
Important phone numbers

Please save the following important emergency numbers on your mobile phone.

Nationwide contact pointPhone number
Police / Emergency call
If you should alert the police directly, we would like to ask you to also inform the security office, tel. 2222, about the incident.
Fire department / rescue service112
Poison Control Center Hesse06131 19240
University contact pointPhone number
Emergencies on campus
Internal emergency number in case you feel threatened, have even been subjected to physical violence, or something seems strange to you and you have made a disturbing observation. The guard service can be reached at this telephone number around the clock.
Campus security, Damage to property, theft-2040
House law and criminal matters-3242
For all other types of matters (Service Desk)-7777


Emergenca Phones

Campus map / Emergency phones
campus at Holländischer Platz / Emergency phones

Emergency phones are located on the central campus at Holländischer Platz and directly connect to campus security staff in case of an emergency. When the emergency button is pushed, the emergency poles blink, which draws more attention on the potential high-risk area. Please click on the link below to see a map of the campus at Holländischer Platz with its seven emergency phones. The red circles indicate our emergency phones, while the blue circles indicate the location of telephones boxes.

Description of the exact emergency phone locations

  • One emergency pole is located at the end of Georg-Forster-Straße, on the left-hand side in front of the main entrance to the underground garage.
  • One emergency pole is located between Gießhaus/Faculty 15, Mönchebergstraße 3 (Institute of Materials Engineering) and Faculty 14, Mönchebergstraße 7 (at the back) and the rear entrance of Gießhaus (caretaking services).
  • Another emergency pole is located at the back of the library (cobbled path) close to the rear entrance of the underground garage und the ramp to the library.
  • On the opposite side an emergency pole is located at the back of the building in Kurt-Wolters-Straße 3 close to (on the opposite side of) the labs and the truck access route.
  • A further emergency pole is located in Nora-Platiel-Straße 5 (passage to Arnold Bode-Straße, Faculty of Social Sciences).
  • One emergency is located in the backyard in Nora-Platiel-Straße 1 (near the passage to Henschelstraße).