Wissenschaftliche Karrieredynamiken in Deutschland (WISKIDZ) (completed 2019)

in brief

The WISKIDZ project aims to reconstruct careers and recruitment patterns of researchers in selected disciplines of science, engineering, economics and the humanities for the period since 1945. For this, different longitudinal information about individual biographies are connected. The long -term perspective offers the possibility to examine, for example, how the importance of the habilitation, of training at prestigious universities or membership of "schools" of prominent researchers has developed over time.
Since young scientists also follow career paths outside academia, the WISKIDZ project also examines how differences between academic and non-academic labor markets affect the individual career decision. It asks: To what extent are future career decisions influenced by early self-selection into various academic environments at the stage of the dissertation, so for example, different research-intensive universities and chairs? To what extent are career decisions affected by learning and socialization experiences within the dissertation environment (supervisor, peer group, institution, region)? And how influential are – finally - the objective labor market conditions for the further career development?


  • 2013 - 2019
