Welches Elternteil definiert den Referenzpunkt?“ [The Motive for Status Maintenance and Educational Decisions: Which of the Parents Defines the Reference Point?], Research Colloquia of the working group A of the Mannheim Center for European Social Research (Mannheim, Germany, 02.10.2007).

“Strength, Sources, and Temporal Development of Primary Effects of Families’ Social Status on Secondary School Choice”, Second EDUC Workshop of the EQUALSCOC Network of Excellence (Dijon, France, 22.-24.11.2007).

“Educational Decisions as Rational Choice? Testing the Erikson-Jonsson Model of Educational Attainment”, Second EDUC Workshop of the EQUALSCOC Network of Excellence (Dijon, France, 22.-24.11.2007).



“First Results from the Mannheim Education Panel: Is Rational-Choice Theory a Valid and Complete Explanation of Educational Decisions?”, colloquia at the Mannheim Center for European Social Research, University of Mannheim (Mannheim, 17.01.2006).

“Educational Decisions as Rational Choice? Testing the Erikson-Jonsson Model of Educational Attainment”, colloquia at the Department of Sociology, University of Tel Aviv, Israel (Tel Aviv, Israel, 02.03.2006).

“Parents‘ Social Status and Secondary School Choice: The Role of Primary and Secondary Effects”, colloquia at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Haifa, Israel (Haifa, Israel, 05.03.2006).

“Political Involvement and Memory Failure as Interdependent Determinants of Vote Overreporting”, 61st Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research 2006 (Montreal, Canada, 18.-21.05.2006).

“Social Involvement, Attitudes toward Surveys and Item Nonresponse ”, 61st Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research 2006 (Montreal, Canada, 18.-21.05.2006).

„Educational Decisions as Rational Choice? Testing the Erikson-Jonsson Model of
Educational Attainment“, colloquia at the Faculty of Educational Science, University of Bern (Bern, Switzerland, 06.06.2006).

“Social Involvement, Attitudes toward Surveys and Item Non-Response”, XVIth World Congress of Sociology (Durban, South Africa, 23.-29.07.2006).

“Political Involvement and Memory Failure as Interdependent Determinants of Vote Overreporting”, XVIth World Congress of Sociology (Durban, South Africa, 23.-29.07.2006).

“Quality of Dyadic Relations and Proxy Nonresponse in an Egocentric Network Study”, XVIth World Congress of Sociology (Durban, South Africa, 23.-29.07.2006).

“Testing the Breen-Goldthorpe Model of Educational Decisions”, XVIth World Congress of Sociology (Durban, South Africa, 23.-29.07.2006).

Organization of the session (together with Stasja Draisma, Amsterdam) “Determinants and Measures of Survey-Data Quality”, XVIth World Congress of Sociology (Durban, South Africa, 23.-29.07.2006).

„Soziale Herkunft, Bildungsaspirationen und verzerrte Wahrnehmungen von Eltern über die Schulleistungen ihrer Kinder“ [Social Origin, Educational Aspirations and Biased Perceptions of Parents about Their Children’s School Performances], 68th Conference of the Working Group Empirically Pedagogical Research (Munich, 10.-13.09.2006).

„Bildungsentscheidungen als rationale Wahl? Ein empirischer Test des Erikson-Jonsson Modells zur Erklärung von Bildungsungleichheit“ [Educational Decisions as Rational Choice? An Empirical Test of the Erikson-Jonsson Model of Explaining Educational Inequality], Contribution to the symposium „Effekte und Determinanten des elterlichen Schulwahlverhaltens in die weiterführenden Schulen“ [Effects and Determinants of Parental School-Choice Behavior into Secondary Schools], 68th Conference of the Working Group Empirically Pedagogical Research (Munich, 10.-13.09.2006).

Organization of the ad-hoc group “Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenzentwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen im Bildungssystem” [Education Processes, Competence Development and Selection Decisions in the Educational System] (together with Karin Kurz and Wiebke Paulus, Bamberg), 33rd Congress of the German Sociological Association (Kassel, 09.-13.10.2006).



„Social Background, Parents’ Educational Aspirations and the Framing of their Beliefs about the Children’s Academic Excellence“, Colloquia at the Department of Sociology I (Prof. Blossfeld), Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg (Bamberg, 25.01.2005).

„The Framing of Parents‘ Beliefs about the Academic Excellence of Their Children: The Role of Social Status and Educational Aspirations”, Second International Conference on Rational Choice and Social Institutions (Groningen, Netherlands, 09.-11.03.2005).

“The Interdependence of Determinants for the Strength and Direction of Social
Desirability Bias in Racial Attitude Surveys”, 60th Annual Meeting of the American
Association for Public Opinion Research 2005 (Miami, USA, 12.-15.05.2005).

“Response Privacy and Elapsed Time Since Election Day as Determinants for Vote
Overreporting ”, 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research 2005 (Miami, USA, 12.-15.05.2005).

„Determinanten von Antwortverzerrungen bei retrospektiven Wahlbeteiligungsfragen“ [Determinants of Response Bias in Case of Retrospective Questions about Voter Turnout], Annual Conference of the working group “Action and Decision Theory” (Mannheim, 24.-25.06.2005).

“Primary and Secondary Effects of the Families’ Social Status on Their Educational Decisions about Secondary School Type”, research group “Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenzentwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen im Vor- und Grundschulalter” (BiKS) [Education Processes, Competence Development and Selection Decisions at Pre-School and Elementary-School Age], Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg (Bamberg, 26.07.2005).

“Primary and Secondary Effects of the Families’ Social Status on their Educational Decisions about Secondary School Type”, Colloquia at the Department for Social Research Methodology, Free University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 30.08.2005).

“Social Desirability Bias in Interviews about Racial Attitudes. The Role of Different Survey Sponsors”, Colloquia at the Department for Social Research Methodology, Free University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 07.09.2005).

“Parents‘ Social Status and Secondary School Choice: The Role of Primary and Secondary Effects”, 1st EDUC Workshop of the EQUALSCOC Network of Excellence, Mannheim Center for European Social Research (Mannheim, 02.-03.12.2005).



„Antwortverzerrungen bei der Erfassung von Einstellungen zu ethnischen
Minoritäten: Die Rolle unterschiedlicher Umfragesponsoren und sozialer Erwünschtheit“ [Response Bias When Measuring Attitudes towards Ethnic Minorities: The Role of Different Survey Sponsors and Social Desirability], Center for Survey Research and Methodology (ZUMA) (Mannheim, 22.11.2004).

„Einflüsse der Herkunftsfamilie auf die Schulwahlentscheidung beim Übergang in die Sekundarstufe. Rationale Anpassung oder kulturelle Beschränkung?“ [Effects of Family Background on the School-Choice Decision at the Transition to Secondary School: Rational Adaptation or Cultural Restriction?], 32nd Congress of the German Sociological Association (Munich, 04.-08.10.2004).

Organization of the session „Cognitive and Motivational Determinants for Response
Effects in Survey Research
”: ISA Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33), 6th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17.-20.08.2004).

Organization of the session „Response Latencies in Survey Research: Theory, Measurement and Predictive Power“ (together with Stasja Draisma (Amsterdam) and Jochen Mayerl (Stuttgart)): ISA Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33), 6th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17.-20.08.2004).

„Cognitive and Motivational Determinants for the Strength and Direction of Social
Desirability Bias in Racial Attitude Surveys”: ISA Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33), 6th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17.-20.08.2004).

„Effects of Survey Sponsorship and Mode of Administration on Respondents’ Answers about Their Racial Attitudes”: ISA Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33), 6th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17.-20.08.2004).

„Survey Experience, Generalized Attitudes towards Surveys and Respondents’
Willingness to Answer Questions in Subsequent Surveys”: ISA Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33), 6th International Conference on Social Science
Methodology (Amsterdam, Netherlands 17.-20.08.2004).

„Measuring Information Accessibility and Predicting Response Effects: The Relative Validity of Differently Transformed Response Latencies”: ISA Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33), 6th International Conference on Social Science
Methodology (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17.-20.08.2004).

„Framing Effects in Social Research. Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Evidence“: Methods and Models in Sociology” (MEMOS) at the Department of Sociology,
University of Groningen (Groningen, Netherlands, 04.06.2004).

„Social Desirability Bias in Interviews about Racial Attitudes. The Role of Different Survey Sponsors“: sociology colloquia at the Department of Sociology, University of Groningen (Groningen, Netherlands, 03.06.2004).

„Effects of Survey Sponsorship on Respondents’ Reporting of their Racial Attitudes“: 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research 2004 (Phoenix, USA, 13.-16.05.2004).

„Respondents’ Past Experience with Interviews, their Generalized Attitudes Towards Surveys and the Probability of Non-Response in Subsequent Surveys“: 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research 2004 (Phoenix, USA, 13.-16.05.2004).



„Generalized Attitudes towards Surveys and the Respondents’ Susceptibility to
Incentives for Socially Desirable Response Behavior”: International Conference on
Rational Choice and Social Institutions, ISA Research Committee of Rational Choice (RC 45) and Japanese Society for Formalization (Fukuoka, Japan, 03.-05.10.2003).

„Measuring Information Accessibility and Predicting Response Effects: The Validity of Response Certainty and Differently Transformed Response Latencies”: International Conference on Methodology and Statistics (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14.-17.09.2003).



„Attitudes toward Surveys as a Determinant of Respondents’ Cooperation: The Case of Socially Desirable Response Behavior”: XVth World Congress of Sociology 2002,
Research Committee on Logic and Methodology in Sociology (Brisbane, Australia, 07.-13.07.2002).

„A Dual-Utility Model of Socially Desirable Response Behavior in Attitude-Surveys”: XVth World Congress of Sociology 2002, Research Committee on Rational Choice (Brisbane, Australia, 07.-13.07.2002).

„The Structure of Attitudes toward Surveys and Their Relevance for Socially Desirable Response Behavior”: 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public
Opinion Research 2002 (St. Petersburg Beach, USA, 16.-19.05.2002).



„Explaining Framing Effects as Schema-Activation Process. The Special Case of
Equality Norms”: 10th International Conference on the Foundations and Application of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory (Turin, Italy, 30.05.-02.06.2001).

„The Influence of Frequency Scales on Response Behavior: A Theoretical Model and Its Empirical Examination”: 56th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research 2001 (Montreal, Canada, 17.-20.05.2001).



„Framing-Effects as a Result of Decision-Heuristics and Information Processing Mode”: Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgement and Decision Making, (New Orleans, USA, 18.-20.11.2000).

„The Operationalization of a Rational-Choice Model of Socially Desirable Respondent Behavior”: 5th International Conference on Social Science Methodology of the
International Sociological Association (Cologne, 03.-06.10.2000).



„Explaining Framing-Effects as Schema-Activation Process - The Special Case of
Equality Norms”: Biennial Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making, SPUDM 17; (Mannheim, 09.-11.08.1999).

„Explaining Framing Effects as a Joint Result of Decision Heuristics and Ambiguity”: 9th International Conference on the Foundations & Applications of Utility, Risk and
Decision Theory (Marrakech, Morocco, 02.-05.06.1999).



„The Relevance of Missing Information and Decision Mode in Explaining Framing Effects”: Conference ”Decision Making in Theory and Practice”, University College (Oxford, Great Britain, 01.-02.07.1998).