EURODATA (abgeschlossen 2006)


European Commission

The European Union, as well as the individual countries in Europe, has for a considerable period of time attached high importance to the "internationalisation" and "Europeanisation" of their higher education systems, and particularly to student mobility. In recent years, a number of policy initiatives have further increased the priority attached to student mobility. The present statistical instruments and publications are not of a quality sufficient to reliably measure the extent and the exact flows of student mobility within and into Europe. The only data available right now (though not regularly published) are jointly produced by EUROSTAT, OECD and UNESCO (hereafter referred to as UOE). They provide no information beyond students and nationality, and they do thus not provide, as will be shown later, a reliable picture of mobility. They are also very basic, because they do not differentiate further, for example by level of studies (bachelor, master, Ph.D.), subjects, or any other category.

The EURODATA Project aimed at producing data on student mobility into and between 32 European countries (EU-25 plus) of a quality and degree of differentiation at present not available from any other source. These data are needed by national governments and the European Union to measure progress towards the mobility-related objectives of European higher education innovation agendas (such as "Lisbon" and "Bologna"). The short-term aim was to generate a pilot issue of this regular data report, to test the feasibility of the approach adopted. 

The outcome of the project, the EURODATA student mobility data report provides, in easy overview form

  • data on foreign students by country of origin for 32 European countries
  • data on mobile students (place of prior education) for 32 European countries
  • more differentiated data for 5 countries (DE, NL, FI, CZ, UK) on mobile students, with descriptors such as level and discipline of study, long term vs. short term mobility, programme vs. individual mobility, socio-economic status of students, etc.
  • data on student mobility in EU programmes for 32 countries
  • data on Student mobility in national programmes for 32 countries

The Project was coordinated by the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA).

Project Output

Kelo, Maria; Teichler, Ulrich; Wächter, Bernd (Hg.) (2006): EURODATA. Student Mobility in European Higher Education. Bonn: Lemmens Verlag.

Kelo, Maria; Teichler, Ulrich; Wächter, Bernd (2006): Introduction. In: Maria Kelo, Ulrich Teichler und Bernd Wächter (Hg.): EURODATA. Student Mobility in European Higher Education. Bonn: Lemmens Verlag, S. 3–6.

Kelo, Maria; Teichler, Ulrich; Wächter, Bernd (2006): Toward Improved Data on Student Mobility in Europe: Findings and Concepts of the Eurodata Study. In:Journal of Studies in International Education 10 (3), S. 194–223.

Lanzendorf, Ute (2006): Foreign Students and Study Abroad Students. In: Maria Kelo, Ulrich Teichler und Bernd Wächter (Hg.): EURODATA. Student Mobility in European Higher Education. Bonn: Lemmens Verlag, S. 7–53.

Lanzendorf, Ute (2006): Inwards and Outwards Mobile Students. In: Maria Kelo, Ulrich Teichler und Bernd Wächter (Hg.): EURODATA. Student Mobility in European Higher Education. Bonn: Lemmens Verlag, S. 54–77.

Lanzendorf, Ute; Teichler, Ulrich (2005): Kinetikotita toon spoudastoon (Student Mobility). Bruxelles: Europaiko Koinoboulio, Genikae Dieuthunsae Esooterikoon Politikoon taes Henoosaes (IP/B/CULT/ST/2004_010, PE 361.212, EL).

Lanzendorf, Ute; Teichler, Ulrich (2005): La mobilité des étudiants (Student Mobility). Bruxelles: Parlement européen, Direction générale des politiques internes de l’Union (IP/B/CULT/ST/2004_010, PE 361.212, FR).

Lanzendorf, Ute; Teichler, Ulrich (2005): Mobilität von Studenten. Brüssel: Europäisches Parlament, Generaldirektion Interne Politikbereiche der Union (IP/B/CULT/ST/2004_010, PE 361.212, DE).

Lanzendorf, Ute; Teichler, Ulrich (2003): Statistics on Student Mobility Within the European Union. Luxembourg: European Parliament, Directorate-General for Research (Education and Culture Series, Nr. EDUC 112EN).

Lanzendorf, Ute; Teichler, Ulrich (2005): Student Mobility. Brussels: European Parliament, Directorate General Internal Policies of the Union (IP/B/CULT/ST/2004_010, PE 361.212, EN.).

Richters, Eric; Teichler, Ulrich (2006): Student Mobility Data: Current Methodologic Issues and Future Prospects. In: Maria Kelo, Ulrich Teichler und Bernd Wächter (Hg.): EURODATA. Student Mobility in European Higher Education. Bonn: Lemmens Verlag, S. 78–95.

Teichler, Ulrich; Lungu-Ferencz, Irina; Wächter, Bernd (2011): Mapping Mobility in European Higher Education. Overviews and Trends. Brüssel.

Teichler, Ulrich, Ferencz, Irina; Wächter, Bernd (Hg.): Mapping Mobility in European Higher Education (2 Bde.). Bonn: DAAD 2011.


  • Ute Lanzendorf
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Teichler


  • 2004 - 2006