Aktuelles und Veranstaltungen


Alle Meldungen



13.02.2024 Charles Wolfe (Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès): A note on
the situation of biological philosophy (Canguilhem)

30.01.2024 Jan Baedke (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): Plant Agency: A Short
History From Kant to Plant Psychology, then to Holism, and Back Again

19.12.2023 Michael Dawson (University of Alberta) and Dana Hayward
(University of Alberta): Embodying cognitive ethology

05.12.2023 Evan Thompson (University of British Columbia in Vancouver):
Could All Life Be Sentient?

21.11.2023 Thomas Polger (University of Cincinnati) and Lawrence Shapiro
(University of Wisconsin-Madison): The Puzzling Resilience of Multiple

07.11.2023 Caterina Zanfi (Centre national de la recherche scientifique
CNRS and ENS Paris): The Social Underlies the Vital: Bergson’s Answer to
the Debate on Biological Sociology

11.07.2023 Florence Burgat (Institute national de la recherche agronomique
NRAE and Husserl-Archiv ENS Paris): What is a plant?

27.06.2023 Julian Kiverstein (University of Amsterdam): Ecological
Psychology and individual subjective perspectives

13.06.2023 Walter Veit (University of Bristol): Towards a comparative study of
animal consciousness

16.05.2023 Tim Elmo Feiten (University of Cincinnati): Jakob von Uexküll's
Umwelt, ecological psychology and enactivism

23.05.2023 Auguste Nahas (Victoria College, University of Toronto) and Carl
Sacks (Marymount University): What’s at stake in the debate over naturalizing

02.05.2023 Filip Jaroš (University of Hradec Králové) and Carlo Brentari
(University of Trento): Organisms as subjects: Jakob von Uexküll and Adolf
Portmann on the autonomy of living beings and anthropological difference

01.02.2023 Bas van Woerkum (Radboud-Universität Nijmegen): Animals in
Sociomaterial Processes: An Alternative to Inferential Processes in Animals’Heads

25.01.2023 Silja Klepp (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): Ausfall
wegen Krankheit

14.12.2022 Matteo Mossio (IHPST, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-
Sorbonne1): What makes biological organisation teleological?

07.12.2022 Juan Manuel Heredia (Universidad de Buenos
Aires): Mundología. Jacob von Uexküll, aventuras inactuales de un
personaje conceptual (Worldology. Jacob von Uexküll, untimely
adventures of a conceptual character)

30.11.2022 Julia Gruevska (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): Analysis
and/or Interpretation in Neurophysiology? A transatlantic discussion between
F. J. J. Buytendijk and K. S. Lashley

16.11.2022 Luis Favela (University of Central Florida): Distributed cognition
criteria: Defined, operationalized, and applied to human-dog systems

06.07.2022 Paco Calvo (Minimal Intelligence Laboratory, Universidad de
Murcia): Consciousness and cognition in plants

21./22.06.2022 Renaud Barbaras (Paris, Sourbonne): Body and Belonging.
Towards a phenomenological cosmology

07.06.2022 Robert Meunier (Universität Lübeck): Data Intensive Approaches
and Narrative Integration in Precision Medicine

24.05.2022 Marie Kaiser (Universität Bielefeld): Individual-level Mechanisms
in Ecology and Evolution

17.05.2022 Timothy Ingold (University of Aberdeen): Evolution Without
Inheritance: Steps to an Ecology of Learning

01.02.2022 Tina Röck (University of Dundee): The Becoming of Identity. A
Process Ontological View on the Relational Co-Existence of Biological Beings

11.01.2022 Denis Walsh (University of Toronto): Objectcy and Agency.
Towards a Methodological Vitalism

09.11.2021 Ezequiel Di Paolo (Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science,
San Sebastian): The Enactive Conception of Life