Einführung von Bachelor und Master (abgeschlossen 2005)

in brief

In 2004, the Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel undertook a study on the current state of implementation of bachelor and master programmes in seven European countries funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The selection of Austria, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom in comparison with Germany assured an interesting range of topics concerning traditional ideas of universities, existing structures, types of higher education institutions and programmes as well as recognizable approaches of the implementation of the new tiered programs.
In examining the essential features of the emerging tiered systems, the implications for the higher education system, the students and the graduates in the selected countries, the study aimed to make a critical assessment about the prospects to achieve the Bologna reform goals. 
Nine major themes were examined in each of the seven countries:

  • The emerging logic of the tiered system;
  • The state of implementation;
  • The coordination of the introduction of the new system of programmes and degrees;
  • The views of the actors and stakeholders;
  • Bachelor/master programmes within a homogeneous or rather differentiated higher education landscape;
  • The aims of the higher education institutions and the curricular characteristics of the new study programs;
  • Special features of study programs, examinations and certification;
  • The effects of the new structure of programmes and degrees on the students;
  • The effects on the transition to employment and subsequent career of the graduates.

The Centre cooperated with experts in the selected countries in order to collect the most important information and data. The study was based on an analysis of available documents and interviews with a few key actors and experts in the selected countries

Project Output

Alesi, Bettina; Bürger, Sandra; Kehm, Barbara M.; Teichler, Ulrich (Hg.) (2005): Bachelor and Master Courses in Selected Countries Compared with GermanyBonn und Berlin: Bundesmini­ste­rium für Bildung und Forschung/Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Alesi, Bettina; Bürger, Sandra; Kehm, Barbara M.; Teichler, Ulrich (Hg.) (2005): Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge in ausgewählten Ländern Europas im Vergleich zu Deutschland. Bonn und Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

Bürger, Sandra; Günther, Maren; Kehm, Barbara M.; Maiworm, Friedhelm; Schelewsky, André (2006): International Study on Transnational Mobility in Bachelor and Master Programmes. In: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) (Hg.): Transnational Mobility in Bachelor and Master Programmes. Bonn, S. 1.

Kehm, Barbara M. (2005): The Implementation of Bachelor and Master Programmes: A Comparative Study of Germany with Six Other European Countries. In: Barbara M. Kehm und Hans de Wit (Hg.): Internationalisation in Higher Education. European Responses to the Global Perspective. Amsterdam: EAIE and EAIR, S. 118–133.

Kehm, Barbara M.; Teichler, Ulrich (2005): Die Einführung von Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen in Deutschland. In: Bettina Alesi, Sandra Bürger, Barbara M. Kehm und Ulrich Teichler (Hg.): Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge in ausgewählten Ländern Europas im Vergleich zu Deutschland. Bonn und Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, S. 25–40.

Kehm, Barbara M.; Teichler, Ulrich (2005): Introduction of Bachelor and Master Study Programmes in Germany: Considerations in the European Context. In: Bettina Alesi, Sandra Bürger, Barbara M. Kehm und Ulrich Teichler (Hg.): Bachelor and Master Courses in Selected Countries Compared with Germany. Bonn und Berlin: Bundesmini­ste­rium für Bildung und Forschung/Federal Ministry of Education and Research, S. 23.

Kehm, Barbara M.; Teichler, Ulrich (2006): Mit Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen und –abschlüssen wohin? Eine Zwischenbilanz zum Bologna-Prozess. In: Das Hochschulwesen 54 (2), S. 57–67.

Kehm, Barbara M.; Teichler, Ulrich (2006): Which Direction for Bachelor and Master Programmes? A Stocktaking of the Bologna Process. In: Tertiary Education and Management (TEAM) 12 (4), S. 269–282.

Teichler, Ulrich; Kehm, Barbara M. (2007): Mit Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen und ‑abschlüssen wohin? Eine Zwischenbilanz zum Bologna-Prozess. In: Matthias Bohnet, Henning Hopf, Klaus Lompe und Herbert Oberbeck (Hg.): Wohin steuert die Bundesrepublik? Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, S. 173–197.


  • Bettina Alesi
  • Sandra Bürger
  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Kehm
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Teichler


  • 2004 - 2005