Prof. Dr. Mohamed Benyoucef

Heisenberg-Professur: Quanten-Nano-Photonik

Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40
34132 Kassel
INA, 2112

CV  (Prof. Dr. Mohamed Benyoucef)

02.1999-10.2002                       Research assistant, Physics department at the University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
03.2002Graduation to Doctor (Ph.D.) in Physics at the University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
2002-2003Research associate, Physics department at the University of Bremen (Germany)
2003-2005Research associate, Physics department at the University of Stuttgart (Germany)
2005-2007Research associate at the MPI for Solid-State-Research in Stuttgart (Germany)
2007-2010Head of optical spectroscopy laboratory at the IIN-IFW, Dresden (Germany)
2010-Academic staff "Head of Group", Physics, University of Kassel, (Germany)